Serving the Visually Impaired of Concord, NC and Lions District 31 I.
Our History
Concord Lions Brochure -Printable PDF
Lions Lingo – Printable PDF
On Tuesday Night August 9th, 1932, a group of Concord businessmen received their charter and became the Concord Lions Club. According to an article from the Concord Tribune, it was a gala banquet in the ballroom of the Hotel Concord which became the meeting location for over 70 years. A news article from July 1964 in the Concord Tribune by Ed Readling, Tribune Staff Writer offered the following.
All fundraising activities were aimed toward the major Lions Club activity – aid to the blind. In addition to its work with the blind, Lions found many civic needs to occupy their time.
During the lean days of the depression, they gathered old but useful clothing and shoes for the needy. They opened Concord's first YMCA swimming pool and held the first Easter Egg Hunt. Local Boy Scouts received much attention from the Lions Club.
In 1935, the records continued, local Lions cooperated with other agencies to sponsor the construction of a grandstand at the new Webb Field. Local boxing fans had a field day in the Concord area then as Lions sponsored numerous prize fights to help pay for the new stands.
The flag project began in November 1963 when Lion Bill Sloop, who had been formulating plans for a flag project reported his findings and made the following recommendation: That the Club purchase flags and mountings and provide them to the merchants of Concord on National flag days on a fee basis. — at The Hotel Concord.
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