
2015-2016 Club Officers

Club President >>Lion Jamie Bair

Club Secretary>>Lion Diana Rowland

Club Treasurer>>Lion Joann Crouse

  Leo Advisors>>Capay Valley Leos - Lion Al Obermueller and Lion Gabe Galvan

                               Madison Leos  ----   Lion Al Obermueller and Lion Gabe Galvan 

Lion Tamer>>Lion Al Obermueller  

Lion Tail Twister- Lion Pat Harrison

1st Vice President >>Lion Patricia K. Petersen

2nd Vice President>>Lion Gabe Galvan

3rd Vice President --  Lion Tim Rowland


One Year-Lion Al (Obie) Obermueller

One Year-Lion Pat Harrison

Two Year-Lion Diego Ochoa

Two Year- Lion Gary Petersen

 Immediate Past President: Lion Rebecca Schwenger

Program Chair: Lion Frank Nichols

Membership Chair: Lion Gabe Galvan

e-Club Director:  Lion Pat Harrison






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