

  In 1998 Clayton Lions Club sponsored the first winter clothing drive for the Clayton School District.

  Our purpose was to provide warm winter outerwear of kids that in need of a helping hand. We strive to provide jackets, snow pants, and boots for students that our assistance

  Students and/or parents fill out a request form and turn it in to the teacher or the office.  From there the requests go to our school liaison officer who intern gives us a list with a number and sizes gender and grade in school so we can start shopping.

  We advertise for donations from the community and do quite well with donations of clothes and money.

  We use what we can and purchase whatever else is needed from garage sales, Goodwill, thrift stores, and other outlets.

  This project was started by the late Lion Lyle Grosskrutz, a Clayton Lions member and his wife Shirley and continues to be named after him.

  In the last 13 years of the clothing drive we have helps over 400 people keep warm in the Wisconsin winters and hope to continue as the need seem to grow.

  It is truly, very rewarding and a heartwarming job that our Clayton Lions Club and the Clayton Community does to help us live up to our slogan “To Serve and Help Keep Our Kids’ Warm”

Lion Mike Grosskrutz

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