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Clifton Lions Club is active in the community of Clifton Texas.
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and message us there if you have questions.
President - Lion Tom Henderson
The chief executive officer of the club who issues the call for and presides at all meetings.
1st Vice President - Lion Kenneth Mills
Oversees and/or organizes meeting presentations.
2nd Vice President - Lion Sandie Nowlain
Promotes and seeks engagement opportunities.
Secretary - Lion Renee Kettler
Serves as a liaison between the board and the club. Additionally, corresponds with the Lions Club International submitting general records of club activities.
Treasurer - Lion Rodney Rueter
Serves as the custodian of and maintains all general records of club income and expenses.
Lion Tamer - Lion Richard Bergman
Responsible for the property of the club and puts each item in proper place before every meeting.
Tail Twister - Lion Steven Payne
Promotes harmony, good fellowship and enthusiasm in the meetings through appropriate stunts, games and judicious imposition of fines on club members.
Past President - Lion Mary Gean Cope
Serves as an advisor for current president.