Club projects/fundraisers include:
- Teaming with Hy-Vee to serve veterans a free breakfast on Veterans' Day.
- Providing eye exams and glasses for those in need and unable to pay.
- Assist with Habitat for Humanity build.
- Donations to the Seeing Eye Dogs foundation.
- Pancake and whole hog sausage feed.
- Litter pickup on the Lost Creek Parkway.
- Recognize area 8th grade students as the Student of the Month.
- Provide scholarships to area seniors planning to attend college.
- Assist those in need experiencing overwhelming medical costs.
- Sponsor the Wish-n-Spin coin collection.
- Collect used eyeglasses and hearing aids to be reconditioned for the disadvantaged.
- Assist with local electronics recycling.
- Sponsor the Nebraska Lions Foundation Mobile Screening Unit for community events.
- Co-sponsor the Columbus Days Talent Contest.
- Free marshmallow roasting during the Downtown Holiday Stroll.
- Provide transportation of eye and tissue donors.
- Pies and hotdogs in the park during the Columbus Days Community Band Concert.
- Participate in the Columbus Days Parade.
- Support the Nebraska Braille Challenge