
Source :

マレーシアチュウカイライオンズクラブと共に弘前市長を表敬訪問 (I think is visiting by Hirosaki Mayor)

LC Chukai Central. Malaysia (308 B1) Led by President Ln Julie Chia, IPP Ln Tan Boon Yeo (Ben) visiting LC Hirosaki TO O, Japan (332-A). Together are Sec Ln Chang ST, Trea Ln Yeo Chai Chin, Director Ln Johnny Tang, Member are Ln Thandabani & Spouse, Ln Steve Tseu, Ln Liew Chwee Ping.

Fellowship Dinner. Photo Souce :

28/7/2014 - Met a group of 27 paralytic from Taiwan, They admired the Kimono so much, but due to their disability they can't wear the Kimono- Lions Club of Chukai Central n FOL who were there offered to wear the Kimono n have photograph with them, They were so happy n kept on taking photos with us, 2nd picture is President Ln Julie Chia, President Candy Cheng of Taiwan n Treasurer Ln Yeo Chai

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