
The Eastpointe Lions Club History

In October, 1948, the dream of a group of civic minded people became a reality through the chartering of the East Detroit Lions Club. In 1983, the Lions organized the East Detroit Lioness Club. The Eastpointe Lions are a very diversified Club that recognizes its duties and responsibilities in every phase of Lionism. In 1991, the City of East Detroit changed its name to Eastpointe. As leaders of the community, the Lions Club likewise voted to change its name.



Committed to the Community

The Lions recognized a need to pay tribute to the East Detroit Vietnam Veterans that died serving their country. In 1970, the Lions led the nation by building a wall monument in front of the East Detroit City Hall with a bronze memorial plaque for each of the 19 deceased veterans.

When the Lions/Quest program (where Lions train teachers in dealing with peer pressure) began in 1974, the Lions sponsored the High School program. When the program was expanded, the Lions sponsored the program in both Junior High Schools, and eventually three elementary schools. The Eastpointe Lions also instituted the first visual screening in the East Detroit Public Schools. 

When the Eastpointe Fire Department needed heart monitoring equipment and incubators for the ambulances, the Lions spearheaded the fundraising. In later years a camcorder and VCR were given to the fire department to help in training. Most recently, the Lions donated funds to the Fire Department for a new "Fire House" to help educate children on how to safely exit a burning building.

When a group of blind bowlers were looking for a sponsor, the Eastpointe Lions took their request to heart and sponsored the entire Macomb Blind Bowlers league. The involvement included not only financial assistance but help in their leadership needs and service on a weekly basis. Much of the involvement is due to the activities of charter member Bill Dreyer. Today, there are numerous teams being sponsored by many different Clubs including the Eastpointe Lions.

The Eastpointe Lions have also donated to scholarship programs for students at East Detroit High School, and Macomb Community College. Over the last 30 years, the Lions have donated well over $40,000 to these funds.

When Erin Manor was built, the Lions were there with recreation and entertainment equipment as well as a flag pole. When eyeglasses or vision testing is needed by residents of Eastpointe, the Lions are there. When the East Detroit High School library had a fire in 1972, the Lions were there to help rebuild.

In the mid-70s, Eastpointe Lions built the small gazebo and partnered with other organizations to build the large gazebo both at Kennedy Park.



Committed to District 11-A2

The Lions have recognized their responsibilities to the District. They have provided many leaders to the District. This includes District Governors, Zone Chairmen, Region Chairmen, Cabinet Secretary, Treasurer, and countless Committee chairmen and members.

A high point of the year is the annual pumpkin carving at Penrickton Center for Blind Children. The Lions supply the pumpkins as well as the carving skills. The children supply the love and the laughter. Lions and Lioness getting their hands dirty and their hearts filled with Lionism.

Each year Districts l1-A2, II-AI; and Al (Canada) get together to celebrate our great heritage at International Night, which began when the Canadian Lions were sponsored by the Michigan Lions. The Eastpointe Lions have had the privilege of hosting these events and are sincere believers in International fellowship through interclub visits.



Committed to Lions International involvement

Over 30 years ago, an East Detroit Lion was traveling in London, Ontario. He was involved in a serious car accident. A London Lion noticed he was wearing a Lion's pin. The London Lions arranged for substantial blood donations for this Lion. Since that time, the Eastpointe Lions have been exchanging visits with the London Central Lions as well as supporting their golf outings. All this happened because a Lion was wearing the most important emblem of our Association, the LIONS INTERNATIONAL pin.

The Lions recognized their duty to Lions Clubs International in 1991 when they pledged over $15,000 to Campaign SightFirst. Eastpointe Lions bought the first SightFirst camera for the District

The highest honor that can bestowed upon a Lion is the Melvin Jones Fellowship. Many Eastpointe Lions have received this award and a list is on the Membership Roster distributed at meetings.

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