Parliamentary Procedure for Meetings
Basic elements of Robert's Rules of Order for facilitating discussions and group decision-making.
1. Motion: To introduce a new piece of business or propose a decision or action, a motion must be made by a group member. A second motion must then also be made. After limited discussion the group then votes on the motion. A majority vote is required in order for the motion to pass.
2. Postpone Indefinitely: This tactic is used to kill a motion. When passed, the motion cannot be reintroduced at that meeting. It may be brought up again at a later date. This is made as a motion. A second is required. A majority vote is required to postpone the motion under consideration.
3. Amend: This is the process used to change a motion under consideration. Make the motion to amend the motion on the floor. This requires a second. After the motion to amend is seconded, a majority vote is needed to decide whether the amendment is accepted. Then a vote is taken on the amended motion. If the person who made the original motion agrees with the suggested changes, the amended motion may be voted on without a separate vote to approve the amendment.
4. Commit: This is used to place a motion in committee. It requires a second. A majority rule must rule to carry it. At the next meeting, the committee is required to prepare a report on the motion committed.
5. Question: To end a debate immediately, the question is called and needs a second. A vote is held immediately( no further discussion is allowed) A two-thirds vote is required for passage. If it is passed, the motion on the floor is voted on immediately.
6. Table: To table a discussion is to lay aside the business at hand in such a manner that it will be considered later in the meeting or at another time. A second is required and a majority vote is required to table the item being discussed.
7. Adjourn: A motion is made to end the meeting. A second is required. A majority vote is required to adjourn the meeting.