
Next Meeting:  December 14, 2021

The Red Mixer

Golf Road, Eau Claire, WI

Time: 6:30 pm

Eau Claire Evening Lions Club

November 9, 2021, Meeting Minutes

LIONS PRESENT:   Jeff, Darrell, Terry, John P, Emma, Tom B., Randi, Bob, and Spencer.  

Call to Order:  Lion President Jeff called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Previous Meeting Minutes:   Previous minutes were reviewed. Lion Bob made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Lion Tom B. seconded the motion. Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Darrell presented the following balances of the club accounts:

Lion John P. made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Lion Tom B. seconded the motion. Motion passed. 


Old Business:

  1. Report: Farm Technology Days - service funds raised - $ 13/hour for a total of 988.00 to add to the Administrative Account

  2. Amendment of Club’s By-Laws:  Lion John Previewed and determined no update is needed based on the current wording and members can hold an office for as long as they want as long as they are voted in.

  3. Porch Pot fundraiser for Camp Needlepoint: November 15, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. at May’s Floral on Jeffers Rd. The club will provide snacks for this event courtesy of the $ 250 grant secured by Lion John P. from Thrivent Financial. Lion Tom B. will provide water, Lion Randi will provide wine. A Camp Needlepoint camper and the camp co-chair will be in attendance. 

  4. Post Office Box:  Lion Darrell updated the club mailing address to his house. Before he could cancel the PO Box we were charged a $ 134 renewal fee, but we were able to get $ 104 refunded and the PO Box was canceled. 

New Business:

  1. Governor’s Visit:  The proposed date for the District Governor’s visit of February 8, 2022 - Lion Jeff will confirm.

  2. Salvation Army Bell Ringing:  Lion Bob set up the Salvation Army Bell Ringing for December 4, 2021, at Festival Foods on Mall Drive. Our Shift will be 9a-5p.

  3. Lion Darrell will check on catering for January 14, 2022, Christmas party

  4. New apparel to be ordered before the golf outing-Lion Darrell will check on pricing and options

Motion to adjourn was made by Lion Tom B.  Seconded by Lion Terry.  Adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Motion passed.  

Respectfully submitted,   

Lion Emma Lightfield

Next Meeting:  November 9, 2021

The Red Mixer

Golf Road, Eau Claire, WI

Time: 6:30 pm

Eau Claire Evening Lions Club

October 12, 2021 Meeting Minutes


LIONS PRESENT:   Jeff, Darrell, Jeanne, Terry, John P, Emma, John H., Tom B. Leon, Randi, and Bob.  

Call to Order:  Lion President Jeff called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Previous Meeting Minutes:   Previous minutes were reviewed. Lion Leon made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Lion John P. seconded the motion. Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Darrell presented the following balances of the club accounts:

Lion Bob made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Lion Leon seconded the motion. Motion passed. 


Old Business:

  1. Amendment of Club’s By-Laws:  Lion Tom B. made a motion to propose to amend the Club’s By-Laws to change the terms of the officers from one to two years. Lion Randi seconded the motion.  Motion passed.  Lion John P. will begin the process of this amendment.

  2.  Potential Fundraiser:  Lion Randi reported that the porch pot fundraiser will take place on November 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at May’s Floral on Jeffers Rd. The club members will provide snacks for this event. A sign-up sheet will be presented at the next meeting on what members will bring. Motion was made by Lion Emma to donate 100% of the funds earned to Camp Needlepoint. Seconded by Lion Tom B. Motion passed.

  3. Bell Ringing: Information was not available.  Lion Bob will continue to follow-up.

  4. Farm Technology Days:  Funds from this event are still pending.

  5. Christmas event:  Will be held at Hickory Hills Golf Course on January 14, 2022.


New Business:

  1. Post Office Box:  Lion Darrell received a letter regarding the renewal of the Club’s post office box.  The rental fee has increased.  Lion Jeanne made a motion to cancel the post office box.  The mail will be sent to Darrell’s address.  Lion Leon seconded the motion. Motion passed. 

  2. Airshow:  This event will occur on June 3-4, 2022.

  3. Blue Ox: This event will occur on Jun 23-25, 2022. 

Motion to adjourn was made by Lion Emma.  Seconded by Lion Leon.  Adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Motion passed.

Respectfully submitted,

Lion Jeanne DuPuis


Next Meeting:  October 12, 2021

The Red Mixer

Golf Road, Eau Claire, WI

Time: 6:30 pm

Eau Claire Evening Lions Club

September 14, 2021, Meeting Minutes


LIONS PRESENT:   Jeff, Darrell, Jeanne, Terry, John P, Emma, John H., Tom B. Leon, Tom T., and Bob.  


GUEST:  Randi Ann McVinnie – potential Lion Club member.


Call to Order:  Lion President Jeff called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Previous Meeting Minutes:   Previous minutes were reviewed. Lion Bob made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Lion John P. seconded the motion. Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Darrell presented the following balances of the club accounts:


Lion John P. made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Lion Tom. B. seconded the motion. Motion passed. 


Old Business:

  1. Blue Ox Event: Club members raised funds in wages and tips. 

  2. Amendment of Club’s By-Laws:  Lion Leon made a motion for Lion Jeanne and Lion John to research the process in how to amend the Club’s By-Laws; if the members chose to change the terms of the officers from one to two years. Lion Tom B. seconded the motion.  Motion passed.

  3.  Potential Fundraisers:  *Creating holiday porch pots for sale- guest Randi is going to check with Mays to see if they will offer a class on making porch pots. 

*Coloring Books – another option for a fundraiser.  This suggestion was tabled.

            4. Farm Technology Days:  Funds from this event are still pending.


New Business:

  1. Club’s Golf Outing is scheduled for May 20, 2022, at Hickory Hills Golf Course.

  1.  New Club T-shirts:  Lion Darrel will check into the purchasing of T-shirts and bring a catalog to the next meeting.

  2. Membership Key:  Lion Leon was presented with a Membership Key for his sponsorship of 2 or more new club members. 

  1.  Bell Ringing:  Lion Bob is going to inquire about the bell ringing for the Salvation Army this year and provide us with an update.

  2. New Lion Club Member: Guest, Randi McVinnie completed an application to become an Eau Claire Evening Lion.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lion Emma.  Seconded by Lion John P.  Adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,

Lion Jeanne DuPuis



Next Meeting:  July 10, 2021

Leon Schretenthaler Residence

Time: 6:30 pm

Eau Claire Evening Lions Club

June 15, 2021 Meeting Minutes


 LIONS PRESENT:   Tom T, Jeff, Darrell, Jeanne, Terry, John P, Leon, Tom B., Emma, Spencer,   

                                  and Bob.  


Call to Order:  Lion President Tom T. called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.


Previous Meeting Minutes:   Previous minutes were reviewed. Lion John  made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Lion Tom B. seconded the motion. Motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report:  Lion Darrell presented the following balances of the club accounts:

Lion Tom B. made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented.  Lion Terry seconded the motion. Motion passed. 


Old Business:


  1.  Third reading of the list of new officers for July 2021 to June 2022.

     President -  Lion Jeff Nussbaum

     1st Vice President – Lion Spencer Lightfield

     2nd Vice President – Lion Terry Young

     3rd Vice President –Lion Bob Vollendorf

     Treasurer – Lion Darrell Christy

                       Secretary – Lion Jeanne DuPuis

                  Lion John made a motion to accept the reading of the new officers.  Lion Tom B. 

                  seconded the motion.  Majority of members accepted the motion. 1 No.


  1. Farm Technology Days to be held July 20th, 21st, and 22nd on Highway 37 and Mitchell Road.  Reminder to attend if signed up to help at beverage and/or food tents.


  1.  Our club presented a check to the Eau Claire Co. Regional Tactical team in the amount   

                of $4,100.


  1. NOTE CHANGE OF MEETING INFORMATION:  Meeting will take place 

               July 10, 2021 at Leon Schretenthaler’s residence.  Social Hour: 3:00 pm, Eat: 5:pm,      

               Meeting: 6:30 pm.  Food will be provided.  Bring your own lawn chair and a beverage.



 New Business:  


  1. Blue Ox Event: If interested in working at this event, members can sign up now.


  1.  Lion Dick Heintz’s brother passed away.  Motion was made by Lion John  to     donate $50 to Peace Lutheran Church in his memory. Motion seconded by Terry. Motion passed.


Motion to adjourn was made by Lion John.  Seconded by Lion Bob.  Adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,

Lion Jeanne DuPuis


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