
Grand Rally

The Dhaka Ashulia Orbit Lions Club is very near to Saver National monument of Bangladesh and also located near Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ). We were chartered in 2nd April 2007. Currently we have 35 active members to serve the distress people those who are less fortune of the society having some effective activities.

  • Eye Sight Program.

  • Health Care Program.

  • Blood Donation Program.

  • Skill Based Educational Program.

  • Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Program in School.(WASH Program)

  • Distribution of Teaching Aids among the Poor School Children.

  • Self-dependent Program by Lions Club Dhaka Ashulia Orbit.

  • Street Children Educational Program.

  • Free Friday Clinic Service.

  • Eye exams and glasses for those who need help acquiring them.

  • Distribution of rice, flower and cloth form the club among the helpless.

  • Tree plantation by the club members.

  • Permanent service activity project named “Lions Ashulia Eye Hospital”.

  • Distribution of sewing machine among helpless woman to make them self-dependent as a service activity as a club.

  • Any many more; we organized cultural and social awareness activities on health, drug, eve teasing. Please come out and enjoy the fellowship and help those who need a helping hand.

Our meeting start at 5.00 pm(Tuesday). We also discussed about one hour on personal relational ship development among club members before every meeting.

Directions: Everybody asked how to get there. Get on 57/12, Sonargaon Plaza (3rd floor),East Rajabazar(West Panthapath), Dhaka-1215. (Near Boshundhara Shopping Complex)


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