Cormorant Lion's Club 5M-9 44510
Social Hour 6:00-7:00
Call to Dinner 7:00
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Welcome guests
- Tail Twister - recognizes Birthdays, Anniversaries, and other mis-deeds of members. Fun part of the meeting and breaks the ice. $'s collected go to club activities.
- Sing along - Lion volunteer choir director leads group in song
- Prayer of Service - Lion volunteer provides thoughts about Service and reflections around current month holidays, celebrations, project events, and reminders of Lions mission.
- Cormorant Lions have a local caterer that provides a hot, comfort meal each month except July Steak Fry and Christmas Dinner. Begin meal by call of table order. Head table first by tradition.
Appreciation for meal - Doris, Marilyn
Appreciation for set-up of the Center, clean-up, and greeters.
Program 7:30
Each Month there is a program with local guests.
- Program
- At some meetings the program extends into recognition, door prizes, and special activities.
Business Meeting
- Call to order
- Secretary's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Project update reports
Old Business
New Business
goal - by 8:30