- Operation KidSight screening in preschools & Headstart
- Operation SchoolSight screening in 1st, 3rd, 5th and 8th grades
- Give dictionaries to all 3rd graders in Concord Schools
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing at Concord Mall
- Easter Egg Hunt at Concord High School
- Host Concord Junior High 3.5 Honors Banquet
- Bingo parties at Golden Living Care Center in Elkhart
- Provide Sport Pacs for athletes at Concord HIgh School
- Financial support of the 5-Star Life Progam at Concord Junior HIgh
- Salvation Army Adopt-a-family
- Financial assistance for glasses & hearing aids for students and adults (pre-qualification required)
- United Cancer Services donation
- Leader Dogs for the Blind
- Indiana Speech and Hearing
- Indiana Lions Cancer Control
- Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
- Indiana Lions Eye and Tissue Bank
- Lions Club International Foundation - 100% of the donations received by LCIF goes directly to service throughout the world.
- Lions Eyeglass Mission to Mexico - This is a year-long process of collecting, repairing, cleaning, reading prescription, sorting and shipping 15,000 glasses to Mexico in preparation for our mission trip. The 22 person mission team is composed of Lions from District 25-G including 7-8 Dunlap Lions.