2016-17 Slate of Officers
PRESIDENT: Lion Al Jodoin
Immediate Past President Lion Marland Maloney
First Vice President Lion Roland Dixon
Second Vice President Lion Glenn Booth
Treasurer Lion Audrey Duvall
Secretary Lion Orrin Splane
Membership Chair Lion Glenn Booth
al Jodoin
First V.P. Lion Lyle Dupuis
Second V.P. Lion Eleanor Bookman
Treasurer Lion Audrey Duvall
Secretary Lion Alan Jodoin
Membership Chair: Lion Al Jodoin
Lion Al Jodoin
Lion Mike Doucet
Project Chairs
Lion Al Jodoin is in charge of Kitchen Lion Roly is in charge of Cake Sales, Lion Sheila is in charge of Weekly Darts and Lion Roly is in charge of Euchre and runs the canteen at the Long Sault Arena.