City Of Industry Lions Club History, Officers, Melvin Jones Fellows and Leo Clubs
Club History
The City of Industry Lions Club was formed in 1987 by Past District Governor Dom Sorcabal, Lion Howard Kellogg and Walt Doctor, at a meeting in a restaurant called Chalet Basque, where the La Puente Lions used to meet. They discussed a plan to recruit new members to form a new club and Guiding Lion Walt would regular attend the new club's meetings until they were ready to function independently.
Other Lions Clubs in the 4-L2 District join the celebration at a neareby country club with gifts of needed club material such as an official bell, president's gavel, American flag and other essentials.
Later in the year, with the addition of new members, the club was officially chartered on September 15, 1989.
The Industry Lions were launched and on their way to helping their community and the world.
After more than 50 years, as older members passed on and new members were becoming more difficult to recruit, the La Puente Lions dissolved their charter in 2004 and the members blended into the ranks of the City of Industry Lions to form a combined larger club.
Lion Walt Doctor
Curent Club Officers 2019-2020
- President Johnny Doyle
- Vice President Alex Wong
- Secretary Steven Stolar
- Treasurer Ryan Wiese
- Membership Vali Merchant
- IP President Stephen Budzak
- Tail Twister Robert Preston
- Lion Tamer Ryan Wiese
- Webmaster Robert Preston
Melvin Jones Fellow (Club highest reward to a member for service.)
- Stephen Budzak 2009
- John Butler 2012
- Walt Doctor 1997
- Donald Flowers 2001
- Ed Hernandez 1995
- Vali Merchant 2016
- Phillip Moyer 2007
- Robert Preston 1994
- David Rutherford 2010
- Dominique Sorcabal 1996
- Clifford Sterling 1996
- Steven Stolar 1995
Leo Clubs (Lion Steven Stolar 4-L2 District Leo Clubs Co-Advisor)
City of Industry Lions Club sponsors two Leo Clubs.
- Leo Club at El Monte High School is located in the city of El Monte, Califorina, school mascot LIONS. Teacher/Lion Member Richard Douge is their Leo Adviser.
- Leo Club at Arroyo High School is located in the city of El Monte, California, school mascot KNIGHTS. Teacher/Lion Member Glen Linch is their Leo Advisor.
Why is it named Leo Club? Answer is Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity.
What is a Leo Club? Leo Clubs encourage youths to develop leadership qualities by participating in social serve activates. They are dependent on a Lion Club to sponsor and initiate a Leo Club. Leo Club members are addressed as "Leos". They conduct various projects in the field of health care, elders, children, differently able, literacy and education and self-development. Leos can raise funds by conducting fund-raising projects. They can conduct projects with another Leo Club, sponsoring Lions Club, or with an outside organization. Leo Clubs are sponsored by Lions Club and comprise an official program of the Lions Club International.