The Eden Lions Club Installation Banquet was held on 6/18/2015 at 912 Bethlehem with 32 members and guests attending. President Amy Nalley welcomed all and a delicious dinner was served.
President Amy opened the program by welcoming guests and recognizing Melvin Jones and Jack Stickley Fellows. Also Ann Barrington, Jim Bush and Kaye Nance were recognized as new members of our club. At the District 31-D Awards Banquet Frank Reid and Robbie Johnson were given Certificates of Appreciation for their services to the district, our club received a Community Services Award and Pat Floyd received a Membership Growth Award. Amy acknowledged the outgoing Board members and presented each with an official Lions BBQ/Oven mitt.
In honor of outstanding service to the club, Peggy Nesbit was presented the Lion of the Year plaque. Fred Burton was presented a plaque for distinguished service to the club. In addition Amy announced that due to his outstanding participation in the Pinestraw project, Gene Hagood would receive the Pinestraw award. And for their outstanding work during the stew, Jim and Ann Barrington received the “Pat Steed Golden Paddle Award”. President Amy presented a Lions watch to Bill Moore #1 in appreciation of having served the club for 8 years as secretary.
Former club President and Zone Chairperson Pat Floyd proceeded with the installation of the 2015-16 club officers: President-Mike Haines, 1st VP-Jim Barrington, 2nd VP-Dwight Hopkins, 3rd VP-Sharon Tongbua, Secretary-Charlie Hall, Treasurer- Kaye Nance, LionTamer- Fred Burton, Tailtwister- Frank Reid, 1-Year Directors-Chris Law and Bill Smith, 2-Year Directors-Bob Futrell and Gene Hagood, Immediate Past President-Amy Nalley and Web Master-Robbie Johnson. After detailing the duties of each officer, Pat administered the oath of office to them.
President Mike acknowledged receipt of the pin and gavel from OutGoing President Amy and stated that he was looking forward to another outstanding club year.
Following, the Pledge, the event adjourned.
The Eden Lions Club met on 6/4/015 at 912 Bethlehem with 21 members attending.
Program: Lion Joe introduced Sandra Rakestraw and Patricia Settle from Rockingham County Congregational Health Ministry. Cone Health started this program in 2012 but before than many nurses in the county volunteered as health care advocates in the churches and this became somewhat the model for the program. Sandra works mostly with the homeless and Hispanic community at the Salvation Army. She is a health advocate for these people connecting them to Lions, advising on Affordable Care Act, referring to Home of Refuge or possibly the Reidsville Free Clinic. The Mission of Mercy dental clinic saw over 600 people on a weekend visit last year. The object is to “serve the underserved”.
Patricia shared some 2013-14 numbers. The organization served the homeless 305 times and Hispanics 227 times. Over $15000 in emergency room fees were saved. Helped 68 clients with medications. Helped by providing transportation, screenings, vaccines. Social Work students from UNCG and A&T provided help.
1) Sign-up sheet for Installation-6:30-6/18
2) At last Board meeting it was recommended that we not meet in July. Motion by Ann to not meet, 2nd-Chris, approved.
3) Next event-Riverfest-mid-September.
4) Bill #1 advised that Al Pena has moved to Florida but still wants to remain in good standing-will possibly join a club there. Jim Barko is moving and is resigning as a member-at-large.
5) Frank is planning to attend the Brighter Vision meeting for our new district-31-O on 6/13 in Asheboro.
6) Pat will attend the 31-D awards banquet on 6/5 in Greensboro.
7) Pat announced that there is a blood drive today at the Y and next Thursday at the hospital.
Tail twister Frank fined all a quarter who had not been club secretary.
Attendance - Sharon
Lotto-Bill #1 and Amy did not draw the Ace-$40 in pot.
Following the Pledge, meeting adjourned
The Eden Lions Club met on 5/21/2015 at 912 Bethlehem with 14 members attending.
Program: Amy introduced Charlie from Cirrus Construction who talked about the new Grogan Park which is now started at City Hall. From the employee parking lot a series of steps lead to a 45’ x 45’ plaza central area surrounded by a 20’ wide wall of honor to honor donors to the creation of the park-the park is funded totally by private donations. Also the park will have a gazabo and a granite dust natural walking area, be handicapped accessable and will have a movie area. The target finish time is end of September. Rest rooms will be a later addition.
1) Installation-6/18-6:30
2) 31-D Awards Banquet-June 5-Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church, 5120 Burlington Rd., ....Greensboro-6:30 pm-Pat Floyd plans to attend.
3) Bill #1 reported all pinestraw money has been received.
4) Brighter Vision meeting is in mid-June-Asheboro-this will be the 31-O meeting.
5) Frank has Celebrate Liberty pins for sale-$2 each.
6) Bob has agreed to take the 2-year director position that will be open with Kaye becoming treasurer.
Tailtwister Frank collected quarters from all who did not have an April birthday—only Mike did.
No one got the $16 lotto.
Following the Pledge, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting - 5/7/2015
The Eden Lions Club met on 5/7/2015 at 912 Bethlehem with 19 members attending.
Program: Sharon introduced Lynn Tuttle-Executive Director of Camp Carefree in Madison. Camp Carefree is a free camp for cronically ill children who come from all over. It was established in 1985 as a 501C entity and the camp weeks run from Sunday to the following Saturday starting in late June and running for 6 weeks each year. Campers are ages 6-16. A medical staff is on site for each session-they come from the teaching hospitals in the state. The other staff is all volunteer donating their time and committed to just having fun with the campers. The camp can sleep up to 120 and the camp also has a wide variety of animals on site-horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, lamas. Camp Carefree is funded by grants and gifts. The only paid staff is the cook and executive. Lynn encouraged all to visit and even better to come out and volunteer-there are many opportunities.
1) Scholarships-Tony reviewed Scholarship Committee scholarship recommendations and stated they have been approved by Board. We will award a total of $3500 in scholarships this year(Those receiving scholarships denoted in previous minutes). A motion was made by Pat to approve, seconded and approved by members.
2) Camp Dogwood campers-Only Michael Brown is going accompanied by his wife. NC Lions has sent $75 refund to Peggy.
3) Stew-We donated 23 quarts to the Salvation Army on 4/14-total value-$138.
4) Brighter Vision-Brighter Vision kickoff meeting for our new district-31-O will be held in Asheboro in June-in the past this was held in July.
5) Nominations-Frank presented the following slate of officers for 2015-16:
President - Mike Haines
1st VP - Jim Barrington
2nd VP - Dwight Hopkins
3rd VP - Sharon Tongbua
Secretary - Charlie Hall
Treasurer - TBD
Tail Twister - Frank Reid
Lion Tamer - Fred Burton
1 Yr Directors - Bill Smith
Chris Law
2 Yr Directors - Kay Nance
Gene Hagood
Immediate Past President - Amy Nalley
Motion to accept by Mike , 2nd-Bill McLeod-membership approved.
Tailtwister-Frank collected the usual quarter from all.
Lotto-Lucky Joe drew the Ace and WON ½ of $64.
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting - 4/23/15
The Board met on 4/23/15 at 912 Bethlehem with Bill Smith, Peggy, Frank, Bob, Mike, Jim Barrington and Tony attending.
Tony presented the Scholarship Committee suggestions to the Board. There were 15 applications received including 4 renewals. The Committee recommends the Board approve the following 7 totaling $3500 for this club year:
1)Whitney Carter-$100-renewal
2)Joseph Mason-$100-renewal
3)Amanda Mericle-$100-renewal
4)Mercedes Olguin-$1000
5)Emily Owens-$100
6)Elizabeth Paul-$100
7)Vanessa Valdovinos-$2000
The Board approved these recommendations and they will be presented to the membership for final approval.
There was some discussion about the Camp Dogwood campers. We have paid for two campers and one sighted person but now it appears that only one camper and the sighted person will be going. Amy will discuss at the next membership meeting.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 4/02/2015
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 4/2/2015 with 15 attending.
1) Our club will sponsor 2 VIP’s to Camp Dogwood and one accompanying sighted person. Jim and Ann will take them and pick up the following Saturday.
2) Pinestraw- A big success-approximately $2800 profit. Big boost from help by non-Lions—Bob Nesbit, Kalab Law, Chad (Andy’s son), Boys and Girls Club and John Ragan.
3) Nominations-Frank-most positions filled-committee will meet following 4/16 meeting and slat will be presented at first May meeting.
4) State Convention-Charlotte-4/24-26-no club member is planning to attend as of now.
5) Blood Drive-Pat Floyd advised that a blood drive is taking place today at the Y and next Thursday at the hospital.
6) Joe Zanetti advised that applications for help with exams and glasses are currently on hold because matching fund are getting low.
Tailtwister Frank fined all a quarter unless they had a green shirt on-only Amy escaped the fine.
Attendance-Pat Floyd
Lotto-Would you believe Pat also got this too but failed to draw the Ace of Spades.
Following the Pledge meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 3/26/2015
The Eden Lions met at 912 Bethlehem on 3/26/15. Fourteen members attended and Andy introduced his guest Daniel Miller, Athletic Director at the Y.
1) Amy announced that Installation Banquet will be June 18.
2) Stew-Will donate that left-now 23 quarts-to Salvation Army in early April.
3) Frank advised that tenant at Fairgrounds is up to date with rent.
4) Pinestraw- Two trucks at Fairgrounds now-last one still to come. Will start Friday at 10:30 unless weather is a factor. Will start at 9 on Saturday.
5) Nominations-Frank-Committee to meet on 4/16-Frank, Charlie, Chris, Bill #1.
Tailtwister-Frank fined all except Kay Nance.
Lotto-Pat Floyd had winning ticket and DID draw the Ace of Spades-She and her investing partner Kay won $192.
Following the Pledge led by Kay, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 3/19/2015
The Board met on 3/19/2015 and attending were Jim Barrington, Frank, Bill #1, Gene, Bill Smith, Peggy, Sharon, Amy, Fred, Bill McLeod and Mike.
1) Pinestraw- Will have 3000 or 3 trucks to sell between us and Methodist Men-decided not to see about another truck or pup load.
2) Camp Dogwood campers-Jim and Ann will take campers w/o 7/12-18. They will take the 5 Eden area people-we sponsor 3---2 are VIP’s.
3) Nominations-Frank has talked to Randall Clapp and we just have to finalize in May-so will plan to have vote 2nd meeting in May for 2015-16 officers.
4) Stew-Board decided to offer one last chance to membership at next meeting and then donate quarts left to Salvation Army in early April.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 3/12/2015
The Eden Lions Club met on 3/12/2015 at 912 Bethlehem with 20 members attending.
1) There will be a job fair at Morehead HS coordinating with RCC.
2) Pinestraw-Sales going well. Methodist Men have orders for 1165 and we have orders for over 1000. Mabe Trucking to reduce shipping charge to $900/truck so our profit will still be $1.50/bale on each sold.
3) Camp Dogwood campers-Campers from here will go July 12-5 people from Eden going. Jim and Ann to take them.
4) Bill #1 spoke about info received from incoming District Governor Randal Clapp. We will be in District O, Zone 9(Rockingham County). District O consists of 19 counties running from Rockingham to Granville in the north, and Union to Hoke in the south and from the Virginia to South Carolina border. It consists of 62 clubs and 11 zones-quite a job. Randal included a personal bio and map of the district.
5) Amy advised that the annual Boys and Girls Fundraiser is next Thursday and she has tickets for sale.
6) A discussion followed about potential new members.
Tailtwister-Frank fined all a quarter.
Attendance-Bill McLeod
Lotto-Bill Smith failed to draw the Ace.
Following Pledge meeting adjourned.
The Eden Lions Club met on 3/5/2015 at 912 Bethlehem with 13 members attending.
Lion Mike conducted the business:
1) Pinestraw-Sale forms were made available to attendees-all were reminded that there will be only 3,000 bales for sale between Lions and Methodist Men. Sale to be held at Fairgrounds as in past.
2) The War Memorial that Scout Matthew West has done for his Eagle project will be dedicated 3/7 at noon.
Bob offered a short message about the problems one with bi-polar condition can encounter if deprived of medication. While he was recently in the hospital for another issue, he was taken off his usual meds.
Tailtwister fined all that did not bring a guest to the meeting-so everyone paid a quarter fine.
Attendance-Bill Smith
Lotto-Gene failed to draw Ace of Spades-$346 in pot-37 cards.
Following Pledge, meeting adjourned.
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 2/19/2015 with 16 members attending. Bob Nesbit was Peggy’s guest.
Program: Tony introduced Dr. Mark Kinlaw, the new president of RCC who comes to Rockingham County from Robertson County CC in Lumberton.
Dr. Kinlaw stated that he has had some experience here in his past and is really pleased to be here. His vision is that RCC creates a pipeline toward jobs or toward a 4-year college for the students. The college must have the support of the community and must grow-looking for ways to do this. He sees the RCC Foundation as a very strong asset.
Perry Hughes, Director of Cooperative Education, addressed how RCC is working with the public school system and industry. Businesses need more students trained at RCC to fill jobs. Three areas of skills addressed are automation, machining and welding all being programs offered at RCC. High school juniors and seniors can get into these programs tuition-free at RCC but the public schools say that transportation to the college is a big problem for the students. To address this, a pilot program has been set up at Morehead High School with the public school system providing transportation to RCC. An involved student will upon completion of his senior year get his high school diploma and a certification in his area enabling him to get an entry level job in his skill or seek a 4-year degree possibly online through ECU. Getting high school students on a pathway of their interests is the objective.
1. Camp Dogwood work week is April 12-15. Will follow up later to see if some members want to go for a day.
2. Camp Dogwood campers-we will sponsor 3 campers-Will check with Jim Barrington as to which week he can carry campers.
3. Pinestraw Sale-Sale forms not ready yet-go ahead and make sales-1-19 bale orders are $6/bale and 20 + bale orders are $5/bale.
4. NC Lions have advised that matching funds will run out before July-we will keep close watch on exam and glasses requests.
Tailtwister-Frank fined all a quarter if they did not bring their spouse to the meeting-all were fined except Peggy.
Lotto-Gene failed to draw the Ace of Spades.
Following the Pledge, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 2/5/2015
The Eden Lions Club met on 2/5/15 at 912 Bethlehem with 17 members present.
Program: Tony Gunn - RCC Events
RCC has welcomed new president Dr. Mark Kinlaw who was previously at Robertson County CC.
New construction includes simulated hospital - to be completed by summer--, chemistry and biology lab facilities, a new sign and new student advisory center.
RCC needs more students - currently have about 2000 including 360 early college students.
Plans are to schedule tastings at the brewing center which has expanded to include adjacent store.
1) Amy announced that Marion Steed is in Hawaii now and members were asked to remember recently deceased Cheryl Nooe(Student Health Center –also her daughter Caroline received a scholarship from our club, Kenny Dotson - Peggy’s brother and Ron Noble.
2) Pinestraw - Board has approved getting straw from same source in Florida -price will be $2.60/bale plus shipping. We will charge $6/bale for orders from 1--19 bales. Orders of 20 bales and over are $5/bale. Sale is March 27--28 and order forms will be available 2/19.
3) Delishi - Our club is on their board through March - when you buy there you can vote on the board - one with most votes at end gets $300 - least votes - $100.
4) Pat Floyd - Zone meeting - 4 clubs represented - total of 18 people attended - presentation on Brighter Vision - Goal is $96.50/member. Mayodan breakfast is April 18.
5) Camp Dogwood - Pat needs ticket stubs to take to Mid - Winter - 2/13--14. Work week is in April -- more info later. Fees have increased to $125 for VIP campers and $175 for sighted. Our Board has agreed for us to sponsor 2 VIPs and 1 sighted like last year.
6) Jim Barrington has agreed to head up stew planning - help will be welcomed.
7) Pat Floyd advised that there is a blood drive today at the Y and next Thursday at hospital.
Tailtwister Frank fined all not having 48th birthday today - that included all except Chris - we sang “Happy Birthday” to him.
Attendance - Bill Smith
Lotto - Jim Bush failed to draw the Ace of Spades.
Following the Pledge, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 11-18-14
Sixteen members attended the membership meeting on 11-18-14 at 912 Bethlehem and Jim Bush was the guest of Bill Moore #1.
1. Peggy advised that the Blood Mobile drive that we sponsor will be 12-4-14 at the YMCA. We need more help for the drive.
2. Frank advised that the Salvation Army Bell Ringing is December 3 at Belk’s. All time slots are covered but some times do not have 2 people.
3. Membership was reminded of the Christmas Party – December 18 at 6:30 p.m. at 912 Bethlehem.
4. Pat Steed wants the stew committee to meet next week.
5. Pat Floyd advised that she was particularly impressed with the program at the last meeting and hopes that we might be able to supply some help. Also, she needs to get member’s Camp Dogwood stubs.
Peggy Gammon from United Way was Chris’ program. Peggy thanked the club for support in the past. United Way of Rockingham is an independent, local agency with a 21-member board. United Worldwide is paid 2% for different types of support. One big challenge is to increase supporters from the 3500 currently – in the past the county workforce comprised supporters. Grants requesting funds are due in April and they are approved in June of each year. Quarterly reports are required from fund recipients leading to good accountability of fund usage.
Tail Twister - Frank fined all who sold less than 10 books of stew tickets.
Attendance winner - Gene Hagood
Lotto - Dwight Hopkins failed to draw the Ace of Spades
Following pledge, meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 11-6-14
The Eden Lions Club met on 11-6-2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 18 members present. Guests included two former Eden residents who are Lions in other areas of the country, Barbara Bryant Spencer from Grapevine, Texas, and Jackie Carter from Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Program: Pat Steed introduced Andi Finney with the Rockingham County Schools, who works with visually impaired students in the school system. Andi is based at Monroeton Elementary but serves all the county. To qualify, a student must have sight of 20/20 or worse in both eyes. Technology is important to be of help to these students, such as special iPads. Resources outside of the school system provide the bulk of financial support. Special needs include 2Ag keyboards, artistic supplies, everyday essentials, Braile or large print books. Currently there are 15 students in this program. Andi has been in her position for 2 1/2 years and is a 1998 graduate of Morehead High School.
1. Stew - We have about 130 quarts still to sell. Some discussion was held about going to propane to fire the stew - deferred to next board meeting.
2. Blood Drive - December 4. We sponsor at the Eden YMCA.
3. Frank passed around Salvation Army bell ringing schedule for December 3 at Belk.
4. Christmas Party - Amy advised that those signed up for Christmas Party on December 18 must let her know if they cannot attend by December 12, or they will be billed for dinner at $17/person. This is 912’s cutoff date.
5. Vests have been ordered.
6. Zone meeting on Monday, November 10 at 912. Our club is host.
Tail Twister - Frank collected a quarter from all who did not call Richard Robertson on his birthday.
Attendance Winner: Bill Moore #1
Lotto Drawing: Tony Gunn failed to draw the Ace of Spades.
Following pledge, meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting - 10-23-14
The Eden Lions Club met on 10-23-14 at 912 Bethlehem with 21 members present.
1. Bill #1 announced that we have received dues check from Al Pena and he will become a member-at-large.
2. Amy announced that tonight is “lights out night” at the Boys & Girls Club.
3. Frank passed around bell-ringing sign up sheet for Salvation Army.
4. Stew - Pat Steed reviewed work schedule and other info about stew. Amy has several people coming to help from the Boys & Girls Club.
5. Amy said that she is getting vest order together.
6. Board meeting next week.
Tail Twister: Frank fined all who had not ridden a bike this past week.
Attendance: Gene
Lotto: Gene - $182 in pot - did not draw Ace of Spades
Following pledge, meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Board Meeting - 10-30-14
The board met on 10-30-14 at 912 Bethlehem with Jim, Fred, Pat Floyd, Bob, Gene, Mike, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Frank, Bill Smith and Pat Steed attending.
1. Stew - Still have about 200 quarts to sell. We made approximately 1250 quarts and pre-sold about 1000 quarts. Unsold stew located in freezer at Leaksville Methodist Church and at Amy’s. Contact to purchase is Sharon at Leaksville United Methodist at 623-3418.
Non-Lion members who helped with stew are: Marion Steed, Kyle McLeod, Billy McLeod, Cathy McLeod, Suzanne McLeod, Bob Nesbit, Ed Jones, Jane Haines, Terri Lea, Bob Beckert and John Michael Kent. Member-at-large Jim Barko helped.
The board offered to buy can openers from Fred, but he does not want to sell because they are used at his church - no further action at this time. Comments included that this was a very good tasting stew and very well organized with good help.
2. Stew Contest - American Legion
Amy has not been able to get in contact with anyone. Suggested that she call Norma Jean for information.
3. Christmas Party
Bob made a motion to continue inviting spouses - no charge - and that anyone who signs up to attend and does not, be charged for the meal. Person to contact and time frame to be determined. Seconded by Jim and approved.
4. Motion by Pat Steed to invite non-Lion stew helpers and spouses to Christmas Party as our guests. Seconded and approved.
5. Zone meeting November 10, at 6:30, at 912 Bethlehem; we are hosts.
6. Bill #1 read info from 31D Vice-District Governor Randall Clapp concerning Mid-Winter Convention, February 13-14, 2015. Board approved full page ad - $100.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting 10-16-14
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 10-16-14 with 17 members and two guests present. Pat Floyd introduced Kaye Nance who will be inducted into membership today.
Program: Bill McLeod
Bill McLeod introduced Cathy DeMason, director the the Rockingham County Student Health Centers. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Student Health Centers, an idea conceived and fostered by Bill McLeod, Nigel Buist and Susan Grogan. There is a Student Health Center in each of the four county high schools. Consent of parents is required. The centers are constantly checking with the students to see what health situations need to be addressed. Many grants are available and are obtained to assist with funding. One of the current most prominent problems is obesity/diabetes.
1. Amy said that Jay at Bojangles had contacted Robbie about Lions and that she whould see what he had in mind about Lions.
2. Delish could also provide our club with some financial help.
3. Amy proceeded to induct Kaye Nance into our club as our newest member.
4. Boys & Girls Appreciation Dinner is October 28 at 6:30. Open to any of our membership.
5. Stew - Pat Steed says we need three more stirrers from 2:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. shift. Also need clean up help and someone to return Mike’s truck.
6. Tony distributed brochures on 1/4¢ sales tax referrendum.
7. Program for Rockingham County visually impared on November 6. More info coming.
Tail Twister Frank fined all 25¢ who had not ridden a bike with Peggy.
Attendance drawing winner - Peggy
Lotto - No winner
Following pledge, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club - Membership Meeting 10-02-14
The Eden Lions Club met on 10-02-14 at 912 Bethlehem with 17 members and 3 guests present. Pat Floyd introduced her guest Kaye Nance who is submitting her application for membership today.
Program: Bill Smith
Keith Elliott and Cindy Vickers presented a program about the Brewing Program at RCC. Planning for this program started 3 years ago - Craft Brewing and Home Brewing - a two-year Associates Degree is offered. RCC is one of four schools in NC offering such a program. The first year of study is the same for all taking the course but the second year allows a student to pursue the making of beer from an agricultural angle (hops/grain) or a mechanical/lab angle. Currently, the program has a waiting list and soon tastings could be offered.
1. Board approved Al Pena becoming member-at-large upon payment of dues owed.
2. Stew - Pat Steed - still has 6 spots open - 3 stirrers, dip/fillers, 2 cleanup equipment slots. Pat Floyd reported 770 tickets issued out.
3. Pat Floyd reported Blood Drive today at Y, and next Friday at Morehead Hospital from 6:30 - 11 a.m.
Tail Twister Frank let membership off today.
Attendance drawing winner - Fred
Lotto - Bill Smith failed to draw ace of spades
Following pledge, meeting adjourned
Eden Lions Club - Board Meeting 9-25-14
The Eden Lions Club Board met on 9-25-14 following membership meeting with Fred, Jim, Bob, Gene, Bill #1, Amy, Peggy, Frank and Bill Smith attending.
1. Approved Ann Barrington for membership in club.
2. Club booth at Riverfest sold one box of brooms, one fruit butter and 4 stew tickets = $106.00.
3. Approved Al Pena becoming member-at-large upon paying dues owed.
4. Stew - Bill Smith reported that beef will be purchased from Food Lion which has offered best price of $4.49/lb. or a total of $1077. This is about $150 more than last year.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting 9/25/14
The Eden Lions Club met on 9-25-14 at 912 Bethlehem. Eighteen members were present and guests were Ann Barrington (Jim Barrington) and Kay Nance (Pat Floyd).
1. Riverfest - Chris reported that we had good help, sold one box of brooms, one jar of fruit butter and six stew tickets. Thanks to Mike for use of his tent.
2. Vests - Amy announced that we would pass around a sheet for those to sign if they wanted to order. Approximate price is $50 each.
3. Stew - Jim advised that we still need some help to fill slots.
Program: Charlie had for his program, Nick Frietag, John Norwood and Bill Griffin from Gildan. Gildan started business in the 1990’s and is based in Montreal, Canada. Eden’s distribution center is for one division. Gildan employees 350 in Eden with a $17 million/year payroll and is currently expanding to phase 6 in Eden. They are a foreign trade zone, process 1.3 billion garments per year in Eden, and get in 189 container trucks a week. Garment manufacturing is in Central America countries, yarn is made here. They run four shifts, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Amy announced that our club will host a zone meeting November 10 at 6:30 p.m. at 912 Bethlehem.
Bill M. has new rosters.
Frank announced we will ring the Salvation Army bell on December 3 at Belk’s in Eden.
Pat Floyd has stew tickets to distribute
Tail Twister Frank checked for pins and collected $3.25 in fines.
Attendance drawing winner - W. T. Moore
Lotto - Amy failed to draw ace of spades
Following pledge, meeting adjourned
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting 9/4/14
The Eden Lions Club met on 9/4/14 at 912 Bethlehem with 13 members attending. Guests were Ann Barrington, guest of Jim Barrington, Kay Nance, guest of Pat Floyd and Terry Sandiford, who presented the program and was guest of Dwight.
Dwight had Terry Sandiford from the Rockingham County Ageing and Disability Transportation Services formerly known as the Council on Ageing, bring us a program. Mr. Sandiford discussed services provided such as the Scat Bus in Eden, Reidsville and a connector in Wentworth. The hope is to have service to Western Rockinghan County set up by next year. This agency has been operating for 41 years and provides other services such as senior day care on Oakland Ave. in Eden, an active senior center in Wentworth, Meals on Wheels, Meals with Friends and a bowling tournament to help sponsor Caregivers in October.
1) Our club will host a zone meeting on November 15.
2) Pat Steed passed around the sign-up sheet for work details at the Stew.
3) Stew tickets ready-Pat Floyd is ready to distribute.
4) Next September meeting moved to 9/25—Board meeting will immediately follow. Group photo will be taken at this meeting.
5) Sharon Tongbua will remain an active member rather than member at large.
6) Amelia Seaver has taken a job with Arbor Ridge that will require her to move to Boone-she will be moving to this job on 10/1. Amy to check with her about status and participation in Riverfest and Stew.
7) Blood drive at Y today-Lions Blood Drive -12/4.
8) Frank will have sign up sheet for Salvation Army kettle bell ringing soon.
Lion Tailtwister Frank stumped all when he asked for the famous Melvin Jones quote and all contributed a quarter.
Attendance Winner - Dwight
Lotto Winner - Frank who failed to draw the Ace Of Spades.
Following the Pledge led by Roby, the meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-8/28/2014
The Board met on 8/28/14 at 912 Bethlehem with Jim, Fred, Bob, Gene, Mike, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Frank, Bill Smith and Sharon attending.
Chris advised that he needs Board approval to order 1case each of pumpkin and apple fruit butter. Board approved.
Eye referrals-Need to get list from Norma Jean that came from Vision Van visit.
Stew-Arbor Ridge to sterilize paddles-they did last year. Bill Smith reported that meat price is $552 up about $200 from last year. He will check to see about price on a cheaper cut.
Fairgrounds-Frank reported that renter is up-to-date on rent. Insurance has gone up about $100. He is ready to pay premium and property taxes.
Bill #1 said that he had talked to Al Pena and he wants to be a member-at-large because of family medical issues. Board approved upon Al paying dues owed.
Vet bill for Murphy-approximately $250-for 2 years-Board approved payment.
Bill Holcomb-zone chair-has advised that there will be a zone meeting on 9/15 at Golden Corral in Reidsville at 6:45. Also he asked if our club could host a meeting in November. Board approved hosting zone meeting on November 10-Amy checking to see if we will be at 912 Bethlehem or Rio Grande.
Because so many members will not be at the 9/18 meeting, this has been rescheduled to 9/25-Board meeting will immediately follow membership meeting-
Charlie Hall has the program and this will be the time when we will have the group picture taken for the website.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-8/21/14
The Eden Lions Club met on 8/21/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 21 members attending. Bob brought as his guest, Brad Bower.
Gene introduced Phyllis Cundiff and Tracy Cundiff from Rockingham County Social Services and Jo Wilson who is a foster mother and also Gene’s sister-in-law.
Tracy is responsible for getting foster homes to obtain the proper licenses to operate. There are 45 foster homes in Rockingham County currently and at the present time 152 children are in the custody of these homes. Usually a child stays in the custody of a foster home for an average of one year.
Phyllis is responsible for adoptions and there are currently 30 children available for adoption through Rockingham County Social Services. The first avenue for an adoption is with a family member or with a foster parent.
Jo has served as a foster parent and has adopted through Social Services.
1) Riverfest-Chris reported that the Board approved getting a booth and he started circulation of a sign-up sheet for booth duty.
2) Stew-Pat Steed said that Sharon will do order forms but cannot do posters. Boxes needed and food prices are being checked. CB Hut has been reserved. Price still $6/quart.
3) Joe announced that there is a stew tasting contest in Mayodan on November 1, sponsored by the American Legion. The Board will discuss participation in this.
4) Amy announced that the Board will meet next week.
5) Pat Steed said that he will be out of town at the 9/18 meeting and needs to switch program dates with someone.
Tailtwister Frank fined all who did not attend the last district cabinet meeting a quarter.
Attendance-Bill #1
Lotto-Dwight, but no Ace of Spades($66)
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-7/24/2014
The Board met on 7/24/14 at 912 Bethlehem with Fred, Bob, Sharon, Amy, Mike, Frank, Bill Smith, Bill #1 and Gene attending.
Amy reviewed the proposed budget and Board was in agreement.
Stew-Board approved keeping price at $6/quart. Bill Smith to check on butter-can we get 1 pound pieces? Jim Barrington will take Jeremy’s place.
Discussion about a possible social-will bring up to membership.
Frank will be our delegate to the August 3 meeting-can have four delegates but no one else has volunteered to go.
Frank gave a report on Fairgrounds and finances as of June 30, 2014.
Updating of website-need someone to post to website-Robbie keeps it up but cannot post to it. Sheralene has been doing but cannot any more. Sharon will check with Sheralene and plan to do this.
Meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-7/17/2014
The Eden Lions met on 7/17/2014 at 912 Bethlehem. Peggy introduced guests Whitney Carter and her mother, Barbara Carter. Whitney thanked the club for her scholarship.
Pat Floyd presented the program on her trip to the International Lions Convention in Canada .
Amy discussed the Kaboom Eden project which takes place on August 26. Volunteers are need to build a playground near the Senior Center. A sign-up sheet will be available at next meeting.
Brighter Vision meeting on July 26- Amy will attend.
Jim Barrington volunteered to help Pat Steed with the stew since Jeremy has resigned and moved.
Camp Dogwood was short $2000 from the District but funds have been raised and goal met.
Peggy announced that Blood Drive that we sponsor will be 12/4/14.
We need 4 delegates to attend the 8/3 meeting to choose the District Governor for our new district.
Lotto-$18 in the new pot but no winner today.
Tail Twister Frank collected quarters from all.
Following Pledge, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-7/10/2014
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 7/10/2014 for the first membership meeting of the 2014-15 club year. Mike Haines introduced his daughter Amanda as his guest and 15 members were present.
President Amy proceeded with club business:
1) Jim Barrington gave an account of his two trips to Camp Dogwood with the local camp attendees. It was very apparent that Jim and Ann got a lot of enjoyment from these trips and from meeting these campers. Many thanks to them and to Draper Christian Church for making this happen.
2) Lion Jeremy Dewberry has resigned because he is moving to Wilmington to take a job with Duke Energy.
3) Lion Joyce Spear has resigned to spend more time with her family.
4) We have received notice that Lions mints can still be obtained but now from the manufacturer rather than the Lions organization.
5) Amy read a letter from Past District Governor Terri Grooms stating that Brighter Vision was $2000 short of goal in our district and that the car winner from Camp Dogwood tickets was Bob Ward from the Rutherford Lions.
6) Brighter Vision kick-off is July 26 in High Point.
7) The Vision Van visit in June led to about 30 referrals of people for eye exams and glasses. Our club will help 15 as will the Evening Club. Approximately 60 people were screened.
8) There will be a district meeting on August 3, to vote on District Governor for our new district-31-O.
9) Mike advised that we need to order stew cups-price same as last year-need 5 cases—club approved Mike placing order.
10) Discussion about 75th Anniversary Plaque—will possibly place at Library.
Tail Twister Frank did his usual thing and collected quarters.
Bill #1 held the lotto ticket and drew the Ace of Spades—pot totaled $197
Following Pledge, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-6/26/2014
The Board met at 912 Bethlehem on 6/26/14 with President Amy presiding-also attending were Frank, Bill McLeod, Bob, Peggy, Jim and Fred.
Amy presented the club schedule through December 31, 2014 and this was revised and approved.
Board discussed and approved Sharon’s request to become a member-at-large. Her request comes because her job has been eleminated at Morehead Hospital. The Board discussed how to proceed in replacing her as 3rd VP but no action was taken.
Board approved resignation of Joyce Spear from the club. Joyce has told Amy that she wants to have more time with her family.
Amy advised the Board that the budget for the 2014-15 club year will be presented at the July, 24 Board meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
6/12/13 Installation Banquet
The Eden Lions Club celebrated its 76th anniversary at the club’s Installation Banquet on June 12,2014, at 912 Bethlehem. Thirty-five members and guests attended the gala.
President Bill McLeod welcomed all who enjoyed a delicious dinner. After his opening remarks which included the many accomplishments of the club during the year, President Bill recognized newest Lion Roby Lake. He also recognized Jack Stickley Fellows Richard Robertson, David Smith, Mike Haines, Bill McLeod, Bill Moore, Sharon Tongbua, Chris Law, Pat Floyd, Bill Smith, Pat Steed and Andy McBride. Melvin Jones Fellows recognized are Fred Burton, David Smith, Bill Moore and Pat Floyd.
The outgoing Board was presented Lions visors by President Bill. Bill presented a special award for outstanding service at the Stew-The Golden Paddle Award-to Clint Simpson. Lion Frank Reid was awarded the plaque as Lion of the Year. Lion Tony Gunn was given a Distinguished Service Award.
President Bill introduced our District 31-D rising District Governor, Norma Jean McKinney for installation of the 2014-2015 club officers. Installed were:
President-Amy Nalley
1st VP-Mike Haines
2nd VP-Bob Futrell
3rd VP-Sharon Tongbua
Secretary-Bill Moore
Treasurer-Peggy Nesbit
Tail Twister-Frank Reid
Lion Tamer-Fred Burton
1 Year Directors-Jeremy Dewberry
Gene Hagood
2 Year Directors-Bill Smith
Jim Barrington
Immediate Past President-Bill McLeod
Web Master-Robbie Johnson
Norma Jean recognized Robbie for his service during the past year as Zone Chairman and Frank for his service during the past year as 31-D chair for Celebrate Liberty. Membership awards for 10 years went to Sharon and Bill Smith, 15 years to Andy and Tony and for 30 years to Mike.
After receiving the President’s pin and gavel from Bill McLeod, President Amy presented the President’s Plaque to Bill. President Amy emphasized that she looks forward to another great club year and thanked all for what they do for Lionism.
A special event that closed the evening was the unveiling of the 75 year memorial created by Lion Sharon who used many of the Lions pins which belonged to Lions N.D. Redmon and Bill Amos to create this wonderful piece.
Photo of the art project made with deceased members' pins.
6/5/14 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 6/5/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 20 members attending.
- President Bill welcomed back Pat Steed who has been on a 5-month trip.
- President Bill reminded membership that our club is helping with the Vision Van which will be here on 6/7 at Walmart. We are responsible for staffing from noon until 3pm. So far we have Pat Steed, Pat Floyd, Jim, Frank and Bill McLeod signed up to help but could use more.
- President Bill said that we are in need of members who can take the four campers to Camp Dogwood on 6/15. Bill will check with Pelham Transportation to see if they can do this and their charges to take campers and bring them back to Eden on 6/21.
- Installation Banquet-All set up. Approximately 40 signed up to attend.
- Tony introduced Phyllis Wharton, Director of Nursing at RCC and chairperson of the Simulation Health Care project at RCC. Ground is being broken for the simulation hospital. Particular emphasis of the program will be medication administration. The program will use cutting edge technology such as high fidelity, wireless responses by the manikin to treatments it receives. The future will lead to virtual simulation and also use of robots will come in the future.
- Pat Floyd reminded all the Bloodmobile is at the Y today from 2-6:30.
Chris requested that he be allowed to act as Tailtwister at this meeting and Frank agreed to this. Chris collected a quarter from all because no one knew who wrote the German national anthem.
Peggy won the attendance drawing and Gene failed to draw the Ace of Spades-the pot is at $177.
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
5/1/14 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 5/1/14 with 17 members in attendance.
President Bill presented Eden Mayor Wayne Tuggle who talked about the recent coal ash spill into the Dan River and Administrative Order and Rate Increases for 2014 in Eden. Mayor Tuggle said that the first concern in regard to the coal ash spill was the effect on drinking water and now the concern has shifted to the effect on the environment. He reviewed the history of the spill and Duke Energy’s response to correct the situation. Secondly, Mayor Tuggle reviewed tax and water rates in Eden and as compared to the rest of the county. The Administrative Order from the EPA establishes a task that cost $48,000,000 to the city and must be accomplished in 5 years-an impossible task. Non-compliance results in fines of $1.1 million/month. The city plans to negotiate for a longer time period-maybe 25 years-to achieve compliance.
- Tony presented the Scholarship Committee proposed awards—8 scholarship totaling $4000. Board has approved. Motion was made by Frank and 2nd by Peggy for club membership to approve. Motion approved by members.
- Installation-June 12—at 912 Bethlehem.
- Frank advised that the Board had approved that our club would participate in an Eden city cleanup on Saturday, May 17. We will work from Eden Radiator north toward the Fairgrounds—details at next meeting.
- Vision Van scheduled to be in Eden on Saturday, June 7. Evening club has asked that we help from 12-3.
Tailtwister-Frank asked who said “It takes 2-3 weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech”? Charlie correctly guessed Mark Twain but all others paid a quarter fine.
Lotto-Joyce failed to draw the Ace of Spades
Following the Pledge led by Charlie, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-4/24/2014
The Board met on 4/24/14 at 912 Bethlehem with Fred, Bob, Gene, Chris, Frank, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Mike and Tony attending.
Tony reported on the Scholarship Committee—A total of 12 applications received, 3 being renewals. Committee approved 8, including the renewals, totaling $4000. The scholarship amounts range from $1000 to $275. The committee was able to use the scoring system effectively to determine scholarship winners. A motion was made by Amy to approve, 2nd by Bill #1. Board approved.
President Bill reported that Harry McKinney, Norma Jean’s husband is critically ill and not expected to recover.
The Evening Club has scheduled the Vision Van for Saturday, June 7 and has asked that our club staff from noon until 3 that day.
Pinestraw-One check still to come but our profit is slightly over $3000.
Invoices have come from Camp Dogwood for campers—we have agreed to sponsor 2 VIP’s and one sighted camper-$350.
Frank stated that he is on the Eden Appearance Board and that on May 17 there will be a city-wide clean-up day. Board approved participation by our club. Frank will get an area-probably Harrington Hwy to Bethlehem Church Rd-for us to clean. He will e-mail membership.
Meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-4/17/2014
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 4/17/2014 with 14 members attending. Andy brought his daughter, Lea Smith, as his guest. She is a consular at Northern Guilford.
1- President Bill noted that he had been contacted by Norma Jean McKinney about helping the Evening club with a Vision Van visit in early June. Will bring this to Board.
2- Invoices have come to our club for VIP’s going to Camp Dogwood—we have agreed to sponsor 2 campers and one companion--$350 total.
3- Zone-Robbie reported that all is going well.
4- Pinestraw-Still have two payments outstanding-$625.
5- Camp Dogwood tickets-Pat Floyd said that she needs all the stubs by first of May.
6- Bob told all that the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Camp is having a fundraiser at the Reidsville Elks Club in May-$25/person.
Program: Sharon introduced Cindy Adams-City of Eden Tourism Development
Cindy presented a program about the John Grogan Memorial Park. The park will be a cultural park located in front of City Hall bordering Pierce St and Stadium Drive. The park is projected to cost about $250,000 and will be financed entirely by private funding-donations,etc—no tax dollars. The park will have venues such as a bandstand, an area for weddings and other gatherings, a movie area, art venues and more. The fundraising goes through May. Brochures about the park were distributed to membership.
Tailtwister-Frank fined all whom were not wearing blue jacket- this included all except Bill Smith who was wearing his blue jacket.
Attendance-Robbie; Lotto-Fred failed to draw the Ace of Spades-$114 in pot; Following the Pledge led by Roby, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club- Membership Meeting-4/3/2014
The Eden Lions Club met on 4/3/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 21 members present. Guests of Robbie were Leah Blackburn and Chip Campbell—Western & Southern Life agents.
Pinestraw - Between our club and the Methodist Men approximately 3500 bales were sold. This meant that we had to purchase around 500 bales from Mr. Hopper at Fleetmaster. Thanks to all participants we finished about 1pm on Saturday. Our profit will be slightly over $3000. Special thanks to Amy for handling this project and to non-Lions helpers such as Bob Nesbit and Jon Thompson and kids from the Boys and Girls Club.
President Bill read a “thank-you” card from Mary and Ken Barrett. Our club arranged for them to receive 12 bales of pinestraw paid for by Bill Goldston. Ken Barrett is at the Morehead Nursing Center and both he and Mary are Lions.
President Bill read letter from NC Lions thanking our club for the $2000 contribution to Brighter Vision Drive
Zone-Robbie reported a successful year and thanked club for the support. Spruce up day at Camp Dogwood is April 12.
Pat Floyd introduced Robin Yount-Vice-President of Tourism Development Authority of Rockingham County for program.
Robin informed the club that tourism brought $63.2 million into the county last year-this is 52nd in state-and involves about 500 jobs locally. Last year there were 4 promotions of Rockingham County on UNCTV. The TDA awards $40,000 in grants each year for marketing county events outside the county. One big event this year is a night’s stopover for Cycle NC on September 29 at the 4H Center. The TDA is currently recruiting a hotel for Western Rockingham County and tourism related businesses. The TDA generates guides for county attractions such as the rivers guide, art guide, “Our Town” visitor guide, walking trails and state parks and the new wedding guide. The two major tourism draws in the county are outdoor recreation and wedding events. In regard to the rivers, the TDA is working toward getting postive info back to the forefront on the rivers with help from State Tourism in the form of a $8000 grant because of the coal ash spill situation and all the negative publicity.
President Bill announced that Scholarship Committee will get together following meeting.
Tailtwister Frank had a Louisiana question but no one knew the answer.
Ginny was the attendance winner.
Bill(WT) Moore failed to draw the Ace Of Spades for the $100 Lotto pot.
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
3/27/14 Pinestraw Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 3/27/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 20 members attending.
Pinestraw-Sales are good and trailers are in place. Will start at 9 Friday morning and Saturday morning.
Nominations-Chairperson Frank presented the slate of officers for 2014-15 which was approved by the Board---President-Amy, 1st VP-Mike, 2nd VP-Bob, 3rd VP-Sharon, Secretary-Bill #1, Treasurer-Peggy, Tailtwister-Frank, Lion Tamer-Fred, 1Yr Directors-Gene and Jeremy, 2Yr Directors-Jim and Bill Smith, Immediate Past President- Bill McLeod. The floor was opened for nominations with none coming forward. Motion by Gene to close nominations, 2nd by Andy. Membership voted and approved nominations slate.
President Bill informed members that Chamber had approached club about sharing a booth at Business Expo with other civic clubs. Following discussion, motion make by Mike to not do this, 2nd by Chris. Approved by members.
President Bill read a letter from NC Lions, Inc. concerning annual meeting. Following some discussion, it was determined that we do not usually participate in this meeting.
Matching Funds-Bill #1 reported that he had just talked to NC Lions and there is approximately $39,000 left in matching funds which will probably run out in late April.
Club has put exams/glasses requests on hold for the present but we have 5 requests that have not been scheduled, but will proceed to get appointments for these and this will be last until July.
Attendance-Bill McLeod. Lotto-Jim-but no Ace. Following pledge led by Bob, meeting adjourned.
3/20/14 Board Meeting
The Board met on 3/20/14 at 912 Bethlehem with attendees Fred, Jeremy, Pat Floyd, Bob, Gene, Mike, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Peggy and Frank attending.
Pinestraw- Trucks still scheduled as stated before but Amy will check with supplier because of a lot of rain in Florida and advise if change. Plan to start deliveries at 10 on Friday and at 9 on Saturday. Chris mentioned that Mr. Hopper at Fleetmaster has a trailer with about 800 bales and he will sell at $4/ea whatever we want to buy if we need any.
Nominations-Chairperson Frank presented these nominations for 2014-15 club year: President-Amy, 1st VP-Mike, 2nd VP-Bob, 3rd VP-Sharon, Secretary-Bill #1, Treasurer-Peggy, Tail Twister-Frank, Lion Tamer-Fred, 1Yr Directors-Gene and Jeremy, 2Yr Directors-Jim and Bill Smith. Bill McLeod will be Immediate Past President. Board approved this slate. This slate will be presented at the 3/27 meeting and nominations from the floor follow. Then the slate is voted on by membership.
Pat Floyd reported that the last zone meeting was held at Walnut Cove on 3/13 and she, Robbie and Frank attended. Meeting place was very nice.
Scholarships-Committee will review on April 3.
Bill #1 mentioned that A.C. Brock, minister at Leaksville Methodist Church had expressed an interest in the club. We will plan to invite him to a meeting. Also, Bill mentioned that he had talked to Lion Mary Barrett and that Lion Ken was at the Morehead Nursing Center and not doing well.
Peggy reported that club finances are ok.
Amy advised all that the Boys and Girls Club has received a $20,000 grand from the Cannon Foundation.
Meeting adjourned.
3/13/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 3/13/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 19 members in attendance.
Pinestraw Sale-Amy reported that plan is for two trailers to arrive on Thursday and the 3rd to arrive either Thursday or Friday morning. We will finalize work plans at 3/27 meeting but will deliver all we can on Friday and finish on Saturday. Sales seem to be going well.
Fairgrounds-Frank gave a financial report on the Fairgrounds funds which are held as Tri-City Agricultural Fair. Yearly expenses against income from lease are for property taxes, insurance premium. Also scholarships awarded by the club each year are funded by the Fairgrounds funds. Leasee pays the lease fee but quite often needs to be prodded by Frank to do so.
Scholarship Committee-Will meet in April to review applications.
President Bill noted that the program for the first meeting in May will be Eden Mayor Tuggle.
Tail Twister Frank posed the question to the membership of how many state parks there are in North Carolina. No one guessed correctly and all paid a quarter fine. Attendance-Bill Smith. Lotto-Also Bill Smith but he failed to draw the Ace Of Spades and missed out on the $57 pot. Following the pledge, the meeting was adjourned.
3/6/14 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 3/6/2014 with 17 members present. Jeremy had Henrietta Weaver, an auditor with Rex Rouse Accountants, as his guest.
Pinestraw-Sharon distributed sales forms and flyers for sale.
Zone Meeting-Pat Floyd stated that zone meeting is 3/13 at Walnut Cove.
Camp Dogwood Tickets-Pat F. advised all that stubs for drawing need to be to her by the end of April.
New member Roby Lake was installed into membership in the club. Roby is an accountant with Barham and Associates and lives on Bethlehem Church Road. Best wishes to Roby-we are happy to have him become a Lion.
Program: Bill # 1 introduced Judy Wall, Chairperson of the Administrative Board of the Betsy-Jeff Penn 4-H Center. The Center was dedicated to the state in 1964 to be used for 4-H programs. This camp provides programs for over 3500 school children each year—those come from over 50 counties in the state. The camp is located at 804 Cedar Lane, Reidsville. Facilities are available for resident campers and day campers—1/2 day costs are $10 and $18 for full day. On May 16-17 the Center will celebrate the 50th anniversary which will involve a Dinner/Dance, etc. An endowment was established in 2009 to help keep up the facility. Judy passed out brochures about the camp to the membership.
Tail Twister Frank fined 2nd VP Bob for failing to conduct meeting and therefore neglecting the duties of his office. Tail Twister also collected a quarter from everyone else. Attendance-W.T. Moore. Lotto-Fred-did not draw Ace of Spades and therefore missed the pot of $37. Following the pledge led by Pat Floyd, the meeting adjourned.
2/27/14 Board Meeting
The Board met at 912 Bethlehem on 2/27/14 with Fred, Jeremy, Bob, Gene, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Peggy and Frank attending.
- Pinestraw Sale-Proposed price 1-20 bales-$6/bale, 21bales and up-$5/bale-Motion by Bill #1, 2nd by Frank, approved. Will take back to membership on 3/6 for final approval.
- VIP’s to Camp Dogwood-Board had discussed sponsoring 3 if the Evening Club would sponsor one and this was info given to Nikki Gann. Bill #1 to follow up with her to see where things stand.
- Bill #1 said that he had received a letter from NC Lions saying that matching funds are running close and probably will run out before club year ends. Peggy said that we have spent $1550 so far on eye exams and glasses against our budget of $2000.
- Currently we have 12 people with request into us potentially costing us $720 if we can get matching funds and more than this if funds run out. Board decided to freeze application requests for now and if any special requests come forward to Joe Zanetti, the Board will decide how to handle.
- Bill #1 presented to the Board the application of Roby Lake to become a club member. Board approved his application.
- Frank gave the Board a financial report on the Fairgrounds including expenses for the last 3 years and current checking account balance and CD balances. Also the amounts released for scholarship over the past 3 years—2011-$1500, 2012-$3700, 2013-$3500.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-2/20/2014
The Eden Lions Club met on 2/20/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 20 members present and Lion Amy presiding in President Bill’ s absence. Guest of Bill #1 was Roby Lake.
Pinestraw-Amy stated that the price would remain the same-$2.50/bale + $1.00/bale shipping. Proposed price that the club would charge is 1-20 bales-$6 and over 20 bales-$5. This to be taken to Board and if approved bring back to membership.
75th Anniversary –Sharon says that she is working on this special display piece and suggested that we see about keeping at City Hall.
Amy reminded membership of the Boys and Girls Club fund raiser golfing event. Reverse drawing is March 20 at Santana’s and golf event is May 7 at Lynrock.
Program: Our program was presented by our own Lion Frank who is the 31-D District Chairperson for the “Celebrate Liberty” program. Frank stated that the “Celebrate Liberty” program focuses on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It promotes people doing something special, freedom of speech and honoring of our country’s veterans. The Constitution was created in convention on September 17, 1787 and ratified by 12 states. Amendments-the first 10 being the Bill of Rights- have been added to the Constitution, the last, Amendment #27, ratified in 1992. The Lions have a pin honoring Liberty and consequently veterans. Frank closed by asking the membership a series of civic questions and then furnished all with a booklet containing the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
Tailtwister-Frank contined to collect quarters from all
Attendance drawing-Tony
Lotto-Robbie had the winning ticket but did not draw the Ace of Spades.
Following the pledge led by Ginny, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-2/5/2014
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 2/5/2014 with 21 members present. Guests were Ashley Mortenson(Sharon) and Robey Lake(Bill #1).
1) Scholarship Program-New criteria for scholarship passed out by Tony. Motion by Amy to approve, 2nd by Fred—motion approved.
2) President Bill brought to the membership that there are 4 possible attendee to Camp Dogwood. Club will decide about sponsorship after Evening club is contacted to see what they can do. There is another applicant and we will consider all this at the next meeting.
3) Pinestraw-Amy-nothing to report at this time.
4) President Bill read a letter from Lions International stating that our club has met the membership retention and net growth criteria for the 2012-2013 club year. Included was a patch denoting this.
Program: Sheralene had for her program, Todd Hardin, City of Eden Fire Marshall
Todd stated that he was also an officer on the police force and that one of his primary jobs was inspection of businesses and buildings to assure that they are safe. One of the most important things that one can do to ensure that they are safe is to install smoke and carbon dioxide detectors—if someone cannot get these themselves, the fire department will supply. The auxilary organization is very important and can always use help.
Robbie reported that the zone is going well.
Andy won the attendance drawing. **Lotto-Chris had the winning ticket and drew the Ace Of Spades—Total in pot $832 of which he will get $416**
Tailtwister Frank asked how many VW’s came into the US in 1949 and of course no one had the correct answer and all threw in a quarter. Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-1/16/2014
The Eden Lions Club met on 1/16/2014 at 912 Bethlehem with 22 members present. Sheralene had her husband Jon as her guest.
- Scholarship Committee will meet immediately following today’s meeting to discuss scholarship guidelines.
- Nikki Gann, Rockingham County Department of Social Services, has requested help to send 4 VIP’s to Camp Dogwood this year—possibly 2 sponsored by our club and the evening club sponsor 2—will discuss further.
- President Bill asked if all received the newsletter and all indicated they did.
- Mid-Winter Convention-Pat Floyd reported that Norma Jean McKinney was elected as Governor-elect for 31-D. Also a cookbook comprised of receipes from Lions throughout North Carolina is now for sale for $15. A sample was passed around to the membership.
- President Bill read a thank-you note from Terri Lea for inviting her to the Christmas Party. She is a great supporter of our club.
Mike Haines introduced Scott Barham, chairperson of the Morehead Hospital Board of Directors, as his program. Scott talked at length about the Affordable Care Act and Morehead Hospital. When this program was first introduced, the American Medical Association and the American Hospital Association were very supportive. The decision by North Carolina to not take Medicaid Expansion has had a profound effect on Morehead. Currently Morehead provides $2,000,000 in non-conpensated care each month, Medicare reimbursements are being reduced, 67% of the hospital’s services are for Medicare or Medicaid patients. It is in a touch economic environment. Morehead Hospital is a not-for- profit hospital.
Morehead Hospital plans to take the following courses of action:
1 ) Align more closely with physicians
2) Increase access to primary care
3) Focus on customer service-wait time, length of stay, food, etc.
4) Better control of costs
5) Seek assistance from larger organizations—still exploring these options.
Tailtwister Frank fined all a quarter because no one knew that the White Cane Law started in 1949.
Bill McLeod won the attendance drawing and Fred drew for the lotto but failed to get the Ace of Spades-$807 and 20 cards remain.
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club- Membership Meeting-1/2/2014
The Eden Lions Club held its first meeting of 2014 on 1/2/14 at 912 Bethlehem with 16 members attending.
- Mid-Winter Convention for 31-D will be on January 10-11 in High Point. Pat Floyd, Frank and Bill #2 are planning to go Saturday afternoon and attend the cabinet meeting.
- President Bill read a message from Linda Lowry expressing her appreciation for the items that our club purchased for her. She stated that these items enabled her to be much more independent. Also we received a “thank-you” from Amy Nalley on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club and a note of appreciation from Frances Compton for the Christmas card gift.
- Christmas cash gift cards for Eden VIP’s have all been delivered. We delivered 10 this year for a total of $250.
- President Bill reminded all that the Pinestraw Sale will be in late March so we will need to get geared up for that soon.
Lion Chris had for his program, Cindy Sarwi, Executive Director of the Rockingham County United Way. With a slogan of “Give from the heart and make it happen” the United Way has a goal for the year of $1,000,000 dedicated to the solving of human service needs. Of the funds raised, 95-98% stays in Rockingham County. A committee decides how to disburse the funds that are collected aiming to improve education, financial stability and health and safety. Rockingham County has a 48% participation rate.
Tailtwister Frank, in the spirit of New Years Eve, fined all that did not bring in the new year by getting tippsy.
Tony won the attendance drawing and Pat Steed failed to draw the Ace of Spades-$765 and 21 cards.
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned
12/19/13 Board Meeting
The Board met at 912 Bethlehem on 12/19/13 and present were Fred, Pat Floyd, Bob, Mike, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Peggy, Amy and Frank.
President Bill said that he would like to announce the accomplishments of the club during the past 6 months at the Christmas Party.
- Bill #1 received 6 names of VIP’s from Nikki Gann and he requested that the Board approve the $25 Christmas cash gift to them and the others on our list—a total of 10 people - Board approved.
- Mid-Winter Convention—voting delegates—Pat Floyd, Bill #1 and Frank. Bill McLeod will advise if he can attend---Form due to cabinet secretary by 1/4/14.
- The Board expressed thanks to Pat Floyd and Sharon for making arrangements for Christmas Party—expect to have 48 attending.
- Pat Floyd requested that Board approve a check for $600 for the Camp Dogwood tickets to be delivered before drawing at Mid-Winter Convention-Board approved.
12/5/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 12/5/2013 at 912 Bethlehem with 22 members present. Guests were Nikki Gann, Social Services Caseworker for Visually Impaired in Rockingham County and VIP Linda Lowry.
Pat Steed introduced Dr. Matt Thompson from Rockingham Chiropractic Center who gave a program to the membership on “Healthy Lifestyles”. Dr. Thompson stated that 5 of 6 people in the U.S. will die of cancer or heart disease. He emphasized the importance of a healthy diet based on meats of chicken, turkey and fish, complex carbs, and small meals. Correct diets lead to little or no need for meds. The spine controls the body. Dr. Thompson told the membership that he will offer to those interested a health evaluation for $10 (which he will donate to our Lions Club)—a $225 value with no strings attached.
- Christmas Party—December 19, at 6:30pm at 912 Bethlehem. Sign-up sheet was passed around and members were advised that the club is responsible for the number of attendees given to the restaurant.
- Bell Ringing-Thanks to all who helped on Wednesday—there was a full kettle at the end.
- Board decision to donate $1500 to local non-profits-$500 to Boys & Girls Club, $500 to Salvation Army, $400 to Help for Homeless and $100 to CMM. Will review after Pinestraw Sale to see if we feel more donations can be made.
- President Bill made a presentation to Linda Lowry in the amount of $80 to Maxaids for supplies to help her manage better with her vision problems. Linda expressed her thanks to the membership.
- Pat Floyd advised that she needs Camp Dogwood tickets by end of December to get to the Mid-Winter Convention for the gift card drawings.
Tailtwister Frank did his thing and collected the usual 25 cents. Robbie won the attendance quarters. Peggy drew for the Ace of Spades but did not win--$743 and 22 cards. Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
11/26/13 Board Meeting
The Board met at 912 Bethlehem on 11/26/13 with Fred, Bob, Gene, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Mike and Frank attending.
- Fairgrounds-Fair Committee has reviewed lease. Payments are up to date. Board agreed to keep things as they are and to review yearly following a report from Fair Committee.
- Stew- Still a small amount of proceeds to come in and also about $350 to deposit. Approximate profit is $4500.
- Help for Linda Lowry-VIP at Eden Estates. Nikki Gann advises that the items that Linda needs to help her function better will cost $75-85. Board agreed to issue appropriate check to cover these expenses.
- Donations- Recommendation to donate $1500 at this time. Board approved donations of: CCM-$100, Salvation Army-$500, Help for Homeless-$400 and Eden Boys and Girls Club-$500. Club will look at financial situation after pinestraw sale to see if further donations can be made.
- Request from Terry Vernon to become Member-at-Large—approved.
- Christmas Party-Board agreed to invite non-Lions who helped with our stew to the Christmas Party—also to include their spouses as our guests. Secretary to send out thank you notes including invitations.
Meeting adjourned.
11/21/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 11/21/2013 at 912 Bethlehem with 19 members present.
Guest speaker was Nicki Gann from the Services of the Blind in Wentworth introduced by Robbie. Ms. Gann explained to the membership what services and needs she provides to the blind in her capacity.
- A sympathy card was passed around to be sent to Sheralene due to the passing of her father-in-law.
- Stew-all sold. Profit so far is $4073 but there is still some money to come in and a few expenses to pay. Pat Floyd suggested that since we had such a success that we look into converting from wood to propane for cooking the stew. Mike will look into the cost of doing this.
- Christmas Party- December 19 at 912 Bethlehem. Andy suggested that we invite as our guests those non-Lions who helped us with the stew. Membership thought this a good idea and President Bill will get with Bill #1 about invitations. Sharon will talk to 912 about the party and menu since there has been no action taken so far.
- Frank reminded all about the Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army on 12/4 at Belks. He has sent out e-mail earlier this week to the ringers.
- Peggy reminded all that the blood drive that we sponsor will be 12/5 at the Y from 2-6. We need donors.
- Board meeting on Tuesday, 11/26—we will discuss gifts to non-profits. Pat Floyd suggested that we consider giving some items to Camp Dogwood as mentioned on their wish list.
Tailtwister Frank collected a quarter from all. Attendance-Mike Haines. Lotto-Gene Hagood failed to draw the ace of spades---$713—22cards. Following pledge led by Pat Steed, meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-11/07/13
The Eden Lions Club met on 11/07/13 at 912 Bethlehem with 19 members present.
1) President Bill explained that he is involved with many meetings at Morehead Hospital due to consolidations that are taking place and that he must leave today at 12:30 because of one of these meetings.
2) Stew-1 quart left which is auctioned off to Peggy—all sold out.
3) Zone-Robbie reported that the zone meeting on Monday, 11/4 was held with the Scouts and that a program was presented on Brighter Vision.
4) Frank reported that all slots filled for 12/4 Salvation Army bell ringing except for the last spot.
5) President Bill stated that he had received an inquiry about our ad in the Mid-Winter Convention program. Bill #1 said that he had the form and our check and would send in the ad soon-deadline is 12/9.
6) Peggy stated that the blood drive sponsored by our club will be the first Thursday in December.
7) Pat Floyd said that she will need Camp Dogwood tickets for the drawing at Mid-Winter by the first December meeting.
8) A list of all non-club helpers at the stew is needed so that we can send out thank-you notes.
9) Sheralene Thompson’s father in law Calvin Thompson, Sr., has passed away. Also, Lion supporter Terri Lea lost her father recently.
10) The “Stew Paddle Award” for exceptional service during the stew goes to Clint who not only stirred without a break for at least 5 hours but also hauled stew to the fillers after stirring. Thanks for your great efforts, Clint!
11) Mayodan Lions breakfast is November 16.
Tailtwister Frank quizzed all members with definitions and all paid a quarter to the pot.
Lotto-Sharon failed to draw the Ace of Spades-$690 in the pot
Following pledge led by Sharon, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-10/24/2013
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 10/24/2013 with 24 members present.
- Fairgrounds-Gene advised that there was ongoing discussion on the part of the Fair Committee and that a report would be forthcoming.
- Bill McLeod told the club that he had received a letter from the City of Eden in relation to fair housing. A pamphlet “Your Rights to Fair Housing” was made available to each member.
- Stew-Pat Steed
- Pat Floyd reported that 1040 tickets are out so we have about 150 quarts that can be sold. Backup for storage was discussed and freezer at Leaksville Methodist is the first choice—Also some room at Mike’s. Dwight is picking up paddles today and they are fixed and ready to stir. Pat S. reviewed the jobs and shifts and who is doing what.
Tailtwister-Frank let anyone off the hook if they had a 1938 coin in their pocket (this is when our club was formed)—No one had this coin so all paid a quarter into the pot.
Lotto-Andy failed to draw the ace of spades($671/25 cards)
Meeting was adjourned
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-10/17/2013
The Eden Lions Club Board met on 10/17 at 912 Bethlehem with Fred, Jeremy, Pat Floyd, Bob, Gene, Mike, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Al, Frank, Bill Smith and Pat Steed attending.
Fairgrounds-There was discussion about some happenings at the Fairgrounds and concerning the lease. Fairgrounds Committee will review lease and will come back to the Board at next Board meeting for further discussion.
Stew-Pat Steed reported that staffing of jobs looks good. Dwight is having paddles redone. Ingredients from Danville Grocery will be delivered on Thursday, 10/24.
Pat will meet the delivery at CB Hut with Mike’s truck. Peggy will get check to Pat for this. Bill Smith will need to get checks for butter and meat at 10/24 meeting. Pat Floyd reported that 860 tickets have been issued but she issued 110 more at this meeting. Frank will e-mail membership reminding them that all unsold tickets must be turned in by the 10/24 membership meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-10/10/13
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 10/10/13 with 20 members present.
Fairgrounds-Fairgrounds committee to review lease and come back to the club with a report. Chris has been contacted by the Sheriff’s Dept and he and Frank will meet with them about a matter.
Stew-Pat requested that he be informed about boxes that members have for stew.
Dwight took paddles to be repaired but this could not be done. He is getting new ones made. Pat Floyd said that there are 780 tickets out and that she will be at the Board meeting to issue more and collect stew money. All unsold tickets must be turned in at the membership meeting on 10/24—right before the stew.
Board meeting on 10/17 at 912 Bethlehem.
Pat Floyd announced that there is a blood drive today at the Hospital.
Tailtwister Frank collected the usual quarter from all.
Chris collected the attendance award.
Fred drew for the lotto pot but did not draw the Ace of Spades.
Following the Pledge led by Dwight, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-10/3/13
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 10/3/13 with 21 members present. Guests were Nicki Gann, Department of Social Services dealing with visually impaired in our area(guest of Robbie) and Raj, a medical student who was guest and is in the office of Bill McLeod. Special guest for this meeting was District Governor Terri Grooms.
Stew-Per Pat Steed all plans proceeding ok. Flyers created by Sharon for sale of stew were made available to membership. Pat reminded all that many boxes are needed.
Wish List-Camp Dogwood-Lists were distributed to membership—these include a merchandise case for the lobby area, patio table & chairs, new movies on DVD’s, waterski jackets, bingo prizes, patio umbrellas, new microphones, fishing supplies and popular music sheets in Braille. Donations of and for these items would be greatly appreciated.
Zone Meeting-Held on Sept 30—had 2 past District Governors in attendance-4 attended from our club. Quite a bit of the meeting involved discussion about membership. Many ideas came out that President Bill plans to share with our membership. The moble screening trailer will be in Eden on June 5, 2014 and our help will be needed to staff it.
District Governor Terri presented to our club a thank you card—this was due to the fact that our district was one of 108 districts worldwide that maintained membership.
Program: District Governor Terri Grooms introduced by Zone Chair Robbie
The theme for this year from International President Barry Palmer is “Follow Your Dream”—the challenge being to grow clubs and get more women members. Our district added 23 members in the past year but lost 20—a net gain of 3 members. Some suggestions are do a club survey and get someone to come as a guest that is 5 years younger. Current membership of Lions is 25% women but goal is 30%. Toot our horn about our services through Lionism, work with youth. October theme is working with visually impaired, December/January—feed the hungry food drive, April- protect the environment. Remember to reach out to help others and reach out to others for help for our club and cause. Share your Lions story—a story from the heart. Remember that our Lions pin is a badge of courage.
Following Governor Terri’s program Robbie presented her a Murphy Christmas ornament.
Tailtwister-Frank collected a quarter from all who did not help Robbie get his lunch—this included most everyone.
Lotto-Fred—but he did not draw the ace of spades-$622 in pot
Following the Pledge led by Dwight, the meeting adjourned.
9/26/13 Board Meeting
The Board met at 912 Bethlehem on 9/26/13-attending were Fred, Jeremy, Bob, Mike, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Peggy and Frank.
- Check for $100 to go toward Matthew West Scout project given to Frank to get to Tina West, Matthew’s mother.
- President Bill said that the club had received a letter from the City of Eden about a donation to the John Grogan Park. Board to put this on hold until we see our money situation after the stew.
- Stew—Things falling into place—have tickets and paddles.
- Fairgrounds-Chris received a call from Sheriff’s Dept. about ownership of the property and some trouble that occurred at a recent event there. Chris and Frank will meet with the Sheriff’s Dept on 9/30 to see what this involves.
- Salvation Army-Bell Ringing-Dec 4-Belks—Frank will have sign-up sheet.
Next Meeting-District Governor-Terri Grooms
- Mid Winter Convention Ad-Bill # 1 mentioned that we have done a full page ad in the past in the convention program--$100. Board approved going ahead with this for Jan. 2014 Convention.
- Riverfest-Chris reported we sold 12 brooms, 17 stew tickets, and 8 fruit butters.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-9/19/2013
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 9/19/13 with 17 members present. In President Bill’s absence, Amy presided.
Program-Sarah Birks—Eden Salvation Army—program of Gene Hagood
Sarah grew up in a Salvation Army family as her parents were community citidel leaders. She was born in Leaksville and came to Eden from appointments in West Virginia and most recently in Morehead City.
The Salvation Army offers the following services:
- Social Services—Showers available 8:30-3 each day, money to help with rent and utilities, helping with relief during current food stamp problem, food for those in need, lunches provided Monday-Friday 12-12:30.
- Christmas programs—applications for assistance due Oct. 14-18. Also Angel Tree program to provide Christmas to needy children. Kettle program starts November 14—we will ring bell on 12-4.
- Thrift store—now open on King’s Highway
- Church Programs-Sunday services and Sunday School offered at the Salvation Army. Tuesdays are Youth Night with emphasis on character building. Also have prayer meetings and men’s and women’s meeting to address concerns that an attendee might have.
- Salvation Army personnel regularly visit area nursing homes.
- The Salvation Army has a summer camp located in Denton, N.C.
Riverfest- Chris said that all was set and that the fruit butter inventory is running low because Mike is sell so much in his office.
Pins-Sharon working on the 75th anniversary display
Stew-Pat Steed and Jeremy have taken an inventory of supplies at Scotties and some components will not need to be ordered. Pat has the paddles back. More help is needed at the stew including the slots for set-up, stirrers, dippers and fillers. Pat Floyd has the tickets---Pat has retired from the hospital so she can be called at home-623-4487 or by e-mail at plebf@yahoo.com. Sharon has made flyers which are available. Bill Smith reported that Hundley’s price is the same as last year.
Camp Dogwood tickets-Pat Floyd needs stubs back by early January to get in the first drawing. She has extra tickets if anyone needs them.
Tailtwister- Frank found out that no one knew that a cat is the president of the Mad Cat Society and collected quarters from all.
Attendance-Bill #1
Lotto-Gene failed to draw the Ace of Spades-$599/28 cards.
Following the pledge led by Bill Smith, the meeting adjourned
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-9/5/2013
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 9/5/13 with 21 members present and guests Bob Nesbit, guest of Peggy and Megan, a med student in Bill McLeod’s office.
Fairgrounds-Frank reported that insurance has been obtained from Rockingham Insurance Agency for $1264 per year which is about $400 less than the previous policy. Also the new policy covers the house on the property and includes $1,000,000 in liability insurance. Frank has received from Larry Wray a certificate of insurance which covers liability for events held at the Fairgrounds. Rent payments are up to date.
Donation to our club-Chris advised the membership that Janet Joyce had given him a check for $500 as a donation to our club. Janet did this in appreciation for a scholarship that she received from our club many years ago—something that did much to help her develop her career. The Board decided to put this into a CD at Home Savings until we need for the next round of scholarships.
Lions Club pins from Bill Amos and N.D. Redmon-Sharon has agreed to take these pins and develop with them a tribute to our 75th anniversary. Chris has two old Lions ties that will also be used. A member is making a $200 donation for the pins and this will be sent to Camp Dogwood. Still to be determined is what to do with left-over pins from this project.
Riverfest-Chris says more help is still needed. Our tent will be at same location as last year.
Stew-Jeremy said tickets being printed
Zone-Robbie advised next zone meeting is 9/29. He has an article in the September issue of “Eden’s Own”.
Amy told membership that Boys & Girls Club needs help in hauling children from Central School to the club. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Red Cross-Chris advised that Red Cross is in great need for food. He can collect the food if anyone wishes to donate.
Christmas Party-December 19 at 912 Bethlehem.
Tailtwister-Frank collected a quarter from everyone since no one could answer any of the questions that he raised.
Lotto-Sharon-but no ace of spades--$576-29 cards
Following pledge led by Jeremy, meeting was adjourned
8/15/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met at 912 Bethlehem on 8/15/2013 with 21 members present. Charlie Hall had Julie Paull, Cirrus Construction Company office administrator as his guest. Additionally, Norma Jean McKinney, 31-D Vice-District Governor was a guest and brought us a program.
- Stew-Pat Steed advised that Jeremy will be helping coordinate the stew. Pat says that there are 40 job slots but we only have 32 active Lions so we need to recruit more help—he will try to get some help from the Scouts. Proposed price increase to $6/quart. Motion was made to accept this proposal by Charlie and 2nd by Peggy. Membership approved.
- Donation-Chris said that Judy Joyce who received the Warren Wilson scholarship from our club in 1976 had approached him and as her way of giving back, gave him a check for $500 made out to our club to be used for scholarships. Chris will send her a thank-you note.
- Riverfest-Chris has sign-up sheet 8am-4pm—2 hr shifts- on 9/21. Fruit Butter-Chris says that he needs to order 2 cases of pumpkin and 2 apple. Change price to $5. Will bring to Board for approval.
- Congratulations to Amelia on her marriage—Aug 3.
- Fairgrounds-Frank says that the best quote that he has at this time on insurance is $2178/year but he is getting two more quotes. Frank has asked Larry Wray to show him proof of insurance for the events that he is having. Larry is currently 3 months behind in lease payments.
- Pat Floyd distributed Camp Dogwood tickets to all members present.
Program-Norma Jean McKinney
Norma Jean said that she will be the last District Governor for 31-D because of the district changes. Message from International President Larry Palmer is “Never Quit Dreaming”. Mid-Winter Convention - January 10-11 — High Point. VIP Fishing Tournament is in October. State pins now available. If we have recycle items she can take to Camp Dogwood in December.
Tailtwister- Frank fined all that did not attend cabinet meeting Aug.4.
Attendance-Robbie. Lotto-Pat Floyd failed to draw the ace of spades--$549—30 cards. Reminder that Board will meet August 29 at 912 Bethlehem. Following the pledge, the meeting adjourned
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-8/29/2013
The Board met on 8/29 at 912 Bethlehem-attending were Fred, Jeremy, Bob, Mike, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy and Frank
Fairgrounds-Frank reported that he had gotten the best insurance quote from Rockingham Insurance--$1264/year including $1,000,000 in liability coverage. Motion by Amy and 2nd by Chris to go with this coverage-approved. Larry is current with the lease payments. Frank has asked him 3 times for proof of liability coverage that he has for events but he has yet to produce. Contact will be made to Foster’s Insurance to verify coverage. Property taxes of $1627 will be paid soon by Frank.
Riverfest-Chris reported that we will be set up from 10-4 on 9/21. Still need someone to help cover from 2-4 and help take down booth.
Stew-Tickets have been ordered. Membership needs to gather boxes-especially smaller boxes that will hold 4-8 quarts. Question about paddles being repaired will need to be asked of Pat.
Meeting minutes-Bill #1 will send minutes of meetings to Frank to be mass e-mailed to membership.
By-Laws-Discussion was conducted about Lions by-laws but no action was taken.
Scholarship Check-The check for $500 that Judy Joyce gave to the club was specified to be used for scholarships. Bill #1 asked the Board how they wanted to handle this and it was decided to put into a 3-month CD at Home Savings until scholarships are reviewed in 2014.
Pin-The pins that Lion N.D. Redmon donated to the club were to be sold and the proceeds donated to Camp Dogwood. The Board decided to ask Sharon if she could make up a collage using some of the pins to honor the club’s 75th anniversary. Based on the number of pins used, the club would send an appropriate check to Camp Dogwood for the pins used. Bill #1 to contact Sharon.
The Free Clinic has sent the club a request for a donation. We will consider this when the club decides to make donations to groups in the area—probably after we have collected sales from the stew.
Board Meetings-Board agreed to move Board meetings to 912 Bethlehem.
Meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-8/1/2013
The Eden Lions Club met on August 1, at 912 Bethlehem with 15 members present. 1st VP Amy presided in President Bill’s absense. Bob Nesbit was the guest of Peggy.
Next meeting on 8/15 Vice-District Governor Norma Jean McKinney will be attending and talk to the club.
Brighter Visions meeting-Amy, Robbie and Frank attended. Was a good meeting and was designed to bring all elements of Lionism into focus of the meeting rather than just White Cane.
Camp Dogwood tickets will be distributed at the next meeting. Our club was recognized at the Brighter Visions meeting for meeting our goal last year.
Board decided to give $100 toward Matthew West’s project to create a memorial to Veterns at Freedom Park. Our club will be recognized for this support.
Bill #1 read a note to the club from Beverly and Richard Robertson thanking the club for continuing Richard’s membership-He was honored for being a Lion for 70 years.
Frank reported that he had been in touch will Hartford about the Fairgrounds insurance and that the premium could increase by 185% . Current coverage does not provide liability coverage for the club. Frank has talked to Larry Wray, the tenant, and he says that he has $1 million liability coverage but we have seen no proof of this. Other quotes on coverage for the club will be obtained.
At the last Board meeting, discussion about membership brought up a suggestion that we might ask people that have lunch time available to consider becoming Lions—they could attend meetings easier.
Joyce Spear presented Kathryn Holmes, agricultural extension agent in the county, who talked to the club about container gardening which is easier and takes less space. Kathryn says that now is a great time to plant fall crops—beans and even tomatoes. All containers need holes to allow them to drain. plants need even amount of moisture. Root crops do well in containers. Kathryn answered many questions posed by members.
Judie Cooke won the attendance drawing and Bill #1 failed to draw the Ace of Spades—pot is $518—31 cards remain.
Tailtwister Frank collected many quarters.
Following the Pledge, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-7/25/13
The Board met on 7/25 at the Sirloin House with the following present: Jim, Fred,Bob, Mike, Chris,Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Amy, Peggy and Frank.
Discussion about club making a donation to the project that Scout Matthew West is undertaking to honor veterans at Freedom Park. Motion make by Amy for the club to donate $100 to this project, 2nd by Peggy. Approved.
Board discussed moving board meetings to 912 Bethlehem. Decision was made for the Board to meet at 912 for the August meeting with the understanding that this would be a trial run and not a final decision to move there.
President Bill advised that he would make a short presentation at a forthcoming meeting about the “Just Ask” program which involves increasing Lions membership. A further discussion took place about the possibility of merging the two Eden clubs---no decisions but just what ifs, whys, pros and cons to such a merger with the understanding that this could be an ongoing discussion.
Fairgrounds Insurance-Frank advised that this is still being looked into.
No other business.
Eden Lions Club- Membership Meeting-7/18/2013
The Eden Lions Club met at 913 Bethlehem on 7/18/2013 and 20 members were present. Guests included Ed Holbrook (guest of Sharon) and Bitsy Futrell(guest of Bob).
In addition, Robbie and Frank had as their guests Life Scout Matthew West- who presented our program- accompanied by his mother and Scoutmaster.
Matthew West is in the process of achieving his Eagle Scout honor and is currently a Life Scout with troop 223 in Eden. He is a 10th grader at Morehead HS and talked to the club about his project which is a veterans memorial that will honor our soldiers. This will be located at Freedom Park. Matthew has chosen to undertake this particular project because he thinks that it is important that the public and particularly young people be reminded of the sacrifices soldiers have made so that we can have our freedom. The memorial will be dedicated to living and deceased soldiers. The expected cost of the memorial is $6,000, much of which has been raised through donations. Donations are tax deductible and can be made to the scout troop. Once in place, the memorial will be maintained by the Eden Parks and Recreation Department.
1) President Bill announced that District Governor Terri will be at our meeting on October 3.
2) Brighter Vision Meeting-Saturday 7/20—planning to attend-Amy, Frank, Robbie.
3) President Bill announced that Lions International Barry Palmer has made available a book about membership called “Just Ask”. Our club goal is 6 new members this club year.
4) Board Meeting-7/25-Sirloin House
5) Board will discuss possible donation to the Matthew West project at 7/25 meeting.
President Bill presented name badges to our newest members Jeremy, Amelia and Clint.
Tailtwister Frank collected a quarter from all because no one knew that there are at least 2650 different languages in the world.
Bill Smith won the attendance drawing but failed when he had the winning lotto number and did not draw the ace of spades—pot currently $501—32 cards remain.
Following the pledge led by Mike Haines, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-7/11/2013
The Eden Lions Club held its first meeting of the 2013-2014 year on 7/11/2013 at 912 Bethlehem Restaurant. Sixteen members were present and the meal was served as a buffet with a meat entrée, salad, two vegetables and a desert and assorted beverages.
President Bill McLeod proceeded with this business meeting:
2) Dues-Board approved raising to $85/quarter-last changed in 2006. Motion by Bob and 2nd by Pat Floyd. Approved.
3) President Bill announced that Pat Steed has requested help with the stew project-one of the younger members if possible.
4) New rosters, meeting schedule, committees and phone trees were distributed.
5) Treasurer Peggy reviewed 2012-13 financial situation and 2013-14 proposed budget---Board decided to wait until after the stew project to decide about gifting monies to area non-profits.
6) Fair Committee Report—Frank
Frank stated that the Fair Fund issues 3 checks per year--$1585 for insurance, $1643 property taxes and for scholarships—usually $3500.
Our tenant pays $750/month rent.
Current funds on hand:
$9771-----CD—Home Savings
The appraised property value is $206,496
Frank stated that he is checking out what liability obligations the club could have on the property.
7) Lion Tony stated that the scholarship committee will be reviewing the criteria for scholarships
Other Business:
Frank stated that at the District Meeting our club received an award for membership-citation given to President Bill. Also, Robbie received an award as our zone chair and also he received an award from Wayne Madden-Lions International.Program next week-7/18-is by an Eagle Scout-Robbie/Frank—arranged program.
Brighter Visions Program-7/20—8:30 am—in Greensboro(Replaces White Cane Program).
President Bill presented to Joe Zanetti a distinguished service award for his work with the club(Joe was unable to attend installation banquet).
Announcement was made that Eden’s Own has article and pictures from the banquet.
Tailtwister Frank collected a quarter from all.
Joyce won the attendance drawing.
Bill McLeod failed to draw the ace of spades.
Following pledge led by Andy, meeting was adjourned.
6/20/13 Board Meeting
The 2013-2014 Board held their first meeting at the Sirloin House with Peggy, Amy, Bill McLeod, Bill Moore #1, Frank, Bob, Fred, Tony, Jeremy, Gene, Jim, Chris and Mike attending.
The first order of business from President Bill McLeod involved a meeting place for the new club year. Santana’s has informed the club by letter that they will need to significantly raise prices as of July 1 and that they can no longer keep our club items such as the badge board, bell, flag, etc., at the restaurant. Following much discussion, a motion was made by Bob and 2nd by Peggy to move to 912 Bethlehem if they could meet our price range of $10-12 per person with a reasonable lunch. The Board approved this motion.
2013-2014 Proposed Budget was presented to the Board with the recommendation to transfer $1000 from Administrative to Activities budget. Distribution of funds to local non-profit agencies as done in the past will be delayed until November after the stew project. Motion made by Mike and 2nd by Amy. Board approved this motion.
Tony advised the Board that the Scholarship Committee had awarded 9 scholarships out of 12 requests totaling $3500. The Scholarship Committee will review criteria before next scholarship considerations.
Dues - Proposed to the Board that dues be increased to $85/quarter—the dues have been at $80/quarter since July, 2006. Motion by Amy, 2nd by Mike. Board approved.
Jeff Parris has submitted his immediate resignation - President Bill said that he sees Jeff and will talk to him to see if he will reconsider before we drop him.
6/13/13 Membership Banquet
The Eden Lions Club hosted 38 members and guests at its annual banquet held to install club officers for the new Lion Club year. This event also denoted the 75th anniversary of the club. This festive evening at Santana’s Restaurant was able to take place even though a strong storm caused power failure-the restaurant had power restored just in time for the occasion. Following a social time, President Chris Law welcomed all and a delicious dinner was served.
President Chris followed his opening remarks by introducing special guests District Governor Howard Wallace and his wife, Barbara, 1st Vice-District Governor Terrie Grooms and 2nd Vice-District Governor Norma Jean McKinney. New members Jeremy Dewberry, Amelia Seaver and Clint Simpson were recognized as were Jack Stickley Fellows and Melvin Jones Fellows.
President Chris presented a gift to each member of the 2012-2013 outgoing board. Amy Nalley was recognized as Lion of the Year and a Jack Stickley Fellow award was presented to Andy McBride. Joe Zanetti received the Distinguished Service Award.
District Governor Howard Wallace presented certificates of merit to several Lions for years of service in the club—Lion Richard Robertson was recognized as having been a Lion for 70 years. Following brief remarks about the importance of Lionism, Governor Howard installed the new club officers for the 2013-2014 club year.
As a tribute to the 75th Anniversary of the Eden Lions Club, past club presidents Mike Haines, Frank Reid, Pat Floyd, Terry Vernon and President Chris denoted some of the past events that make up the history of our club. President Chris presented the President’s pin and gavel to incoming President Bill McLeod. Following President Bill’s remarks, the Banquet closed with the Pledge of Allegiance. Thanks are due to the Social Committee for making this a very nice event.
6/6/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on June 6, at Santana’s with 20 members attending.
Lion Joe Zanetti had for his program Lynn Flanagan, Executive Director-Hospice of Rockingham County and Fredia Papelton-Director of the Eden Grief Share Program. Fredia explained that the Grief Share Program is designed to help with the healing process. The groups meet year-round and the program revolves around a 13-week cycle. She brought brochures for the group and advised that more info is available at www.griefshare.org.
Lynn stated that Hospice strives to provide patient and their family care—physical, emotional and spiritual care. Services are mandated by Medicare and for life-limited illnesses. Hospice provides support for the family for 13 months following the patient’s death. Hospice provides care at the Hospice facility and home care. A patient is assigned a nurse and also available are assistants, a social worker, and a chaplain. Dr. Zack Hall is the Hospice physician. Volunteers are an important part of the Hospice team. Hospice takes care of pharmacy and equipment needs for those that they serve. Last year Hospice served 476 patients in Rockingham County and saved Medicare $1.17 million. Medicare approves $143/day/patient for Hospice care.
- Installation—Thursday, 6/13 at 6:30 at Santana’s. Amy reported all plans are in order.
- Scholarships-Tony reported committee met a month ago and decided on 9 awards totaling $3500. Frank questioned the procedure that was used and it was decided that this would be taken up at the June board meeting.
- Attendance drawing went to Bill #1 and lotto drawing was made unsuccessfully by Jim—pot is $452.
Tail twister Frank charged all that did not bring Robbie to the meeting a quarter—Robbie did not attend this meeting. Following the pledge led by Joyce, the meeting adjourned.
Eden Lions Club- Board Meeting-5/30/2013
The Board met at the Sirloin House on 5/30 and attending were Jim, Fred, Bob, Mike, Dwight, Robbie, Chris, Amy, Peggy and Frank. Motion was made by Bob and 2nd by Dwight to accept resignation of Steve Kleckowski. Motion made by Mike and 2nd by Robbie for club to send $100 to Kiwanis Club for 4th of July celebration.
Robbie brought to the Board that minutes for meetings need to be edited prior to being loaded to our website. He suggested that the President do this. Further discussion led to a suggestion that minutes be sent to board members for approval prior to loading to our website. This to be decided at future meeting of board.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-5/16/2013
The Eden Lions Club met on May 16, 2013, at Santana’s with 18 members present.
Lion Sheralene had Josh Woodall from the Eden Planning and Inspections Department bring the club a program about the Eden Community Garden. This is an area of approximately 5 acres on Rivercrest Drive that has been developed by the city in a flood plain. Because the area is prone to flooding, no buildings can be constructed on the property. The city offers plots in the area to those that want to raise a vegetable garden. The normal fee is $25/yr but that has been waived this year. This area was established through donations and at no cost to citizens. The city waters the garden as needed and can in many cases supply plants or seed. Plots are 20’x25’. Also a donation garden exists and these crops are donated to the Salvation Army. The concept of the community garden was first brought up by Eden resident Kelly Pulliam.
- Lion Tony has informed President Chris that scholarship awards will be announced to the club at the first June meeting.
- State Convention this weekend in Greensboro-to attend the banquet Saturday night are Pat Floyd, Frank and Bill #1—Chris has a conflict and cannot attend.
- Installation Banquet—Plans are proceeding on schedule for the June 13 event.
- Board Meeting—May 30.
- Zone-Lion Robbie reported all going well.
Tailtwister Frank fined all without yellow shirts a quarter-all paid - Lotto is at $432 and 35 cards—Lion Terry failed to draw the Ace. - Lion Amelia led the club in the Pledge.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-5/2/13
The Eden Lions Club met on May 2, 2013, at Santana’s with 19 members attending. Charlie Hall had Carla Huffman, Director of the Garden of Eden Senior Center, as his guest. Lion Pat Floyd and Lion Bill #1 continued a program on the history of our Lions Club and the workings of our club and the Lions organization.
- Vision trailer-The Lions Club Vision Trailer was at Walmart on 4/25 and our club staffed it during the afternoon. Eye and hearing screenings were performed on 64 people. Thanks to all who helped.
- Walk Across NC-Was held at Freedom Park on 4/27. We had 3 Lions participate from our club. Proceeds help with upkeep of Camp Dogwood.
- Gum Machines-The company is closing and will not have the gum machines available anymore.
- Thank you letter was read from Judy Knight on behalf of Debbie Smith who we helped get glasses.
- President Chris read a letter of resignation from Steve Kleckowski who will no longer be at Morehead Hospital.
- Lion Tony reminded all that the scholarship committee will meet right after the meeting.
- Lion Amy reported that all is going well in regard to the planning for the Installation Banquet which will be June 13.
- Lion Robbie reported that the Zone meetings were being well attended.
Lion Frank won the attendance drawing and the lotto chance but failed to draw the Ace of Spades. Then he tailtwisted and proceeded to collect a quarter from all except Lion Charlie Hall. Lion Peggy led the club in the pledge.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-4/25/13
Attending the Board Meeting on 4/25 at the Sirloin House were Fred, Robbie, Chris, Bill #1, Peggy, Dwight, Frank and Bob.
- Vision Van-At Walmart today and we will staff from 1-4.
- Walk Across NC-9-12 noon this coming Saturday-4/27 at Freedom Park-We will be walking with Evening Club—Chris, Bill #1 and Frank will be walking—goal is to obtain at least $20/walker in pledges to go toward Camp Dogwood.
- Camp Dogwood tickets-We have paid $600 and to meet our club obligation of 3 books per member(41 members x 3) we need to send additional $630. Motion to approve by Bill #1, 2nd by Bob, approved.
- 31D Awards and Installation Banquet-June 7-6:30pm-Mt. Pleasant UMC in McLeansville-We will discuss attending later.
- State Convention-Banquet-May 18-6:30—Marriott-G’Boro Airport—Signed up to attend-Pat Floyd, Chris, Frank and Bill #1. Registration will be sent in on 5/2-anyone else interested in attending should advise Chris or Bill #1 before then and pay $25 for banquet ticket.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting- 4/18/2013
The Eden Lions Club met at Santana’s on 4/18 with 19 members present. Clint Simpson was inducted into membership in oor club. Lion Clint is a life-long resident of Eden and is Lieutenant of Criminal Investigations for the Eden Police Department. His wife, Angela, is a teacher at Central Elementary. He is sponsored by Lion Jim Barrington. Welcome, Lion Clint.
President Chris welcomed back Lion Pat Steed and Lion Al Pena. For the program at this meeting, Lion Bill #1, read a short history of Lions International and some of the history of our club.
- Vision Van will be at Walmart on 4/25 and our club will be staffing from 1pm until about 4. We are doing this in conjunction with the Eden Evening Club which will staff in the morning. We will need about 7-8 people and have that many committed.
- Walk Across NC-Saturday 4/27, 9-12 noon at Freedom Park- we will be walking with the Evening Club. Proceeds go to Camp Dogwood—Hope to raise $25,000 across the state. Walkers should try to obtain pledges of at least $20 per walker.
- Scholarship Committee- Tony has scheduled a meeting of this committee to follow the 5/2 Membership meeting.
- Belk’s Tickets- Not much activity in sales but every sale bring $5 to the club. The ticket applies from 6-10am on 4/27 at Belks.
- State Convention-Plans are for several members to attend the Banquet on Saturday, May 18 at 6:30 pm—Marriott(Airport) in Greensboro. So far committed are Pat Floyd, Chris, Frank and Bill #1. Anyone else who wants to go, the price is $25 and we will need to committee by 5/2 membership meeting. Cabinet meeting is Sunday morning-5/19 and Pat Floyd plans to attend as a voting delegate.
- District Installation and Awards Banquet to be held at the Mt. Pleasant Church in McLeansville on June 7 at 6:30 pm.
Lion Sharon won the attendance drawing and Lion Robbie tried but failed to draw the Ace of Spades. Tailtwister Frank collected from all except Pat Floyd and Lion Peggy led all in the pledge.
The Reidsville Lions Club hosted a Zone 4 Meeting on April 8 at Reidsville Golden Corral.
This was the fourth Zone Meeting of this 2012-2013 Lions Club year. There were 30 people present, including one Reidsville guest and one Madison guest. 2nd VDG Norma Jean McKinney and Zone 4 Chair Robbie Johnson was also in attendance. All five Lions Clubs of Zone 4 had representation.
The speaker for this Zone Meeting was PDG Paul Bledsoe speaking about Leadership and Service of Lions Club members. The next Zone 4 meeting will be September 23 at 6:30 at Santanas restaurant in Eden hosted by the Eden (Noon) Lions Club. Zone 4 Chair Robbie Johnson.
Eden Lions Club-Membership Meeting-4/4/2013
The Eden Lions Club met at Santana’s on 4/4 with 18 members present.Guests were Mickey Gann-Rockingham Co Social Services dedicated to the needs of the visually impaired(Guest of Robbie) and Dedra Moyer-Student Health Services (guest of Jeremy).
Lion Bill Smith presented a program about Cooperate Christian Ministries of Eden—a non-profit resource of which Bill is president. This organization was started by Eden area churches and is currently supported by 14 area churches. They currently serve 160 families per month and work out of the basement of the Moravian Church—9:30-12 on Wed. and Th. Applicants must appear in person to be approved for help. They can get a bag of food each month-approx $25 worth of food or $40 worth of food. Some get help on utilities—this is funded by a grant from Duke Energy of $75,000--$25,000/yr.---$100 limit/family—CCM submits payment to the utility company. CCM is run by volunteers except that they hire a secretary at $300/mo. In 2012 CCM helped 1041 families. A single person who has less that $1580/mo in income is elegible for help. Pinestraw Sale—a great success—thanks to all. Totals not in yet.
- Walk Across N.C.-April 27-9-12-Freedom Park—proceeds for Camp Dogwood
- Vision Van-Walmart-April 25—we work in the afternoon.
- Scholarship Committee- Tony advised that the committee will meet following the May 2 meeting.
- Belk Tickets—Tickets available –This sale at Belks is on 4/27—we get $5 each ticket we sell.
- State Convention—Those wishing to attend need to bring their $25 for the Banquet ticket to the next membership meeting—We need to make our reservations—Banquet is Saturday, May 18—6:30 at the Greensboro Airport Marriott.
Tailtwister Frank struck again collecting a quarter from all. Attendance-Sharon - Lotto-Jeremy—but no Ace of Spades—38 cards and $342 in pot. Pledge-Amelia
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-2/28/2013
The Board met at the Sirloin House and attending were Jim, Fred, Mike, Dwight, Robbie, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bill #1, Peggy and Frank.
- State Convention- Motion by Lion Jim to place a ¼ page ad in program, 2nd- Lion Dwight, approved.
- Pine Straw - progressing on schedule—3 trailers ordered for us and Methodist Men.
- Lion Robbie mentioned that someone had called him about using our stew pots. We rented a pot to a church group 2 years ago for $50 plus a $50 refundable deposit. Board agreed that we would be willing to rent to viable groups but not to individuals without further discussion. Mike mentioned that anyone renting needed to be cautioned that fire should not be lit under a pot without water being in that pot.
- Brooms – Lion Ginny has an order for warehouse brooms (probably Short Sugars) - Lion Robbie will confirm with her and order what needed.
- Lion Bill #1 mentioned that we have spent $959 for eyeglasses/exams this year and budget is $1500 and we are likely to need to exceed this because there are about 15 requests for help in the pipeline.
Meeting was adjourned.
2/21/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 2/21/2013 at Santana’s with 20 members present. Lion Jim introduced his guest, Clint Simpson, and announced that he was submitting his application for membership into the club. Following the invocation, President Chris informed the club that Lion Wanda Hilton who was to have our program has had an auto breakdown and will not be here - will reschedule her for 3/7 meeting if possible.
- Pine Straw Sale-3/22-23. Lion Amy has sales forms and posters.
- Lion Amy stated that she has tickets for the Boys and Girls Club fundraiser which are $100 each but can win $10,000.
- As Social Committee chair, Lion Amy announced that the 75th anniversary of our club will be celebrated on June 13 at the Installation Banquet. Will try to get comedy team for entertainment. Will invite District Governor and VDG plus members of clubs from our district.
- Vests - President Chris asked who is interested in a vest - 4 raised hands.
- Lion Frank reported that there was a good turnout at the last Zone Meeting hosted by the Eden Evening Club. David Osborne gave the program. We need to have better attendance of these meetings by our club members.
Attendance drawing - Lion Gene - Lotto - Lion Jim but no ace of spades--$266 in pot - Tail Twister Frank struck again and collected a quarter from all except Fred. Board met and approved Clint Simpson’s application
2/12/13 Zone Meeting
The Eden Evening Lions Club hosted the Zone 4 meeting on February 12 at Santana’s Restaurant. This is the third Zone meeting of this 2012-2013 Lions Year. There were 21 in attendance including 2nd VDG Norma Jean McKinney and Zone 4 Chair Robbie Johnson. There were also other various officers and members of the Clubs of Zone 4 with all Clubs but Mayodan having representation. Eden Day Club’s Tail Twister Frank Reid was also in attendance.
The speaker for this night was PDG David Osborne speaking on Clinical Eye Research. PDG Osborne has been a Lions District Chair for three years. He gave some very good information and specific numbers of the work being accomplished in Clinical Eye Research at Wake Forest Baptist Hospital and Duke Children's Hospital.
PDG Osborne said even with the funding cutbacks Lions are doing excellent work. There are some interesting procedures now being done that years ago was like science fiction. PDG Osborne expressed the possibility of visiting individual Clubs to present this information if requested.
There was a short discussion and mention again about the numbers of applicants of eyeglasses since Medicaid has stopped covering them. The next Zone 4 meeting will be April 8 at 6:30 hosted by Reidsville Lions Club at Golden Corral. Zone 4 Chair Robbie Johnson.
2/7/13 Called Board Meeting
The Board met after Membership meeting and approved charging $5/bale for the pine straw this year.
2/7/13 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met at Santana’s on 2/7/2013 and 19 members were in attendance. President Chris gave the invocation and extended club sympathy to Lion Andy McBride on the recent death of his father.
President Chris introduced our program, Beverly Scurvy from the Rockingham County Health Department. Ms. Scurvy talked about the Community Health Assessment for Rockingham County. She explained that a 32-page survey was sent to 211 participants and 15 top health issues were developed from this. County leaders chose top three priorities: education, activity and access to health care. This was worked on for two years. Our county has a good safety net of health providers but we need more primary care providers. There is a lack of exercise and healthy food in the county. Our obesity rate of 33% is the highest of all our peer counties. Ms. Scurvy passed out copies of her presentation and also offered copies of the assessment to those interested. She stated that anyone interested in attending further discussions on this should let her know.
- Pine Straw - date of March 22, 23 confirmed. Board will meet at end to meeting to decide price. Lion Amy has had confirmation that cost to us will be same as last year - total of $3.50/bale.
- Pins – Lion Bill Smith has pins than belonged to N.D. Redmond and Board has determined to sell at $2 each. He will also have them at next meeting.
- Lion Pat Floyd mentioned that this coming Installation Banquet will be the 75th anniversary of our club and Lion Amy announced that there will be a meeting of the Social Committee to discuss plans for this.
- Lion Pat also reminded all that on 2/14 there will be a blood drive at Morehead Hospital from 6:30 am-3:30 pm.
- Lion Pat also said that there will be a March of Dimes walk on May 4 if we would want to consider having a Club team to participate.
Lion Robbie collected the attendance pot of $3 and President Chris failed to draw the ace of spades—the pot is at $243.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting 1/31/13
The Board met at the Sirloin House and attending were Jim, Fred, Bob, Dwight, Robbie, Chris, Bill #1, Amy, Peggy, Frank and Sheralene.
- Pinestraw Sale -Confirmed for March 22-23-weekend before Easter. Amy is in the process of confirming price with Strawbridge. We will still deliver any order per requests. Frank to contact leasee of Fairground to clear use for staging trucks and delivery.
- Robbie advised that Beverly Scurry with the Rockingham County Health Dept. wishes to present a program to the club concerning the Community Health Assessment for the county.
- Frank said that he had talked to Gene Everette at the Cabinet Meeting about selling the pins that we have from N.D. Redmon. Gene advised that his experience had been that it is just best to offer all pins for $2 each. Board approved going ahead at this rate offering pins first to our club, then to zone and then to district. Bill #1 will contact Bill Smith who has the pins.
- A discussion took place concerning our club projects and whether we can and will do more. No action was taken on this.
1/17/13 Membership Meeting
There were 18 members present for the 2nd meeting of 2013. Guests attending were Clint Simpson (Jim Barrington), Wade Williams (Steve Kleckowski) and Phillip Rayburn (Chris Law). President Chris recognized the return of Lion Al Pena to the club as an active member. Lion Bill #1 had 2nd Vice-District Governor Norma Jean McKinney for his program. Lion Norma Jean has been a member of the Lions Club for 6 years and is a member of the Eden Evening Lions Club. Lion Norma Jean highlighted the following events:
- District Meeting-January 27-2:30 pm-McLeansville Lions Den
- State Convention-Marriott-Greensboro-May 17-19.
- District 31-D Awards and Installation of Officers-June 7-McLeansville
Lion Norma Jean talked about the redistricting of North Carolina Lions Club which will reduce the districts from 8 to 5 in an effort to consolidate manpower and reduce expenses. Our district will become District “O” and will be comprised of 65 clubs. This is to be voted on at the State Convention and if approved would go into effect July 15.
- President Chris read a note from Gerri Ferguson, Jack Morris’s sister, thanking the Lions and those Lions who served as pallbearers at Jack’s funeral.
- President Chris read a note of thanks from Pauline Stevens thanking the club for the cash gift at Christmas.
- President Chris denoted that Goodwill now collects glasses, hearing aids and old cell phones for the Lions Club.
- Pine Straw project is just around the corner—end of March.
- Lion Jeremy announced that his parents are going on a mission trip to India and that he had raffle tickets for a special cutting board that would be raffled off to help support this trip.
Tail Twister Frank collected quarters from all that had not seen Lion Joyce, the previous night. Lion Robbie won the attendance drawing and Lion Fred drew for the pot but was unsuccessful. Following the pledge led by Lion Al, the meeting was adjourned.
1/3/13 Membership Meeting
The first meeting of 2013 for the Eden Lions Club was held on January 3, 2013, at Santana’s with 22 members in attendance. Following the invocation by Lion Bill Smith, the club discussed the following:
- Service for Lion Jack Morris - President Chris commented that this was a very special service for a very special Lion. He thanked those who participated and those that also attended.
- President Chris reminded all that pine straw is right around the corner - late March.
- Zone Chair Robbie reported very good attendance at the last zone meeting.
- Christmas Party - President Chris issued special thanks to Lion Amy and the Social Committee for making this a good event.
- Bloodmobile - special thanks to Lion Peggy who reported that the goal was 36 units and 37 units was actually collected.
- Lion Amelia announced that she had become engaged to Patrick Kallam and they plan to marry in the summer - congratulations, Lion Amelia.
- Nominations Committee: Consists of Lion Charlie, Lion Frank and Lion Bill McLeod. Will need to start the process of filling offices for 2013-14 in February— new officers due to Lions International by early May.
- Lion Charlie thanked all who rang the bell for Salvation Army and stated that locally 517 children and 302 families were helped.
The attendance drawing was won by Lion Frank and Lion Robbie drew for the lotto of $199 but came up empty. Tail Twister Frank collected quarters from all those who did not speak to all other Lions at the meeting. Following the pledge, the meeting was adjourned.
December Board Meeting
Meeting was cancelled since no immediate business was at hand.
Eden Lions Club-Christmas Party-12/13/12
The Eden Lions Club held its annual Christmas Party on December 13, 2012, at Santana’s. Thirty-eight members and guests enjoyed the evening which started with a lively social. President Lion Chris welcomed all and following the invocation, a delicious meal was served. Entertainment for the evening was provided by Bryan Smith and Jim Eanes (“Thick and Thin”) who performed a variety of musical tunes for the enjoyment of all. President Chris distributed 9 gift cards for delivery to VIP’s in the Eden area. Many thanks to Lions Amy and the Social Committee for making this a very enjoyable event.
12/06/12 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met on 12/6/12 at Santana’s and 21 members were present. No visitors attended the meeting and following the invocation, President Chris introduced our speaker, Lion Milton Price from the Winston-Salem Twin Cities Host Club. Lion Milton told the club about a project that his club is undertaking. This project involves the cleaning a grading of recycled glasses. The plan is to have this accomplished by the inmates at the Forsyth County Detention Center. The Twin Cities Host Club plans to purchase equipment that will grade the lenses and have this available for the inmates to use. Once the cleaning and grading is accomplished, a pair of glasses is put into a plastic bag and labeled and shipped to Camp Dogwood for distribution to third world countries. The merits hoped for from this project are worthy work for the inmates, publicity for Lionism and some work relief for Camp Dogwood.
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing-12/5—The report was that people turned out well and that we had good help.
- Blood Drive-Today 2-6:30 at the Y—work slots are filled—all encourage to donate. Pat Floyd mentioned that a Blood Drive would be held at Morehead Hospital on 12/13 from 6:30 am-2pm.
- Lion Chris advised that the club had received a thank-you card from the Library for the gift of the Lions magazine subscription.
- Xmas Party—Lion Amy advised that the social would begin at 6:30 on 12/13 in the upstairs room at Santana’s. Dinner is at 7. There will be a cash bar.
- Lion Chris stated that at the Board Meeting it was decided to purchase the 5 boxes of stew containers needed for 2013 now because of the good price. Lion Peggy advised that we made approximately $3500 profit on the stew.
- Lion Sharon said that Morehead Hospital was having a workshop this Saturday to make the Xmas light balls that are popular now and are hung in trees. Those that participate are asked to bring cans of food for local food pantries.
Tail Twister Frank again cleaned all of a quarter by requiring all that did not ring Salvation Army bell with Pat Floyd to contribute. Following pledge led by Lion Jeremy, the meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-11/29/12
The Board met at the Sirloin House on 11/29/12 and attending were Frank, Robbie, Bill #1, Jim, Chris, Bill McLeod, Bob, Amy, Dwight, Sheralene and Mike. Bill #1 reported that the final income from the stew was $6355. Lion Mike suggested that the board approve purchase of 5 boxes of stew containers now since the price seems to be favorable—approx $63 plus tax for each box. Motion make to do so by Jim and seconded by Dwight—approved. Chris mentioned that Lions sponsored Blood Drive at the Y is December 6 and that work schedule is covered for this. Frank passed around bell ringing schedule—Salvation Army-for 12/5 at Belks-all time slots covered except 7-8pm.
Amy reported that Santana’s has suggested a good menu for Xmas party on 12/13 at a cost of $15/person---alcohol drinks are to be paid by those ordering. This is at 6:30—social with dinner at 7—will be in upstairs room at restaurant. Donation to the Y for Christmas fund-Motion by Frank for us to donate $200, second by Jim—approved. White Cane-Motion to pay ½ of amount due for the year made by Bill McLeod, seconded by Jim—approved. Appreciation for non-Lion helpers at stew—Chris will revise letter to express thanks to those who helped—will plan to invite them to an event later in the year as such event develops.
11/15/12 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met at Santana’s on November 15, 2012, with 18 present. President Chris advised all that sign-up sheet were being passed around for the Christmas party, Bloodmobile duty on 12/6 at the YMCA and Salvation Army bell ringing on 12/5 at Belks.
Lion Bill #1 introduced Kathryn Gaulding, Executive Director of the Rockingham County Arts Council who delivered our program. Kathryn explained that the Arts Council is the contact organization for the arts in Rockingham. In addition to being the umbrella group for the arts, the Arts Council oversees the Grass Roots grants funded by the state arts council, houses the Dan River Art Market, sponsors the annual Studio Tour in the county, maintains a website and arts newsletter and provides many other events and workshops focused on the arts.
Business discussed:
- Former Lion N.D. Redmon passed away in Greensboro-service will be at 2pm Sunday at Fair Funeral Home. He had been a Lion since mid-50’s and had served our club in many ways and positions.
- Social Committee is getting the Christmas Party plans together. It will be at 6:30 pm on 12/13 at Santana’s.
- Lion Robbie reported that the last zone meeting went very well with about 35 attending including Governor Howard Wallace, Bill Womack and Wanda Hilton.
- Lion Amy reported that the Boys and Girls Club will be receiving a new refrigerator through the Energy Star program
Tail Twister Frank fined all that had not attended the zone meeting and following the drawings, the meeting was adjourned.
November 13 Zone 4 meeting hosted by the Mayodan Lions.
District Governor Howard Wallace attended the meeting and had a few things to present to a couple of Lions in attendance. Second VDG Norma Jean McKinney was in attendance. White Cane Chair Wanda Hilton from Randleman was in attendance and was the first to speak and told of what is going on with White Cane, the money raised and how much more is expected.
The second part of the program was current Leader Dog representative PDG Lion Bill Womack. Bill brought a guest with him a visually impaired man from Greensboro with his Leader Dog. Leader Dog Rep Womack showed a video and passed out information about the program then asked his guest with a Leader Dog to give a brief talk about the training, what his dog could do for him, before opening the floor up for questions.
The third part and finality of the program was a surprise and treat for all in attendance from Ann Eldridge, Executive Officer, Australian Lions Visual Independence Foundation who had sent a nice letter she prepared for the meeting to say hello and greetings from Lions from the Land Down Under Australia. Ann is a high ranking individual with the Lions there and if I am not mistaken she may be up for an International Governor position in the next change of the guards in Lionism. Ann Has expressed hopes to meet someone in the Zone she sent the hello gifts to when she visits the United States perhaps in a year or so.
The next Zone meeting will be hosted by Eden Evening Club Tuesday February 12 2013 at 6:30.
11/01/12 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club met at Santana’s on November 1, 2012 with 20 members and two guests present. Amy Nalley brought her daughter as her guest.
Lion Steve Kleckowski introduced Ivan Quevado, Director of the Morehead Hospital Emergency Room who delivered the program. Ivan said that the Emergency Room averages about 3000 patients per month. One of his primary goals is to reduce waiting time for patients and recently that waiting time has been reduced from 6 hours to 3 hours and 44 minutes. The biggest patient challenge for the Emergency Room is the IVC patient—one that is held against their will. This involves 1000 hours of staff time per month. The Emergency Room is making great strides and has come a long way since Ivan has been in charge.
- Lion Frank said that the club would be ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at Belks on December 5th from 9am-7pm.
- Stew: Lion Pat Steed stated that we made approximately 1250 quarts and that all went well including handling of tickets and money. Many positive remarks have been received about the stew. Pat suggested that a letter be sent to all non-Lions who helped make the stew and that we invite them to a club meal. This was put into a motion by Lion Dwight and 2nd by Lion Chris. Motion was approved.
- Cabinet Meeting: Lion Robbie advised all that the cabinet meeting was Nov 11 and the next zone meeting was to be 11/13 in Mayodan.
- Eye Exams and Glasses requests: Lions Bill #1 said that there are currently 17 requests for help with glasses and exams that are to be scheduled.
Lion Fred won the attendance and Lion Gene failed to draw the ace of spades and win the $100 lotto. Following the pledge led by Bill #2 the meeting was adjourned.
10/25/12 Membership Meeting
The Eden Lions Club held their stew planning membership meeting attended by 25 members and two guests Mike Garrett, guest of Jeff Parris and Carolyn Ferguson, guest of Jack Morris. Discussion about the stew was led by Chairperson Pat Steed. Work schedules were reviewed and all jobs seem covered. Pat Floyd reported that only about 40-50 quarts would be available for sale at the door based on tickets sold and anticipated production of 1200 quarts.
A review of the 31-D Fall Convention was held. Attending the cabinet meeting were Pat Floyd, Robbie, Frank and Bill #1. Most important was election of district governor and 1st and 2nd vice-district governors for the 2013-2014 year. Our zone chair Robbie reported on our zone activities. The membership was reminded that we have a membership meeting next week.
Lion Pat Steed got the attendance drawing and Lion Steve tried but failed to win the lotto. Tail Twister Frank collected $.25 from all because no one knew what color shoes Robbie had on at the last meeting. Following the pledge led by Lion Jeremy, the meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-10/18/12
The Board met at the Sirloin House on 10/18/12—Attending were-Pat Floyd, Pat Steed, Bill #1, Peggy, Fred, Bill Smith, Robbie, Frank, Mike, Bill McLeod, Dwight, Jim and Chris. This meeting was devoted to planning for the stew. Lion Chris mentioned that we had sold quite a bit of our fruit butter and after selling it at the stew we will need to reorder.
Pat S. had checked on the supplies at Scotties and they are no longer open on Saturdays so Mike said that we could just take the items that we normally store there and put on his truck after the stew to be taken to Scotties later. There is a need for drop cords. Since Bill Smith will be out of town at stew time, he advised that the fires are started at 8pm. Bill #1 has the 30 lbs of butter and will deliver the wood Friday evening. Mike will pick up the meat at Hundley’s in Stoneville Friday evening. Fred is to check and make sure he had the can openers. Ticket sales seem to be going well and Frank will send e-mail to all asking how many tickets are unsold. Pat F. has 100-150 of the 1200 unissued. Still need boxes and could use another 4-6am stirrer.
10/11/12 Membership Meeting
Twenty-four were present for the 10/10 membership meeting and the program was Lion Vern Seig, President of the McLeansville Lions Club (Lion Ginny Jones-program). Lion Vern is very active in his club and talked about ways that McLeansville Lions are getting the word out about their club and the good work that they do. Lion Vern distributed a brochure that tells about his club and is available to the public in McLeansville. Lion Terry Vernon was recognized by presiding Lion Bill McLeod for sponsoring new Lion Jeremy Dewberry.
- Stew: Lion Pat Steed talked about stew plans. There was still need for some stirrers for the 2-6am shift and Lion Pat Floyd stated that 1000 tickets have been issued out. Still need boxes.
- Fall Convention: 31-D is 10/19-20. Chris, Frank, Robbie, Pat Floyd and Bill #1 were attending.
- Cabinet meeting: 10/20
- Boys and Girls Club recognition banquet is 10/23 at 6:30 and we need someone to represent our club at this event.
- Lions International has recognized our club as an e-club thanks to Lion Robbie’s efforts in establishing and maintaining our website—we have an e-club patch to display somewhere.
Tail Twister Lion Frank was rather subdued today and thankfully gave all a break since no one admitted to taking a drink before 11am. Attendance was won by Lion Terry and Lotto card drawer Lion Bob came up empty. Following pledge led by Lion Fred, meeting was adjourned.
Eden Lions Club Meeting-10/4/12
District Governor Howard Wallace of Greensboro was the speaker for the October 4th Eden Noon Lion's Club. District Governor Wallace was on hand to provide the message of the day and induct the newest members of the club.
Amelia Seaver and Jeremy Dewberry were inducted into the club. Their sponsors were Lion Andy McBride and Lion Terry Vernon respectively. The newest Lions were given their induction packets including their Lion's pins. District Governor administered the oath to Lion Seaver and Lion Dewberry. Lion Zone President Robbie Johnson was also present for the ceremony and welcomed the new Lion's to the club.
District Governor Wallace then presented a brief program entitled. "Let your Light so shine". The message of the program was for Lion's everywhere to broadcast Lionism and tell the general public about the good works being done by Lion's.
Lion Tony Gunn presented the Scholarship Committee report. The committee received 11 applications(including two renewals) and made the following nine awards, totaling $3700:
-- $500 to James Carter, a sophomore at Elon University (renewal)
-- $500 to Carolyn Nooe, a sophomore at UNC-Chapel Hill renewal)
-- $300 to Lucas Flint planning to attend UNC-Charlotte
-- $300 to Jessica Holland planning to attend East Carolina
-- $300 to James Reece planning to attend RCC
-- $300 to Zachary Thompson planning to attend NC State
-- $500 to Ashlyn Tuttle planning to attend Elon University
-- $500 to Mary Katherine Ward planning to attend UNC-Chapel Hill
-- $500 to Carlee Beth Willey planning to attend UNC-G
Recipients were informed of their awards by letter. The meeting concluded with District Governor Wallace leading the Club with a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. Written by Lion Educator Jeff Parish.
Eden Lions Club-Board Meeting-9/27/2012
On 9/27, the Board met at the Sirloin House—attending were Dwight, Chris, Robbie, Bill #1, Fred, Bob, Peggy, Frank, Sheralene, Bill McLeod and Mike Haines.
Riverfest- Lion Chris reported that we had good help at Riverfest and a lot of people stopping—we sold $40 in fruit butter and $63 in brooms. Also sold some stew tickets and some Camp Dogwood tickets—proceeds to Pat Floyd to add to tally. Fall Convention is scheduled for October 20—Robbie, Chris, Frank and Bill # 1 plan to attend.
October 4, District Governor Howard Wallace will be visiting us and will install Amelia and Jeremy as members.
Stew-Don’t forget to collect boxes.
CCTV’s—Bill #1 said that he and Jim Barrington had delivered the CCTV that had become available to a lady in Reidsville who is visually impaired. She was very pleased to be able to have the unit.
Eyeglasses and Exams-Bill #1 reported that we are getting quite a few requests but that many of the applicants are difficult to contact. Lion Frank requested that the membership be given a list of those who are receiving scholarships from our club. Chris will contact Tony Gunn for this info.
Eden Lions Club—Board Meeting-8/30/12
The Board met at the Sirloin House-attending were Chris, Mike, ,Sheralene,Bill McLeod, Frank, Robbie, Bob Futrell and Jim Barrington. Discussion included plans for Riverfest—we will have a booth for Saturday, 9/15 from 10-4pm—will need 2 people for each 2 hr shift and will pass around sign up sheet at next meeting. Booth to have stew tickets for sale, brooms, fruit jelly for sale and Lions club info for handouts. Some discussion took place in regard to stew and due to a very small rise in cost of components, the Board voted to keep price at $5/quart. Board voted to increase price of fruit butter to $4/jar from the current $3/jar.
Minutes - Zone 4 Meeting
Chairman: Robbie Johnson - Zone 4's first meeting was held on September 4th, hosted by the Madison Lions. 1st VDG Terrie Grooms attended the meeting and discussed the convention - asked about Clubs doing an ad for the program, as well as attendance for the convention. 2nd VDG Norma Jean McKinney discussed projects and the idea of clubs working together on them. Then the clubs gave a report:
Eden Noon will be holding their annual Brunswick Stew and Pine Straw sale in October. They will have a booth at the Riverfest on September 15th - they will be selling Brunswick Stew tickets, fruit butter, Camp Dogwood raffle tickets, and brooms. They will be passing out general information about Lions, blindness, and guide dogs. There will be a real life guide dog in the Lions' booth!
Eden Evening have been working hard in their concession stand. They have plans to Honor the Veterans of Rockingham County on Veteran's Day. Their main project is a History Book for the Veteran's of Rockingham County. They will also have a booth at Riverfest.
Madison has 2 new members. They will be participating in the Madison Fall Festival on October 6th as well as the Stoneville Fall Festival.
Mayodan will host their semi-annual Pancake Breakfast in November. They have added new members.
Reidsville is working with the blind in the training programs. They will hold a Social Cook Out on September 19th for the VIPs in Rockingham County. They are trying to get the word out to the VIP's about the Fishing Tournament and attending Camp Dogwood next year.
We discussed the possibility of doing a Membership drive together. Hopefully working together or at least supporting each other at our respective fundraisers, this will build stronger ties between clubs and members.
The Wish List from Camp Dogwood for recreational items was passed out, each representative of their club will take this back to their club and discuss. Hopefully Zone 4 will be able to help Camp Dogwood. Zone 4's next meeting will be hosted by the Mayodan club and is scheduled for November 13 at 6:30 pm.
August 2, 2012 Meeting
Lt. Clint Simpson was the speaker at the August 2, 2012 Eden Noon Lion's Club. He was the guest of Lion Jim Barrington. His topic was Project Lifesaver.
The primary mission of Project Lifesaver is to provide timely response to save lives and reduce potential injury for adults and children who wander due to Alzheimer's, autism, and other related conditions or disorders. Citizens enrolled in Project Lifesaver wear a small personal transmitter around the wrist or ankle that emits an individualized tracking signal. If an enrolled client goes missing, the caregiver notifies their local Project Lifesaver agency and a trained emergency team responds to the wanderer’s area. Most who wander are found within a few miles from home, and search times have been reduced from days and hours to minutes. In over 2072 searches, there have been no reported serious injuries or deaths and the recovery time averages 30 minutes.
The Project Lifesaver bracelet is much more than a passive ID bracelet. It is an one ounce, battery operated wrist transmitter, emitting an automatic tracking signal every second, 24 hours a day. The signal is tracked on the ground or in the air over several miles (depending on terrain). Each bracelet has a unique radio frequency, allowing the Project Lifesaver search team to positively locate and identify the person who has wandered away from home or the care facility.
Submitted by: Past-president Robbie Johnson
Edens Noon Lion’s Club honors local citizens
The Eden Noon Lion’s club held their annual awards banquet at Whistle Jacket Grill in June welcoming guests and esteemed members to witness the “changing of the guard” of the officers for the year and to honor those who have been exceptionally helpful over the past 12 months.
Dr. Bill McCloud was named as a Lion of the Year. President Robbie Johnson said, “Bill really is a great Lion. He is quiet, but come time for Brunswick Stew he gets his Sons involved and they work the night away taking turns stirring or adding stuff to the stew!”
Pat Steed was presented the Jack Stickley Fellowship award for attending meetings through his chemo even wearing a toboggan when he had no hair from chemo and treatment of leukemia. The Jack Stickley Fellowship is an honored and cherished award given to its recipient. While honoring a special person, it also helps North Carolina Lions provide more services to those in need. This recognition program is available to everyone. Lions and non-Lions may become a Jack Stickley Fellow. It can be presented by individuals, clubs, employers, family members, or bought personally. It is ideal to recognize accomplishments, service, friendship, memorials, Honorariums, or any special occasion.
All Fellowship funds are placed in an endowment with only the interest being used by the North Carolina Lions Foundation. The long-term goal is to generate enough money in the Fellowship endowment for the interest to pay all of the Foundation’s administration costs. This will allow every dollar raised by the Lions to be spent on services for the blind, visually and hearing impaired. The recipient will receive a letter from the President of the North Carolina Lions, Inc, a numbered personalized plaque, a Stickley Fellow pin, and a numbered wallet identification card. The recipient’s name will be placed on an honor roll in the Stickley Building located on the campus of Camp Dogwood.
Retiring President Robbie Johnson introduced Lion 31D District Governor Mike Hopkins who announced the new incoming officers and swear them in. These included President Chris Law, First Vice-President Bill McLeod, Second Vice-President Bob Futrell, Third Vice-President Amy Nalley, Secretary Bill Moore, Treasurer Peggy Nesbit, Tail Twister Frank Reid, Lion Tamer Fred Burton, 1 Year Director Sheralene Thompson, 1 Year Director Dwight Hopkins, 2 Year Director Mike Haines, 2 Year Director Jim Barrington.
The North Carolina Lions, Inc. is a non-profit organization as defined in section 501C3 of the IRS code.
Lisa Doss - Eden's Own Journal - Rockingham County Star
Thursday May 3 Lions Club meeting - guests: Rockingham County Fire Marshall, Stoneville Marshall with Arson Dog (written by President Robbie Johnson)
Stoneville Fire Marshall John Cruise brought the Accelerant Dog for the program. Rockingham Fire Marshall Robert Cardwell pretty much did the talking with Marshall Cruise interjecting a few times but he did not talk dog until sort of near the end of his excellent presentation. Marshall Cardwell was all serious lecturing us on fire fighter techniques and the state of fire-fighting and prevention then getting into arson cases and how they are investigated. He talked about things used to set fires for the purpose of causing deliberate damage. Marshall Cardwell then shared that he had been interested in an Arson Dog for a while and the handler with the dog Phoenix in the FBI decided it was time to retire. Phoenix had only been working a couple of years and was too good to be retired so the K9 was offered to Marshall Cardwell and the Rockingham County Fire Marshall's Office. Stoneville Fire Marshall John Cruise was the one chosen to get the Arson (Sniffer) Dog.
Phoenix stays with Marshall Cruise all the time and he is usually the only one to feed, groom or work it. Marshall Cruise has to work the dog every day to keep him sharp. He also explained that every single time Phoenix eats it is only as a reward. At feeding time, Marshall Cruise hides a piece of cloth or paper and when Phoenix finds the hidden material Marshall Cruise will feed him.
A volunteer (Bitsy Futrell) allowed the marshal to put an accelerant swipe on the bottom of her shoe and Phoenix found it right away it seemed. See the Club Photo Gallery for picture.