


New Membership Information


     The information below is a small sampling of the club’s operation and its relationship with Pennsylvania Lions and Lions International.


  1. We meet twice a month from September through June on the first and third Wednesdays. Our first Wednesday we neet at Stopper's Restaurant at 6:00 PM for a meal. The third Wednesday we meet at 6:30 PM at Schwarzwald Lutheran Church. These meetings will include an educational program and/or a business meeting. During the summer, the board meets for budget development, some members perform service projects and we hold our annual picnic.

  2. Although we have some standard projects, services, and fund-raise, we welcome new ideas or thoughts from our membership. We have a variety of activities to suit community needs.

  3. Our fund-raising projects provide funds to our community account, which allows us to serve the Exeter Township community through donations and programs. All funds raised are used to serve community, state, national or international programs. At times, we receive special funding for some larger services or programs.

  4. We have a membership dues structure to fund the administrative account which we use to pay for the club's internal costs. Sometimes we receive designated gifts to help the administrative account and keep costs reasonable. For more information about dues please contact our membership chairman.  

  5. A district newsletter called Lions Eye is provided via e-mail or regular mail 10 times/year

  6. The Exeter Township Lions club was chartered in March 1972. We have been involved in many activities and services over the years. For specific details, ask any Lion!

  7. We have an annual holiday dinner in December and a special Charter night dinner in May.

  8. The club sponsors a youth club at the high school (LEO CLUB) which also promotes community service. This past year the Leo Club had over 100 members and did numerous projects.

  9. We participate in and support the American Legion Memorial Day Parade, as well as supporting the Exeter Easter Egg hunt, the Exeter Township Library, and the Exeter Food Pantry. We loan health care equipment to needy persons in the community, purchase eyeglasses and pay for vision exams, support the blind and visually impaired, help disabled and special needs individuals on a case by case basis, as well as working with the Parks & Recreation Dept., fire companies, police, and the local school district on special requests or community services, etc. Basically “WE SERVE” when a need is presented. Our involvement is only dependent upon our resources and money available.

  10.  This is an organization that brings together people who care about their community. Lions International provides the guidance for the rest of the world to share the same vision. The time you give is of your own choosing and no pressure is applied. Our only request is to share our vision and serve as time allows.


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