
Welcome to the Eagle Lions Club                                                                                                              

Ever want to change the world?


Imagine the feeling you get inside when you give a child the gift of sight. Now take a moment to imagine all the changes you've made in that child's world throughout their lifetime. The opportunities to read, learn and grow are endless.  Little things, many of us with sight take for granite, like looking into the eyes of our loved ones or marveling at the incredible wonders of nature have now become a reality. Now imagine meeting this child after they have grown and become successful.  Look into their eyes.  Tell me what you're feeling.  You have changed that child's entire world.  
As Lions, we get that feeling everytime we test preschoolers for eye diseases, everytime we collect a box of used glasses to be recycled, everytime we provide a high school graduate with a scholarship or send them to a national youth leadership conference.  We get that feeling when we sponsor the 9 Health Fair and someone discovers a health problem in time to save their life.
We are committed to helping our communities. We appreciate how much our communities have given us over the years, and as Lions, we’re giving back. We are improving the lives of others and as a bonus we are enriching our own. Come join us and feel the feeling. 
Our Motto is "We Serve" Click here for more info
Add value to your life and the lives of others, Give Back.  Come Join Us! (808) 346-7980.


Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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