
Fund Raisers are Candy Days where we give out life saver candy and take donations at several local stores, candy mints at stores all around the community, Really Big Coloring Books.


Service Projects are:

1 Preschool eye screenings in our preschools and day cares.  We see about 1400 each year.

2.  Recycled hearing aids with a local audiologist.

3.  Helping send children to diabetes camp.

4.  Help local eye doctor who does free eye refractions and issues used eye glasses to needy local people.

5. We collect used eye glasses and hearing aids at locations in the area.

6. We contribute to Lions clubs International Founation and Iowa Lions Foundation each year.

7. We support Leader Dogs for the Blind.

8. We contribute to International Youth Exchange

9. We support local projects as they fit our goals of sight and hearing and related problems.

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