
The Epping Lions Club has been hosting the Lamprey River Canoe Race since 2010, when we took over the race from the Epping Conservation Commission. When the weather cooperates, it is our largest fundraiser of the year. In 2017 we changed the name to the Lamprey River Canoe & Kayak Race, as kayaks are a large portion of our entrants.

The race is held on the 4th Saturday of April each year. We launch from Mary Blair Park on Route 27 and finish by the Amethyst House on Route 87. The course is approximately 7.3 miles long.

Registration for the morning race begins at 8:00 am, with the first boat entering the water promptly at 9:00 am. Categories for this morning (competitive) race are:  Male Solo, Female Solo, and 2-person Canoe. Prizes are awarded to the top finishers in each category.

Water, coffee and donuts are available for a small donation prior to the morning race. All entrants receive a free sticker upon registration. These stickers have become a hot commodity over the years! Race t-shirts are also available at the registration table for the ridiculous price of $5!

All of the money we collect thru our fundraising stays in Epping to help Epping residents in need of vision care or hearing assistance. We have been able to help numerous residents since we have been in town.  We also have advised residents from other communities in their search for vision care.

The Epping Lions run three annual fund raisers: hosting the Lamprey River Canoe & Kayak Race in April; selling popcorn, water and raffle tickets at the Highnote Festival in September; and hosting our annual Gas Card Raffle in November & December.



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