East Peterborough Lions Clubs

Club Projects: 

District Photo Contest - Each year all Lions are invited to enter a photo in the Enviromental Photo contest and submit it to be judged at the District Convention.   


District Environment "Trash Bash Fashion Show - 

This is just a quick reminder for our Trash Fashion Show this coming Convention.
I hope that there are a lot of ideas being put to use with your paper, cans, bottle tops, tubes from toilet paper and paper towels, etc.  As I mentioned in an earlier email, long as it can be recycled afterward, that would be great!  I know of a few who have begun doing their trendy trashion!
You can do it as a lone entry or do it as a club entry-that way everyone can chip in on collecting and on the design!  Why not!!
Many of you have already started to get ready for winter. Don't forget to recycle where you can.  Use some of the leaves for your garden to keep your garlic and other tubers from getting too frosty.  If you have lots of leaves, bag them up for recycling, tie up brush in bundles, clean out eavestroughs, but by now you probably all know that drill!  
Now would also be a good time to go through all your winter stuff - donate clean, gently used items to the women's shelter, or Value Village, or Talize and even the homeless shelters.  I've got a lot to get rid of!  As long as we can keep all that material out of landfills, it's a good thing!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Lion Deb Brown - District Environment Chair

Recyled Hearing Aids 

Recyled Pill Bottles!

Recyled Eye Glasses!

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