

Chartered on 23rd June 2019 – Reg. 141856

A bunch of kind people joined together to serve the needed community in the country marking exact meaning of our name “LEADS” Lions for Excellent, Amiable and Dazzling Service”. We consist of high professionals and leading entrepreneurs with kind hearts and always aim together to give a quality service to the needy. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving socio-economic status through kindness. Spending time & energy to others is a fantastic way to help the community. Yet, it also provides a great feeling for us that can spread and have a positive impact in our lives and how we approach the community. Whole team serving together to make a lasting impact and change more lives in the country.

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Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

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