Eagle Lions Club - LIst of Special Activities & Donations.
The Eagle Lions Club makes every effort to offer annual financial support to the organizations in this list. Eagle Lions accepts general donations or donations designated to one or more of the following organizations or activities.
If you wish to make a donation to help the Eagle LIons Club, please contact our club president, Jeff Burton, at 262-495-8071.
Special Olympics - Southeast Wisconsin
Eagle Recreation Department programs
Palmyra-Eagle High School - Project Graduation
Eagle Elementary School - Winter Clothes Program
Organ Donor Program
Palmyra-Eagle Community Band
3rd Grade Shrine Circus
Family Fun & Kids Rides - Kettle Moraine Days
Eagle Food Pantry
Eagle Cub Scouts - Pack 54 - sponsoring organization
Palmyra-Eagle High School - college scholarships
Kids Swimming Lessons Program
Honor America's Troops - Christmas Care Boxes
Center for Blind & Visually Imparied
Center for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Diabetes Awareness
Hearing Fund Program
Youth Exchange Program
Sight First Program
Leader Dog Program
Wisconsin Lions Eye Bank
Wisconsin Lions Camp, Rosholt, WI