Lions - Dedicated to Vision for ALL.
Not only do the Columbia 20/20 Lions collect eye glasses but we also take one one evening a month to sort the glasses at MLERF. It's quite interesting to see the many different styles of glasses that come in and we make it FUN.
The eye glasses are then sent to other countries with doctors and missionaries and given to those in need.
You can drop off used eye glasses in COLUMBIA at these various locations:
University of Missouri Hospitals and Clinics
One Hospital Dr. Columbia MO 65211
In Vision Eye Care Center
30 Southhampton Dr, Columbia MO 65203
2200 Forum Blvd Ste 102, Columbia MO 65203
Columbia Eyewear
500 Keene St., Ste 103 Columbia MO 65201
Or at second location
1601 Chapel Hill Rd Ste 72
Andrew Stone Optometry
2012 Cherry Hill Ste 201, Columbia MO 65203
UpScale Resale
1729 W Broadway, Columbia MO 65203
Hallsville Area Family Clinic
501 N Route B, Hallsville MO 65255
Eyeglass recycling program in Missouir is now being run by:
Jefferson City Lions Club
contact: Lion Jeff Hilke @ 573-690-8272
You will make a difference in someone life by sharing your used eye glasses.