
Contact the East Royalty Lions Club

Address: P.O. Box 20017, Charlottetown, PEI C1A 9E3
Phone: (902)629-1513 at the club
Web Master: David Morrison

 cell 902 394 5778
Email: lionsineastroyalty 


2024/2025 Club Officers

President: Lion Dawn Penton

1st Vice President: Lion Ray MacDonald 

Secretary:  Lion Peggy Aitken

Treasurer: Lion David Morrison

Membership Chairman: Lion Barry Collier  Home: 1(902)367-7607 

Lion Tamer Lion Mark Ellis

Dirtector (1 year) Lion Erroll Campbell

Director (2 year)  Lion Peggy Aitken

Service Chairman Lion David Laybolt

Past President Lion Brian Reid


"Our Members"

Peggy Aitken  David Laybolt  Brian Reid 
Erroll Campbell Ray Macdonald    
Ron Callaghan David Morrison Dawn Hobbs-Penton 
Barry Collier  Jack MacPherson Jamie Penton  
Earl Jeffrey   Mark Ellis
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