
August 17, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club held our 16th Annual Poker Night Fundraiser!

July 17, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club donated to Dixon Girls Softball!

June 19, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club inducted Joe Bruch as the Club President for the 2023/2024 year!  The club also inducted their board and awarded the Dixon Lion of the Year to Joe Bruch!

June 5, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Jesse Moore!

May 13, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club awarded ten $1,000 scholarships, one $1,000 Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship & one $1,000 Don Osborn Memorial Scholarship to DHS Seniors!

April 20, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club had our Drive Thru BBQ Fundraiser!

April 1, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club donated $750 to the Dixon Sports Boosters Club!

March 6, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Kaley Ciraulo!

March 1, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club donated $250 to Dixon Little Legaue baseball!

February 26, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club held our club Student Speaker Contest at Dixon High School!

February 3, 2024:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives volunteered bartending for the Dixon Game Club Crab Feed!

December 24, 2023:  Dixon Lions Cub members & family placed food/clothes in bags that will be delivered to seniors on Christmas Eve by the local toys for tots group.

December 23, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members & family delivered gifts for seven familes that the club adopted for Christmas!

December 9, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members held their annual Christmas Party and inducted Val Dupratt, Chris Ford & Rich Bedoya as life members!

December 6, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members honored Noah Ruiz as the DHS Student of the Month!

December 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members started the Random Acts of Kindness program.

November 11,2023:  Dixon Lions Club members volunterred to bar tend at the DHS Hall of Fame Induction Night!

November 1, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members honored Austin Reed as the DHS Student of the Month.

October 14, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club held their BBQ Drive Through Fundraiser!

October 4, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members honored Cole Jacobson as the DHS Student of the Month.

August 26, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club held their 15th annual Poker Night Fundraiser!

May 16, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club awarded $9,000 in scholarships to Dixon High School seniors!

May 13, 2023: Dixon Lions Club donated $1,000 to the Dixon Bids for Kids program!

May 12-14, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members volunterred their time and raised funds by bar tending at the Dixon May Fair!

April 22, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members held their annual BBQ Drive Thru Fundraiser!

March 4, 2023: Dixon Lions Club members voluteered to bar tend for the Dixon Montessori School Dragonfly fundraiser!

March 1, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club inducted two new members, Linda Stormont & Loren Daugherty!

Febuary 4, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members voluteered their time to bartend & raise funds at the Dixon Game Club Crab Feed!

January 22, 2023:  Dixon Lions Club members launched our 7th Annual Random Acts of Kindness program!

December 14, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1000 to the Dixon Peewee and Jr Cheerleading squads to help offset costs for a Nor Cal event that earned them a trip to the nationals!

November 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to conduct eye screening for students in school!

November 20, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club donated $600 to the Dixon Montessori School to help fund a students trip to the fifth grade camp.

November 20, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1,300 to Dixon Youth Basketball to use towards the purchase of three scoreboards!

November 12, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members volunterred to bar tend for the Dixon High School Hall of Fame Induction Night!

November 10, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club approved funds to help 3 families in need for Christmas!

November 10, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1000 to Dixon Family Services!

November 10,2022:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1300 to Dixon DYB to help fund a scoreboard!

November 2, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club honored DHS senior Edgar Pulido as the club's stuedent of the month!

October 15, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members held their annual BBQ Drive Through Fundraiser!  

August 27, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members held their 14th annual Poker Night Fundraiser!

August 13, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to bartend for the DHS All 70's High School Reunion!

June 17: 2022  Lion Bill Allard was presented The Presudent's Award for his outstanding service to our club!

June 17, 2022:  Lion Justin Ford was voted the Dixon Lion of the Year for outstanding service to our club & community!

June 17, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Cassie Ciraulo!

May 7, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club honored DHS senior Jonathan Covello as the clubs student of the month!

May 7, 2022:  Dee Osborn & family donated funds in the memory of former Lion Don Osborn to fund a DHS scholarship in his name.

April 23, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $1,500 to Dixon Bids for Kids!

April 23, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members help their annual Drive Through BBQ Fundraiser!

March 3, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members honored DHS senior Jared Dominquez as the clubs student of the month!

Febuary 5, 2022:  Dixon Lions Club members honored DHS senior David Tejeda as the clubs student of the month!

December 24, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered to help place food & supplies in boxes that were delivered to seniors on Christmas Eve.

December 12, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members voluteered their time to perform eye screening at John Knight Middle School!

December 2, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members launched our 4th annual Randon Acts of Kindness program!

November 20, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members had our 13th Annual Poker Fundraiser!

November 17, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Dale Kitt!

November 10, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club honored DHS senior Kenny Guerra as the clubs student of the month!

October 9, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members had a BBQ Drive Thru fundraiser!

June 17, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club inducted the 2021/22 officers.  Jimmy Mayoral was voted the Dixon lions of the Year!

June 12, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered to help with the DHS graduation cermony!

May 10, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members awarded (12) $1,000 scholarships to graduating DHS seniors.  Dixon Lions Club - Rardillo Cisneros, Lilia Mendisio, Emily Torres, Megan Kitt, Brandon Bei, Emily Shontz & James Rodgers.  Joe Girimonte Memorial - Natalie Victorine.  Jason Hairston memorial / KUIU - Josylin Jaramillo, Natalie Victorine, Jadelyn Young & Emma Miller.

May 5, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Joe Bruch!

May 5, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $500 to Dixon Bids for Kids!

April 24 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members donated & cooked BBQ Tri Tip for the 2021 DHS Sober Grad Night Committee!

April 21, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club honored Nickolas Escobar as the club's student of the month!

March 17, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club honored Justin Peterson as the club's student of the month!

March 13, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members held their 4th annual Tri Tip BBQ fundraiser!

March 8, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club members held their club level Student Speaker Contest, Dixon High School student Aaron Torees was the winner!

February 17, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club honored DHS student Alex Garibay as the clubs student of the month!

January 11, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club started their 4th annual Random Acts of Kindness initiative, each member who participates is tasked to give $100 to whoever they choose that is in need!

January 1, 2021:  Dixon Lions Club donated $500 to Dixon Family Services.

December 5, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members & family picked up trash in town!

November 18, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $3,000 to the Dixon Community Christmas Program!

October 24, 2021:  Dixon Lions C;ub members held their 3rd annual Tri Tip BBQ Fundraiser!

September 19, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members, family & friends picked up 18 large bags of trash at the entrance of town on First Street!

September 19, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1,000 to help purchase cots that will be used at shelters for wild fire victims.

September 5, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members & family picked up 16 large bags of trash along First Street!

June 6, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives helped line up the Dixon High School Class of 2020 their cars for the celebration parade throughout town!

May 21, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members awarded $1,000 scholarships to Dixon High Seniors Gustavo Martinez, Jared Tanaka, Alejandro Hernandez, Mateo Thompson, Rico Barfield, James Rogers & Jaime Leon.  The $1,000 Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Hannah Duncan.

April 15, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1,000 to the Dixon Bids for Kids program!

February 24, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members held the MD4 Student Speaker Contest at Dixon High School, senior Jared Tanaka advanced to the zone round!

February 19, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members honored Jared Tanaka as the clubs student of the month for Fenruary.

February 2. 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon Game Club Crab Feed.

January 25, 2020:  Dixon Lions Club members & family held our 2nd BBQ Drive Thru Fundraiser that will help fund DHS senior scholarships!

November 27,2019:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $500 to Dixon Family services & $1,000 to Dixon Toys for Tots Christmas program.

November 20, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club honored Jordan Paredes as the clubs DHS Student of the Month for November 2019!

October 16, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club honored Rico Barfield as the clubs DHS Student of the Month for October 2019!

October 11, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club approved donations to sponsor outdoor education trips for 8 students who cannot afford to attend at Gretchen Higgins, Anderson, Tremont Elementary Schools and Dixon Montessori Charter School.

October 10,2019:  Dixon Lions Club recently announced the launch of the fourth annual Dixon Lions Club Random Acts of Kindness program.

October 10, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club placed eyeglass recycle boxes throughout our town to collect glaases that will be recyled for those in need!

September 28, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to bartend for the Bids for Kids Dinner Fundraiser!

September 27, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to BBQ for the DHS QB Club at the Friday Night football games!

September 25, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and supplied the equipment to perform eye screening for the DUSD at Dixon Montessori Charter School.

September 24, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and supplied the equipment to perform eye screening for the DUSD at CA Jacobs Junior High School.

September 23, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and supplied the equipment to perform eye screening for the DUSD at Anderson Elementary School.

September 16,2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and supplied the equipment to perform eye screening for the DUSD at Gretchen Higgins Elementary School.

September 13, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and supplied the equipment to perform eye screening for the DUSD at Tremont Elementary School.

August 27, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members donated tickets to our 2020 Poker & Dinner Dance to the Remember A-Vet group that will be aunctioned at the Wreaths Fundraiser Dinner!

August 24, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held our 12th Annual Poker Night Fundraiser!  Poker, No Host Bar, BBQ Trip Tip, MLB Auction & 50/50 raffle, a fun time for all!

June 23, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members donated two 2019 Poker Tickets to be auctioned at the Recology Golf Tournament that will benefit a park for disabled children in Vacaville, CA.

June 19, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club inducted two new members, Luis Rodriguez & Bill Staton!

June 5, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Dave Callison!

June 5, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members collected bikes for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee!

May 13, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members awarded $1,000 scholarships to Dixon High School seniors Beau Carabajal, Cameron Kemper, Isabel Castillo, Alondra Gomez, Angelina Morgan. Paola Pantoja & Nick Fish.  The $1,000 Joe Girimonte Memorial scholarship was awarded to Madeline Pitto.

May 11, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members entered a float in the Dixon May Fair Parade!

April 13, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on our 45th annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser, the "Masquerade Ball" theme along with a NY Steak dinner and dancing help the club raise funds for those in need in Dixon!

March 20, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to supply & BBQ 150 pounds of Tri Tip for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee!

March 11, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club approved funds to pay for an eye exam for a DUSD student.

March 6, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Brett Peterson!

February 20, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club inducted three new members:  Eric Kratzer, Bill Allard & Justin Ford!

February 11, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members held the Lions Student Speaker Contest at Dixon High School, Hannah Palchik advanced to the zone level contest!

February 9, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club members held it's 1st annual Texas Brisket BBQ Drive Thru Fundraiser!  Meal included brisket, sausage, potato salad, bread & pickles.  All proceeds help fund the club's DHS Senior college scholarships!

February 8, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club approved funding for an eye exam and glasses for a student in the Dixon Unified School District. 

February 6, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club honored Tyler Roupp as the club's Dixon High School student of the month!

January 24, 2019:  Dixon Lions Club approved funding for an eye exam and glasses for a student in the Dixon Unified School District.

December 24, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members & family helped off load and place food in boxes that will be delivered to seniors on Christmas Eve!

November 10, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $500 to victims of the Camp Fire.

November 20, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $1,000 to Dixon Toy's for Tots!

November 20, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $500 to Dixon Family Services!

November 20, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members donated $2,240 to fund 8 outdoor education trips for Gretchen Higgin, Anderson, Tremont & Dixon Montessori schools!

November 10, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon High School Hall of Fame Induction Night!

November 6, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club approved funding for an eye exam and glasses for a student in the Dixon Unified School District.

October 26, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon QB Club at the Friday night high school football games!

October 17, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Jack Peterson!

October 15, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and the equipment to perform student vision screening at Dixon Montessori Charter School!

October 14, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to BBQ for the Team Dixon fundraiser!

October 12, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to BBQ for the QB Club at the Dixon High School Friday night football games!

October 1, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and the equipment to perform student vision screening for DUSD at Anderson Elementary School. 

September 29, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunterred their time to bar tend for the Bids for Kids Fundraiser at Silveyville Tree Farm.

September 19, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and the equipment to perform student vision screening for DUSD at Gretchen Higgins Elementary School.

September 17, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time and the equipment to perform student vision screening for DUSD at CA Jacobs Junior High School.

September 14, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members along with two members of the Fairfield Host Lions Club volunteered their time and the equipment to perform student vision screening for DUSD at Tremont Elementary School.

September 5, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members approved a donation to help fund a eagle scout project for Dixon Boy Scout Cameron Kemper!

September 1, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members donated a Dinner Dance & Poker Ticket to the Remember-A-vet fundraiser where proceeds go to the placement of wreaths at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery in December.

August 25, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held our 11th annual Poker Night Fundraiser!  Proceeds from this event help our club give back to those in need in Dixon!

August 24, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members volunterred their time to BBQ for the QB Club at the Dixon High School Friday Night football games.

July 18, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members approved a donation to help fund an Eagle Scout project for Dixon Boy Scout Cameron Kersey.

June 1, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members helped collect bikes for the DHS Sober Grad Night Committee that will be donated to students.

May 14, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club awarded $1,000 scholarships to DHS seniors Alyssa Bei, Carlos Ascenio, Magaly Navarro & Christopher Cassidy!  The $1,000 Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Juan Chavez Santas!

May 12, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives entered a float in the Dixon May Fair Parade!

May 5: 2018 Dixon Lions Club honored Saran Plumjitt as our Dixon High school student of the month!

May 3, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club approved a donation to help fund a boy scouts eagle scout project!

April 18, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club approved a $500 donation to Dixon Bids for Kids! 

April 14, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 44th annual Dinner dance fundraiser!  The "Roaring 20's" theme along with a NY steak dinner and dancing to the band Wonder Bread 5 helped the club raise funds for those in need in Dixon!

March 21, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club donated & cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee Fundraiser!

March 10, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon Little League Opening Day!

March 7, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club honored Dale Bors as our Dixon High School student of the month!

March 3, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club funded a student eye exam for a low income family.

February 22, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club held the Club Student Speaker Contest at Dixon High School.

February 7, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members funded three student eye exams for low income familes in Dixon.

February 7, 2018:  Dixon Lions Club members honored Chris Cassidy as the DHS Student of the Month!

December 24, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members, families & friends volunteered their time to place food in baskets that will be delivered to seniors on Christmas Eve!

December 6, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club honored Dereck Vicevich as the DHS Student of the Month!

November 15, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club approved a $1,000 donation to Dixon Toys for Tots!

November 11, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to bar tend for the DHS Hall of Fame Induction Night!

November 1, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club honored Issac Thompson as the DHS Student of the Month!

October 7, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held their 10th annual Poker Night.  The local community fundraiser helps raise funds for local Dixon charities!

October 3, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club honored Carlos Ascencio as the DHS Student of the Month!

October 3, 3017:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to perform vision screening for students at Anderson Elementary School!

September 28, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to perform vision screening for students at CA Jacobs Middle School!

September 19, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to perform vision screening for students at Gretchen Higgins Elementary School!

September 15, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon QB Club at the DHS Friday night football games.

September 12, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to perform vision screening for students at Tremont Elementary School!

September 11, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club approved funding for two student's eye exam's.

September 6, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club donated to Boy Scout Ian Foster to help offset expenses for his Eagle Scout project. 

September 6, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to perform vision screening for students at Dixon Montessori School.

August 11, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to bar tend for the Tailgates for Teams fundraiser!

May 15, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club awarded scholarships to Dixon High School seniors Taylor Irvine, Jessica Kersey, Lindsay Tryba, Remy Leutenegger, Jeremy Cristobal, Alyssa Ponce & Christopher Carnenas!  The Joe Girimonte Memorial scholarship was awarded to Bradley Immel.

May 13, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club entered a float in the May Fair Parade!

May 3, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club honored Remy Leunteneggar as their Dixon High School student of the month!

April 8, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members and their wives worked together to put on their 43rd annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser!  The "Hawaiian Luau" theme along with a NY steak dinner and dancing to the band Wonder Bread 5 helped the club raise funds for those in need in Dixon!

April 5, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, John McKinsey!

March 22, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club members donated & cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee!

March 21, 2017:  Dixon High Scholl's  Lydnsay Tryba won the region level student speakers contest!

March 18, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon Montessori Dragonfly Fundraiser!

March 15, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Jim Modar!

March 11, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club cooked & served BBQ tri tip for Dixon Little League Opening Day!

March 1, 2017:  Congratulations to Dixon High School's  Lindsay Tryba for winning the zone student speaker contest and advancing to the region contest!

March 1, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club honored Laim O'Brien as their Dixon High School Student of the Month!

February 13, 2017:  Congratulations to Elihi Hopper & Lindsay Tryba for winning the Dixon/Vacaville student speakers contest and advancing to the zone contest!

February 2, 2017:  Dixon Lions Club honored Jess Bravos as our Dixon High School Student of the Month!

December 24, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members and their families volunteered their time to place food in baskets that will be delivered to seniors on Christmas Eve!

December 7, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club inducted two new members, Jon Dannenberg & John Jurado!

December 7, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club funded eye exams for three elementary students that could not afford one.

November 16, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club donated $2,000 to the local Toys for Tots Christmas program!

November 9, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club donated to fund outdoor education trips for two students each at Tremont, Gretchen Higgins, Anderson & Montessori elementary schools.

November 9, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club collected over 4100 eye glasses that will be recycled for those in need!

November 2, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club this week honored Pedro Fernandes as the Dixon High School Young Man of the Month!

October 17, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club announced a donation to Life Scout Teal Cornish to help offset costs for his Eagle Scout project! Teal will construct cubbies in the baseball dugouts for the Dixon Challengers Team & Dixon Little League!

October 11, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives supplied the equipment and volunteered their time to perform vision screening for over 200 students at the Tremont Elementary School in Dixon, CA

October 11, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club funded an eye exam for a elementary school student!

October 8, 2016;  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held their 9th annual Poker Night!  The local Texas Hold Em community fundraiser helps raise funds for local Dixon charities!

September 30, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives supplied the equipment and volunteered their time to perform vision screening for over 197 students at the Gretchen Higgins Elementary School in Dixon, CA

September 27, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives supplied the equipment and volunteered their time to perform vision screening for over 270 students at the Anderson Elementary School in Dixon, CA

September 23, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon QB Club!

September 19, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to bar tend for the DHS 70's High School Reunion.

September 16, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives supplied the equipment and volunteered their time to perform vision screening for 158 students at the Dixon Montessori Charter School in Dixon, CA

September 13, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives supplied the equipment and volunteered their time to perform vision screening for 246 students at CA Jacobs Middle School.

September 9, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon QB Club!

September 2, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club funded an eye exam for a elementary school student!

August 10, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club donated a 2016 Poker and 2017 Dinner Dance ticket that will be auctioned at the RemberAVet fundraiser to help raise funds for the Wreaths program at the Sacramento National Cemetery!

June 1, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Mark Maida!

May 21, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club donated & cooked a BBQ dinner for the Dixon Relay for Life Cancer Survivor Dinner!

May 18, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Chris Dage!

May 18, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members approved to fund a eye exam for a Dixon Elementary School student!

May 16, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club awarded $1,000 scholarships to Dixon High School seniors Sebastin Retona, Claire Mitchell, Nikki Torres, Jacob Smith & Madelyn Larson.  The Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Jared Wedow.

May 2, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club approved a donation to Dixon Bids for Kids!

April 16, 2016: Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 42nd annual Dinner Dance fundraiser!  The "70's Funky Town" theme along with a NY steak dinner & dancing to a live band helped raise funds for Dixon charities!  

March 19, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon Montessori School Dinner Fundraiser!

March 19, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Girls Softball games!

March 16, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club & PDG Lion Buck Larsen inducted three new members: Troy White, Ryan Victorine & Kevin Dunn!

March 11, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members covered the cost of two eye exams for Dixon students.

March 10, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members donated and cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night BBQ fundraiser! It is so cool to give back!

March 2, 2016: Dixon Lions Club members recognized Kyle Katzenmeyer as our DHS Student of the Month! It is so cool to honor our future leaders!

February 9, 2016:  Dixon Lions Club members hosted our Student Speaker Contest at Dixon High School.

December 24, 2015:  Dixon Lions club members & family volunteered their time to help load food into baskets that will be delivered to seniors in need on Christmas eve.

December 7, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club approved donations to Toys for Tots, Dixon Family Services & Dixon High School Sober Grad Night!

November 14, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives volunteered their time for the Dixon High School Hall of Fame Induction Night!

October 16, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club members & family volunteered their time to BBQ for the QB Club at the Dixon High School football game!

October 10, 2015;  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held their 8th annual Poker Night!  The local Texas Hold Em community fundraiser helps raise funds for local Dixon charities!

October 5, 2015: Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and provided the equipment necessary to perform vision screening for 330 students at Gretchen Higgins Elementary School! We serve!

September 30, 2015: Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and provided the equipment necessary to perform vision screening for 224 students at CA Jacobs Junior High School! We serve!

September 28, 2015: Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and provided the equipment necessary to perform vision screening for 573 students at Anderson Elementary School! We serve!

September 22, 2015: Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time and provided the equipment necessary to perform vision screening for 416 students at Tremont Elementary School! We serve!

September 2, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club honored Jaret Wedow as their Dixon High School student of the month!

September 2, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club approved to sponsor two trips each for the outdoor education program at Gretchen Higgins, Anderson & Tremont Elementary schools!

September 2, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club approved a donation to Team Dixon!

August 28,2015:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon QB Club at the DHS football games!

August 5, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated a Dinner Dance & Poker tickets for a raffle benefiting the placement of Wreaths at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery.

July 25, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives volunteered their time to bar tend for the 1930's - 1960's Dixon High School reunion!

July 11, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated & cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Relay for Life Cancer Survivor Dinner!

July 11, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated & cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Dolphins swim meet!

June 20, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated & cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Dolphins swim team!

May 18,2015:  Dixon Lions Club awarded $1,000 scholarships to Dixon High School seniors Jessica Irvine, Stefany Pineda, Jacob Smith, Laura Bairett, Wesley Tonks, Patrick Scholl & Francisco Quintana.  The Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship was awarded to Olivia Ramirez.

April 25, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club members cooked & served BBQ trip tip sandwiches for Dixon Little League Baseball Family Day!

April 11, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 41st annual Dinner Dance fundraiser!  The "Wild Wild West" theme along with a NY steak dinner & dancing to a live band helped raise funds for Dixon charities!

March 21, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated their time to help the Dixon Montessori School Dragonfly Fundraiser!

March 18, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club honored Tyler MacKenzie astheirr Dixon High School Student of the Month!

March 14, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club cooked & served BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Girls Softball Opening Day Ceremonies!

March 12, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated and cooked BBQ tri tip for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Fundraiser!

March 4, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club honored Caleb Logan as their Dixon High School Student of the Month!

February 27, 2015:  Dixon Lions Club donated funds to the Dixon High School robotics program!

December 26, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club sponsored a hearing aid for a patient in need through The Lions Hearing Foundation!

December 24, 2014: Dixon Lions club members, families & friends helped the local Toys for Tots group unload & pack food baskets that will be delivered to those seniors in need on Christmas Eve!

December 22, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club adopted two families to help provide food, clothes & toys for Christmas!

December 3, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club recognized Patrick Scholl as the Dixon High School Young Man of the Month! 

November 19, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club approved donations to CA Jacobs band, Dixon High School band and will BBQ for Dixon Little League's family Day on April 25!

November 19, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club approved a $2,000 donation to the Dixon Toys for Tots Christmas program, our club has donated over $50,000 since the fundraiser was started over 48 years ago!

November 13, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club approved a donation request to fund a eye exam and/or eye glasses for two elementary students in Dixon!

November 8, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon High School Hall of Fame Induction Night!

November 7, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time and supplied the necessary equipment free of charge that performed eye screenings for 159 students at Dixon Montessori Charter School.

November 5, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club recognized Jacob Smith as the Dixon Lions Club High School Young Man of the Month!

October 18, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held their 7th annual Poker Night!  The Texas Hold Em community fundraiser helps raise funds for local Dixon charities!

October 1, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club recognized David Avery as the Dixon Lions Club High School Young Man of the Month!

September 17, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club approved a donation request to fund a eye exam and/or eyeglasses for two elementary students in Dixon!

September 17, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club tonight approved a donation to LCIF!

September 9-12, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered their time to provide free vision screening for 961 students at CA Jacobs Junior High School, Anderson, Tremont & Gretchen Higgins elementary schools.  

September 3, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club tonight inducted a new member, Kelly Cross.

September 3, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club  approved donations to the elementary school outdoor education trips for Tremont, Gretchen Higgins & Anderson schools.

August 4, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club tonight inducted a new member, Jimmy Gietler!

July 31, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club donated a dinner dance & poker ticket to the Wreaths Dinner Fundraiser as auction items!

July 16, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club tonight inducted a new member, Tomas Stalie!

July 12, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club donated & cooked BBQ tri tip for the cancer survivor dinner at Dixon Relay for Life!

June 21, 2014: Dixon Lions Club donated, cooked & served BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Dolphins Swim Club!  

May 31, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club donated, cooked & served BBQ tri tip for the Dixon Dolphins Swim Club!

May 27, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club donated, cooked & served BBQ tri tip for Dixon Little League Baseball playoff night!

May 12, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club awarded $1,000 scholarships to Dixon High School seniors Lindsay Farewell, James Mayoral, Serena Detorres, Keila Wedow, Rebecca Immel & Conner Augustine!  The Dixon Lions Joe Girimonte Memorial $1,000 Scholarship went to Marcos Torres! 

May 5, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club today approved a donation to Dixon Bids for Kids!

April 26, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club donated all of the meat & bread and volunteered their time to BBQ & serve their famous tri tip sandwiches for Dixon Little League Family Day!

April 16, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Chad Ward!

April 12, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 40th annual Dinner Dance Fundraiser!  The "Grease" theme along with NY steak dinner & dancing to a live band helped raise funds for Dixon charities!

April 2, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club inducted two members tonight, James Bounds & Shawn Overton!

March 22, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club cooked & served BBQ tri tip & hot dogs for the Dixon Girls Softball opening day ceremonies!

March 21, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon Montessori School fundraiser!

March 12, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club supplied and cooked tri tip for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee fundraiser!

February 5, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club was trained on the districts new Pedi Vision machines.

February 5, 2014:  Region chair Lion Audrey Wottrich presented Lion Jeff Dwelley with his 10 year service pin!

February 14, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club tonight approved 2 eye exam requests for those who cannot afford one, will supply & cook for the DHS Sober Grad Night Committee Fundraiser, will donate to three Boy Scouts to help offset their Eagle project costs, will volunteer to work at the Dixon Montessori fundraiser event & will donate to Dixon High School to help pay for books for the Solano College course at DHS!

February 5, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club tonight was recognized by the Toys for Tots group with a community service award for our recent donation and volunteer work!

February 5, 2014:  Dixon Lions Club recognized Marcos Torres as their high school student of the month!

December 24, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club helped fill boxes of food for local seniors in need on Christmas eve!

December 4, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club approved donations to Dixon Little League Baseball, Dixon Family Services and agreed to pay for two eye exams for students in need at Tremont Elementary School!

November 20, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club recognized Conner Augustine as their high school student of the month!

October 2013:  Dixon Lions Club collected over 400 eye glasses for their Recycle for Sight program, the glasses will be recycled for those in need.

October 19, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives held there 6th annual Poker Night!  The Texas Hold-Em Poker Community fundraiser helped raise funds for Dixon community charities.

October 7, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club approved a $2,000 donation to the Dixon Toys for Tots Christmas program!

September 18, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club approved donations to help students in need attend their elementary school outdoor education trips at Tremont, Anderson & Gretchen Higgins.

September 18, 2013: Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Eric Arnold.

September 4, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club approved a donation to the Dixon High School Class of 2015.

August 7, 2013: Dixon Lions Club approved donations to the Newtown CT survivors and The Country in the Hills Wreaths Project Dinner Dance!

June 8, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club members donated & served BBQ Tri Tip for the Dixon Relay for Life Cancer Survivors Dinner!

May 13, 2013: A very inspirational evening at the the Dixon Community Scholarship Night. Over $75,000 in scholarships were given out to DHS seniors. The Dixon Lions Club awarded eight $1,000 scholarships to Alex LaBass, Mariellen Hofland, Dustin Halverson, Shannon Bairett, Miranda Williams, Samantha DelMugnaio & Madison Dwelley, along with William Staiger earning the Dixon Lions Club Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship.

May 5, 2013: Dixon Lions Club approved donations to Dixon Bids for Kids, Dixon High School girls basketball & Katie Ganaway for her scout project!

May 1, 2013: Dixon Lions Club recognized Daniel Bravo as our DHS Lions Club student of the month!

April 20, 2013: Dixon Lions Club donated their time to BBQ tri tip sandwiches for the Dixon Little League Family Day!

April 17, 2013: Dixon Lions Club recognized John Dolan as our DHS Lions Club student of the month!

April 13, 2013: Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 39th annual Dixon Lions Club Dinner Dance. The "Back to the 80's" theme along with a BBQ steak dinner and dancing to a live band helped raise funds for future Dixon community charities.

March 16, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to bar tend for the Dixon Montessori School fundraiser!

March 6, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club donated funds to the Dixon High School track team!

March 6, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club recognized John Eldridge as our DHS Lions Club student of the month!

March 1, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to BBQ & serve tri tip sandwiches for the Dixon Little League Baseball opening day ceremonies!

February 21, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club volunteered their time to BBQ for the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee!

February 6, 2013:  Dixon Lions Club recognized Alex LaBass as our DHS Lions Club student of the month!

December 5, 2012: Dixon Lions Club tonight approved donations to the Dixon Teen Center, Dixon Downtown Business Association & Dixon High School Basketball program!

November 13, 2012: Dixon Lions Club tonight approved a $2,000 donation to the Dixon Toys for Tots program.

November 8, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club donated $1,000 for relief efforts from Hurricane Sandy.

October 13, 2012: Dixon Lions Club members & wives held their 5th annual Poker Night! The Texas Hold-Em Poker Community Fundraiser event helped raise funds for Dixon community charities.

October 2, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club joined the Dixon Chamber of Commerce!

September 5, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club tonight approved donations to the two Dixon High School cheerleaders who will be in the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade! They also donated funds to Gretchen Higgens, Tremont & Anderson Schools for the students outdoor education trip program!

September 5 2012:  Dixon Lions Club inducted Doug Irvine as a new member!

May 16, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club held a wives appreciation dinner at Bud's Pub & Grill! 

May 14, 2012:  A very inspirational night at the the Dixon High School Awards & Recognition Event. Over $75,000 in scholarships were given out to DHS seniors. The Dixon Lions Club awarded five $1,000 scholarships to Tarron Lane, Ennis Sandle, Channing Ko-Madden, Alyssa Smith & Jordon Chance along with AJ Bell earning the Dixon Lions Club Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship.

May 4, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club announced a $500.00 donation to Dixon Bid's For Kids program at the Dixon May Fair.

April 21, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club donated their time to BBQ tri tip sandwiches for the Dixon Little League Family Day!

April 14, 2012: Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 38th annual Dixon Lions Club Dinner Dance. The "Animal House" theme along with a BBQ steak dinner and dancing to a live band helped raise funds for future Dixon community charities.

April 4, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club celebrated their 58 years as a club, Dixon Mayor Jack Batchelor presented the club a key to the city and the special guests included former members who have contributed to the history of giving back!  A great night!

March 9, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives volunteered to BBQ tri tip sandwiches for the Dixon Little League baseball opening day!

February 22, 2012:  Dixon Lions Club announced donations to the Dixon Montessori School, Dixon Family Services, Dixon Dolphins Swim Team & Dixon High School Sober Grad Night Committee.

December 19, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club donated coats & blankets to the Dixon Coats for Kids Holiday program.

December 16, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club & families celebrated the holidays with a family Christmas Party!

November 12, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members volunteered to bar tend for the Dixon High School Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.

November 2, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club inducted three new members; Jason Dudley, Jim Mayoral & Mateo Escareno.

October 26, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club donated funds to the Dixon Public Library for their elementary school book donation program.

September 2011: Dixon Lions Club members are pleased to announce recent donations to the following groups: $2,000 to Dixon Toys for Tots, $750 to CA Jacobs Band, Two trips each for the Outdoor Education Program at the Anderson, Tremont & Gretchen Higgens Elementary Schools and we will supply & BBQ tri tip sandwiches for the Dixon Montessori School Fall Harvest Festival!

September 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members painted signs to help the 2011 Lambtown festival. 

August 13, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members held their 4th annual Poker Night! The Texas Hold-Em Poker Community Fundraiser event helped raise funds for Dixon community charities.

July 23, 2011: Dixon Lions Club members raised funds by cooking BBQ tri tip & ribs at the Dixon Grillin & Chillin rib & chili cookoff.   Big thanks to Nancy Ward for cooking chili and helping with this event!

June 18, 2011; Dixon Lions Club donated funds to help refinish the CA Jacobs Middle School gym floor.

June 11, 2011: Dixon Lions Club members donated & cooked a BBQ dinner for cancer survivors at the Dixon Relay for Life event.

May 28, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members placed flags on our veterans gravesites in preperation for the Memorial Day ceremony at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery. 

May 16, 2011:  A very inspirational night at the the Dixon High School Awards & Recognition Event. Over $100,000 in scholarships were given out to DHS seniors. The Dixon Lions Club awarded three, Logan Mitchell & Maressa Rodriquez along with Megan Heynen earning the Dixon Lions Club Joe Girimonte Memorial Scholarship.

April 20,2011:  Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, David Chance.

April 16, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members & Colleen Tenbrink cooked BBQ trip tip sandwiches for the Dixon Little League Family Day!

April 2, 2011: Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 37th annual Dixon Lions Club Dinner Dance.  The "Spring Break" theme along with a BBQ steak dinner and dancing to a live band helped raise funds for future Dixon community charities.

March 16, 2011: Dixon Lions Club donated a 42" LCD flat screen TV to the Dixon Teen Center.

March 4, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members cooked BBQ tri tip sandwiches at the Dixon Little League Baseball Opening Night ceremonies.

February 16, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club members donated funds to the students at Maine Prairie High School for their inspirational mural painting project.  Becoming A Reality was the schools theme.

February 2, 2011:  Dixon Lions Club recognized Logan Mitchell as it's Dixon High School student of the month for January 2011.

December 30, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members cooked BBQ tri tip sandwiches at the Dixon High School Ram Jam Basketball Tournament!

December 15, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club donated funds to help Dixon Eagle Scout Tarron Lane construct a memorial bench for Dixon's only fallen police officer Daniel McKinnon.  Constable McKinnon was killed in 1918. 

December 17, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club celebrated the holidays with a family Christmas party!

December 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives collected coats & blankets for the local Dixon Coats for Kids Christmas program.

December 1, 2010 Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Scott Remillong.

November 17, 2010  Dixon Lions Club inducted two new members, Jim Walker & Thom Bogue.

October 4, 2010  Dixon Lions Club donated funds to the Dixon Toys for Tots Christmas program.

October 4, 2010  Dixon Lions Club donated funds to help send school children to the Tremont Elementary School & Gretchen Elementary School outdoor education program.

September 25, 2010  Dixon Lions Club members donated their time to bartend for the 1930 - 1965 Dixon High School reunion.

September 15, 2010 Dixon Lions Club members cooked and served hamburgers & hot dogs at the Dixon High School Back to School Night.  All proceeds benefited the Dixon High School Sober Grad Night committee.

September 1, 2010 The Dixon Lions Club inducted two new members, Dave Ward & Dan Forbes. 2010 / 2011 District Governor Kertice Poon & district cabinet members were present to induct our new members.

August 28, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members held their 3rd annual Poker Night!  The Texas Hold-Em Poker Community Fundraiser event  helped raise funds for Dixon community charities.

August 5, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members cooked & served dinner for the carnival celebrating the one year anniversary of the Easter Seals Lily Learning Center in Dixon.

July 31, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members raised funds by cooking BBQ brisket & ribs at the Dixon Grillin & Chillin rib & chili cookoff. 

June 25, 2010  Dixon Lions Club members club had a Poker & BBQ Recruitment Night at the Gnos Ranch. 5 potential recruits attended.

June 12, 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members donated & cooked a BBQ dinner for cancer survivors at the Dixon Relay for Life event.

May 2010:  Dixon Lions Club members supported the National Military Appreciation Month for the month of May.  The club helped communicate to all citizens of Dixon the need to thank and honor all those who have served in our military.

April 10, 2010: Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 36th annual Dixon Lions Club Dinner Dance.  The "Woodstock Revisited" theme along with a BBQ steak dinner and dancing to a live band helped raise funds for future Dixon community charities.

March 10, 2010:  The Dixon Lions Club inducted a new member, Stacy Davison.

February 17, 2010  The Dixon Lions Club inducted three new members, David Kushan, Mike Hamilton & Nick Smith.

January 30, 2010:  The Dixon Lions Club launched it's first website!

December 2009: Dixon Lions Club members collected coats and blankets for a local charity group that were distributed to those in need on Christmas.

November 14, 2009  The Dixon Lions Club had a Poker & BBQ Recruitment Night at the Gnos Ranch.  7 potential recruits attended.

Fall 2009: Dixon Lions Club members raised over $6,825 by collecting donations for over 680 wreaths that were placed for the Wreaths Across America event at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery.  Overall, over 5,800 wreaths were placed on all of our veterans grave sites on December 12, 2009.  Dixon Lions Club members along with over 2000 people placed a wreath for our heroes.

July 4, 2009:  Dixon Lions Club members raised funds by selling BBQ tri-tip sandwiches at the Dixon Fourth of July event at the Dixon Fairgrounds.

June 2009: Dixon Lions Club members donated & cooked a BBQ dinner for cancer survivors at the Dixon Relay for Life event.

April 4, 2009:  Dixon Lions Club members & wives worked together to put on their 35th annual Dixon Lions Club Dinner Dance.  The "Survivor" theme along with a BBQ steak dinner and dancing to a live band helped raise funds for future community charities.

February 2009:  Dixon Lions Club members held their 2nd annual Poker Night!  The Texas Hold-Em Poker event & BBQ Tri Tip dinner helped raise funds for Dixon community charities.

February 2008:  Dixon Lions Club members held their 1st annual Poker Night!  The Texas Hold-Em Poker event & BBQ Tri Tip dinner helped raise funds for Dixon community charities.


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