Lions Clubs International is a world wide organisation of people, male and female, who enjoy helping others who are less fortunate than themselves.
With a membership of over 1.3 million in 40.000 clubs, in over 200 countries and geographical areas. This makes Lions International the largest service organisation of its kind in the world.
There are more than 850 clubs in Britain where Lionism has been serving communities of all sizes for over 50 years. There are 115 clubs in Ireland with 20 of these in N. Ireland.
Lions International founded in America in 1917 and has no fulltime organisers. All the work is done in the members spare time and with the support of their partners and families.
Our scope is wide, our aims are practical and our service is needed and includes
• Assisting communities and families in distress.
• Helping the handicapped, the youth and the elderly.
• Support for local charities groups.
• Encouraging young people to get involved in community service.
• And lots of other projects on the local scene as they arise.
As members of a truly international organisation, Lions’ horizons are much broader than the boundaries of their own countries. They are in partnership with Lions throughout the world.
The true meaning of friendship can be discovered worldwide through Lionism. At home and indeed abroad there are always follow Lions to call on for fellowship and if need be, practical assistance.
Exchange visits for young people with other countries are arranged, it is called Youth Exchange. Cultural Youth Centres are operated in various countries to encourage international awareness.
The first International objective of the Lions organisation is to create and foster a spirit of understanding and cooperation amongst peoples of the world. Participation in international projects takes place to achieve this aim.
“Clean Water” is still a desperate cry from Indian and African villages to stop the tide of disease. Lions Clubs worldwide have sponsored the construction of water wells over the two continents and brought health and joy to thousands.
“Eye Camps” again in India and Africa have given back sight to many thousands suffering from cataracts and glaucoma. This is where for a few hundred pounds up to fifty persons can have their eye site restored.
Finance, food, blankets and temporary shelter have been provided to victims of famine, earthquakes volcanoes and floods.
Lions Clubs International Foundation (L.C.I.F.) are committed to aiding communities affected by disasters at present they are directing US$ 120.000 for the Pakistan flooding relief. Five hundreds pounds of this was provided by the supporters of Cookstown and Magherafelt Club.
We are people who care about others. Our ideal is one of service as a group to others, without regard to race, religion, politics or the personal interests of our members.
Our motto is WE SERVE and from the outset of the organisation the emphasis has been on service in all forms, to the less fortunate in our community.
Reward is not asked for but satisfaction is gained from the knowledge that help and happiness has been provided to those in need.
Lionism can be looked upon as a constructive fore of relaxation. Working together on fund raising and community welfare projects can be tremendous fun. In addition, there are happy social occasions which members their partners and sometimes the whole family attend.
The cost of administering the association, at all levels, is covered by the member’s subscriptions, which are kept as low as possible. Members are not allowed to deduct any percentage of the money raised from public functions for administrative purposes. All goes to charity. All monies are banked and all payments are made by cheque.
The local Lions Club, Cookstown and Magherafelt, meet twice per month, mostly in the evenings. Membership is open (by invitation) to all those who are prepared to devote some of their spare time to community service and to help the club achieve its objectives. From 1917 to1987 membership was male only. In 1987 the rules were amended and ladies now play a major part in the day today activities of many clubs and also in the upper levels of the administration of the association.