Glasses recycling.
Unusalble Glasses Give New Life
Refractive errors can be easily corrected with eyeglasses, yet millions live in low and middle income countries lack acess to basic eye careservices. Lions have recognised the urgent need for corrective lenses and collect unsusable glassess in their communities to support the Lions Recycle For Sight Programme.
Setting up locations where comminities can collect glasses ie schools, businessess, optical shops, libaries, places of worship > crewe Lions collects these lenses and forwards then to a rading center in Chittester theses are then forwarded to the countries for use.
Within out sight appeals this last year we have collected over 1000 pair of glasses.
By collecting the glases we not only aid otehrs vision we laso asssit with the global probelm of LANDFILL issues a, by minimising the desetruction of a much needed and valuable accet .
Message in a Bottle is a free scheme set up in the UK by Lions to help the emergency services by providing a known location for essential information in the event of an accident or sudden illness - particularly for people living on their own.
Each bottle is provided with a form to allow the essential information to be recorded (e.g. any key medical conditions, or medication issues and where tablets etc. are kept). This information is to be kept in the special bottle inside the fridge. Stickers are provided which are to be displayed on the INSIDE of the front door (so that the emergency services know there is a bottle on the premises), and on the front of the fridge (so they know where to find it).
Crewe Lions hold a stock of bottles - if you would like one please contact us. With other Lions Clubs in Cheshire East we also provide bottles to the Cheshire East Fire Safety Section and local GP surgeries. They offer bottles to people over 65, or with special medical conditions, as part of their home visit safety visits - over 9000 bottles have been handed out in this way since 2008.
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