Lion Robert Rone discusses plans to sponsor a contestant in the Tomatofest.
Crystal Springs Lions Club just completed an Essential Evaluation Tool for Clubs, assessing how each members rate their personal satisfactioin, club activities, membership andclub meetings.Each
Each ember completed a three page questionaire, results were tallied and reported back to the membership. The summary allowed the Board of Directors to identify areas that need to be addressed and areas in which we are doing a good job.
The next step in the porcess will be a survey of community leaders to determine how our club is perceived in the community and areas where the community thinks we can make a difference.
International President, Wayne Madden has challenged Lions Clubs to get involved in addressing literacy in their community.
Here in our community, the most vulnerable of all our children are those being reared in low-income homes, as most do not have any books to read, even if they have a desire to read. This is the basis for our plan to adopt a children’s book donation program. We will work with the elementary school to identify 12 to 14 children who could benefit from this program. Each Lion will be responsible for bringing two children’s books once a quarter. These books will be given to the children to keep. They will own the books, keep them at home for their personal use. The committee will be responsible for working with the school to identify the children; consulting with the Library to identify the types of books most needed & possibly buying used library books; establishing a way to get the books to the children; maintain a check list of Lions who have met their book donations: Maintaining a list of book titles that have been donated to avoid duplication to a child.
Each year, Crystal Springs Lions Club partners with our public elementary and middle schools to do a vision screening on every child.. A vision screening is designed to check eyesight, or sharpness of vision. Children who are identified with lower vision acuity are referred back to the school nurse for follow up. Families who can afford glasses for their children are referred back to the Lioins Club for assistance in purchasing glasses.
Crystal Springs LIons Club will partner with Crystal Springs High School and Copiah Academy Beta Clubs to hold an eyeglasses recycling program. The two Beta Clubs will be in competition and the winning club (the one collecting the most eye glasses) will win a pizza party for themselves and their sponsor.
It is our plan to raise awareness of the problem on blindness, the need for used eye glasses in under developed countries and to stimulare the desire to help others and learn the value of volunteerism in these young people.
Each year, Lions clubs around the world proudly sponsor the Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools and youth groups. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace. For 25 years, more than four million children from nearly 100 countries have participated in the contest.
The theme of the 2012-13 Peace Poster Contest is "Imagine Peace." Students, ages 11, 12 or 13 on November 15, are eligible to participate.
Each year's art contest for kids consists of an original theme incorporating peace.Participants use a variety of mediums, including charcoal, crayon, pencil and paint, to express the theme. The works created are unique and express the young artists' life experiences and culture.
Crystal Springs Lions Club will sponsor a Peace Poster Contest in both the Crystal Springs and Copiah Academy schools. There will be three place winners in each school and one overall winner. Cash prizes for winning students and an awards dinner for winners, parents and teachers are just part of the rewards for participating in thei contest.