
Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes

Annual Pancake Dinner Postponed

The annual Pancake Dinner scheduled for March 28, 2020, has been postponed until a later date.   (Due to COVID-19 restrictions)

Meeting Summary - March 10, 2020

  1. The tickets are ready for members to sell for our sports package:  fly rod, rifle, and buck knife.  President Kay has the tickets ready for you.

  2. Enrollment forms for the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program were passed out (remember the presentation at the last meeting) so we can start counting hours.

  3. Pancake Dinner on March 28.  We will need help on Friday, Mar. 27 at 6:00 p.m. to set up, get sausage ready, etc.  Will need help at the dinner on Saturday evening.

  4. Donated $200 to the PCHS girls' basketball team to go to Charleston for the state tournament.

  5. Donated $200 to the PCHS robotics team to travel to world competition in KY.

  6. Carolyn Sheets gave an update on Filippo, their Italian exchange student from last summer.

  7. Roger Trusler and Koda gave an interesting presentation on the Lions Leader Dog Program.  Koda has been with Roger for several months and is a beautiful golden retriever dog.

Meeting Summary - February 25, 2020

  1. Two ladies from the Senior Volunteer Program spoke to us about their program and how we can become involved.  We will be participating in this program as a club.

  2. There was a lengthy discussion on what to raffle this year as our fund raiser.  It was decided to do a Sportsman's Package, consisting of a rifle, a knife, and a fly rod.  Members will get the three items as soon as possible so the club can start selling tickets.

  3. The Pancake Dinner is scheduled for March 28. 

  4. The Harris Scholarship papers are due on March 31.  Committee members will read them and a selection will be chosen.

  5. The Glabb Scholarship papers will be handed out at PCHS and will be due on April 9, 2020.

  6. Roger Trusler and Koda will visit us at our next meeting.

  7. The meeting ended with singing Happy Birthday to "First Gentleman" Bill Blackshire.

Meeting Summary - February 11, 2020

  1. The Pancake Dinner is scheduled for March 28.  We will need help on Friday evening and on Saturday afternoon.

  2. There was a discussion on what item(s) to raffle this year.  More will be discussed at the next meeting and hopefully a decision will be made.

  3. Service Volunteers from Summersville will attend the next meeting on February 25 to explain their program.

Meeting Summary - January 28, 2020

  1. Request for funding to send students to a legislative session in Charleston

  2. President Kay gave a report on the Leadership Retreat she attended

  3. Set March  29 as date for the annual pancake supper

  4. President Kay has Treasure on the Mountain tickets for sale

  5. Please bring suggestions for our next raffle to the Feb. 11 meeting

  6. The Feb. 11 meeting will be a spouse's night

Meeting Summary - January 14, 2020

  1. Twenty-one members and three guests were in attendance.

  2.  Seven "Stop the Bleed" packets were presented to State Trooper Zach Chestnut and PMH nurse Brandy Wayne for their "Stop the Bleed" Campaign.

  3.  A report was given on the community turkey dinner.  It was discussed that we change the time to 12 noon to 3pm (or less).

  4.  The Santa Run was successful.  It was decided to drop the tiny gum drops from the order.  There is still too much candy being purchased.

  5.  President Kay is planning to attend the Leadership Retreat at Flatwoods the end of January.  There is a possibility that Vice-President Paul will also attend.  The club will reimburse her for the cost of registration.

  6.  We will need workers for basketball games at PCHS on Feb. 1, Feb. 8, and Feb. 21.  President Kay will have more info closer to those dates.


July 17th - Making Pork Rinds for Durbin Days 2019

Lion Donnie Waybright's was the gathering place for making pork rinds.

June 25th

Above: Three new members were inducted at the June 25th meeting.

L to R: Robert Paterson, Robert (Duke) Fry, Mary Ellen Fry, their sponsor Hugh Geiger, and President Suzanne Stewart.


John Wayne received his 10 year membership pin, June 25, 2019.


Members received attendance pins, June 25:  President Suzanne, Lucas Presco New President Kay Blackshire, Bill Blackshire, Donnie Waybright, Linda Stewart, and Rick Wooddell.  (Not shown: Carolyn Sheets, Charlie Sheets)

June 11th

Bill Hevener received a 15-year membership pin June 11, 2019.


L to R: Bill Hevener, Lucas Prisco, Rick Wooddell, Harold Crist, Paul Vosteen, Susan Streisel, Kay (Wiley) Blackshire.

Above: New officers were installed for the 2019-2020 at the June 11th meeting.


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