A great time was had by all those that attended the Michigan Lions Forum on Saturday, February 19, 2011. The Saline Fiddlers provided excellent entertainment after the lunch break. 1VDG Lion Ray Robins and Lion Dan Shepherd lead a session about E-Clubhouses. Lion Kurt Stromlund from the Hartland Lions Club offered his assistance for individualized help with E-Clubhouses in the hospitality room. There were also booths set up outside the meeting rooms. Lion Chad from the Webberville Lions Club is pictured with the Lions of Michigan Foundation display.
Six Lions plus our newest membership applicant, Susie Day, attended the St. Johns Lions Club dinner meeting on March 9, 2011. Zone Chair Becky installed four new members into the St. Johns Club. Lion Greg mysteriously sprouted antlers in the photo.
St. Johns new members are Bob Conley, Dwaine Boyle, Andy and Sunday Todoscuik. Also pictured are: the Todoscuiks' sponsor, George Campbell, club secretary Lion Kathy Campbell, and Zone Chair Becky.
The District 11C2 Convention was held at the Doherty Hotel in Clare, MI on March 25-27. It started off with a bang Friday night with music and dancing. Read about the rest of the convention in the April newsletter.
Lions Greg Ware, Tom Leonard (and wife Jenell) Jim Rundborg, and Steve Clisch during a rain delay at the 2011 DeWitt Ox Roast, Saturday August 20.
Lion Jack Pyle, Lion Tom Doyle PDG, Lion Karen Routson PDG, and Lion Becky Hamilton at the 2015 Lions MI Forum.