Installation of Officers
Charter Celebraion
Meals for Deported Veterans
Get Well Bears for Children with Cancer
Monthly dog walking with Rescue Runners
Stand with Estela book signing
Stand with Estela Cancer walk
EPEWLC volunteered at Dillard’s Style for a Cause
Our Lions harvested squash at the Jardin de Milagros
EPEWLC supporting Centro San Vicente fun walk
EPEWLC teamed up with other area Lions Clubs for District 2-T3 Volunteer Day at the food bank.
Thank you to Darrell Mond and the El Paso Veterans & Riders Association for their support of the Executive Women Lions Club Toiletry Drive for the Child Crisis Center and for their $250 donation to our organization in support of our service in the community
Drop off day for our lions, these donations were collected for the Veterans food pantry. Thank you lions for all the donations we collected up to $600 worth of non perishable items and pet food.
EPEWLC Chihuahas game night
Our wonderful EPEWLC Lions at the Children’s Crisis Center bringing some fun and lots of smiles with a water balloon fight, a cookout, and some fun snacks