EyeGlasses Recycling Progam (All Year)

Lions Eyeglasses Recycling Box Locations:
Dripping Springs Library
Lone Star Capital Bank
DS Vision Center
Prosperity Bank
Tholen Eye Care
Belterra Eyecare
Dripping Springs Methodist Church
KidSight Vision Screening (All Year)
Vision screenings can be requested from local child care centers or at local festivals by contacting DSLionsClub@gmail.com
Texas Lions Camp (All Year)

At Texas Lions Camp, we view camp as a time for campers to explore, exercise curiosity, and discover new interests and abilities. We want campers to attempt things that would normally be out of their reach, such as riding a horse, or rock climbing on our ropes course, or just being part of a team.
Almost every activity at TLC requires more than one person to accompish - the premise being that we are not meant to be alone in life and can accomplish great things when we work together. Apply now for 2023 Summer Camp https://www.lionscamp.com/
Founders Day Festival (April).

The Annual Founders Day Festival honors and celebrates the founding of the Dripping Springs community in 1850 by the Moss, Wallace, and Pound families. The three-day jubilee promotes cooperation and volunteerism in the community and generates community spirit and recreation. It is held in downtown Dripping Springs. This year the event will be held April 28-30, 2023.
Scholarship Program (May)

Scholarships are awarded to graduating seniors from Dripping Springs High School and those other high school graduates residing in the Dripping Springs ISD area. Applications for the scholarship is found on the link above.
Christmas on Mercer Street (December)
