International Association
Lions Clubs
To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come:
Know Ye, that the International Association of Lions Clubs ( Illinois ) and International Association of Lions Clubs ( Canada ) have granted, and by these presents do grant to the members whose names are hereunto affixed and to all regularly elected members and their successors, this Charter, fully constituting them a local Club, under the name and title of
of Coleman
located at Coleman, Alberta, Canada with all the rights and privileges given to members of the International Association of Lions Club ( Illinois ) and International Association of Lions Clubs ( Canada ) according to the rules and regulations of the Constitution and By-Laws of International Association of Lions Clubs ( Illinois ) and International Association of Lions Clubs ( Canada ) now in force, or hereinafter enacted.
This Charter shall be in full force and effect from the day of the date hereof, and for such time as the members of the Local Club shall conform to the laws and regulations of the International Association of Lions Clubs ( Illinois ) and International Association of Lions Clubs ( Canada ) otherwise this Charter shall be revoked.
In Witness Whereof, the International Association of Lions Clubs ( Illinois ) and International Association of Lions Clubs ( Canada ) have authorized their Presidents and Secretaries to affix their signatures and cause the seal of the respective organizations to be hereunto affixed this sixth day of November in the year of our Lord 1940
President – International Association of Lions Clubs ( Illinois ) Secretary
President – International Association of Lions Clubs ( Canada ) Secretary
Charter Members
Rudy D Alexander, Alexander Balloch, Everett J. Bulman,
John M. Chalmers, Dr. Herbert G Claxton, Bert Collier,
Percy A Dickieson, Stanley F. Earl,
Harry H. Gardner, Angelo Gentile, Fred W. Guetard,
Del. Harding, Frank J. Hastie, Alwyn Haysom,
John Jackson, Jr., Rev, Joseph E Kirk, Stuart Murdoch,
Robert R Pattinson, Garfield Picard, Dr. Crawford Rose,
James Sharp, Ray Spillets, Harry Thomas,
Archie Wragg, Arthur R Wyman,
Transcribed from original document by Lion Jamie