
Eagle Lions Club Committees

Standing Administrative Committees 

  • Calling Committee Chair - vacant
  • Hospitality Committee Chair - Vacant
  • Program Committee Co-Chairs -Vacant
  • Membership Committee Chair - Wayne Nelson, 
    • ​Committee Members - 
  • Public Relations Committee Chair - Vacant, 
    • Website - Wayne, Facebook - Paul, Newspaper - Ed 
  • New Activities Committee - Vacant

Standing State Projects

  • Hearing/Leader Dogs - vacant 
  • Rocky Mtn. Lions Eye Institute/Foundation Chair - Ed,  
  • Colorado Lions Camp for the Handicapped - Vacant
  • Colorado Lions Foundation and LCIF - Ed Smith
  • Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank - Ed Smith

Seasonal Activities

Fall Activities

  • Peace Poster Contest Chair - Vacant  -  
  • Wings and Wheels Chair - 
    • Committee Members -  
  • Highway Cleanup Chair - Vacant
    • Committee Members- Vacant

Winter Acti​vities

  • Santa Claus Chair - Wayne 
    • Committee members -  Ed Smith and Elsa Carrillo
  • Christmas on Broadway Food Booth Chair - vacant
  • 12th Night Eagle - Chair  

Winter/ Spring Activities

  • High School Speech Contest - Not Available
  • Spaghetti Dinner Committee Chair -   
  • Silent Auction Committee Chairs -  
    • Committee members - all members 
  • 9Health Fair
    • Site Coordinator
    • Facilities Coordinator -
    • Food Coordinator

Spring/Summer Activities

  • Scholarships for Graduating Seniors Chair -  
  • Scholarships for Continuing Education Chair
  • Flight Days Pancake Breakfast - Chair 
    • Committee members - 
  • Flight Days Lunch and Dinner Concessions Chair
    • Committee members - 

Standing Club Projects/Activities Committees

  • Eye Glass Recycling Chair
    • Committee Member - 
  • Eyeglass Requests Chair -  
    • Committee members -  
  • Kidsight (Photoscreener) - Chairs Ed Smith
    • Committee members -   
  •  Mints Chair - Vacant
  • Charter Org. Rep for Scouting - Wayne Nelson
  • Leo Club Advisor - Vacant
  • Trailer Care Co-Chairs - Ed and Wayne 






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