Clyde Lions Club
Officers and Directors
President | Chief Lion Bob Pearson |
1st Vice President | Lion Guy Steier |
2nd Vice President | Lion Gary Sipe |
3rd Vice President | Lion Larry Morehead |
Secretary | Lion Joe Cassidy |
Treasurer | Lion Jody Sipe |
Lion Tamer | Lion Art Hockman |
Tail Twister | Lion Ron Elsasser |
Two Year Directors | Lion Jim George |
Lion Jerome Kieffer | |
Lion Leroy Pearson | |
One Year Directors | Lion Scott Seifert |
Lion Lisa Morehead | |
Membership | Lions Danny and Ava Simnitt |
LCIF Coordinator | Lion Guy Steier |
Education | Lion Jim George |
Programs | Chief Lion Mari Detrixhe |
Public Relations | Lion Bob Pearson |
Blood Drive | Lion Ron Elsasser |
Golf Tournament | Lion Michael George |
Highway Cleanup | Lion Arika Haresnape |