GMDLC members are proactively involved in a variety of projects including actively collecting unneeded eye glasses and used hearing aids, as we help those in need of hearing aids and eye glasses. We support deaf/hard of hearing community programs, activities, and events such as, Camps, and Deaf Awareness Day.
Other projects are being added as GMDLC grows its membership with citizens/parents who want to network with like-minded individuals whom are passionate about community service.
Lions Hearing Center Of Michigan (LHC) along with GMDLC created , and spearheads the Love-Peel Scholarship for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students, these scholarships are awarded annually. To date, 23 Scholarships have been awarded since 2010, with more to come in the near future.
Our Mission is to create a broad-based collaborative community initiative. GMDLC assists, includes and involves Parents with deaf/hard of hearing children to help themselves complete their education and achieve economic self-sufficiency.
Through GMDLC Community Involvement, Community Empowerment through information provided by GMDLC, and Advocacy rendered by GMDLC, through associates. In order to support our peers helping them develop positive self-esteem, while working to assist them, and their children clarify values on which to build a successful life.
Lions clubs world wide raise money through fundraising, and direct donations on a continuous bases, all clubs then disperse those funds to the many charities, projects , and scholarships they have chosen to support. at the end of each fiscal year.
Membership Drive: We need your help. We understand that it is through the Help, Participation, and Resolve of MANY that Small Accomplishments are made GREAT. Please Join Us