Our members take on a huge range of different roles and responsibilites, drawing on our enthusiasm and experience to serve our community. The roles we have taken for 2023 / 2024 are below:
Officers 2023/2024 |
President 2023/2024 |
David Bignall
Past President |
Anne Warner. |
Treasurer |
David Bignall |
Secretary/Admin |
Peter Bellion |
Business Minutes Secretary |
Peter Bellion |
Chairman: Peter Upton. |
Lion President |
David Bignall |
Community Services Chair |
Grace Brown |
Fundraising Chair |
Les Gillott |
Treasurer |
David Bignall |
Secretary |
Peter Bellion |
Past President |
Anne Warner |
Trustees |
Graham O’Reilly |
Les Gillott |
David Bignall |
Peter Bellion |
Specialist Officers 2023 / 2024 |
Club Auditor |
Phil Chesters |
Club photographer |
Les Gillott |
Membership |
Mike Hill |
Hon. Ladies Liaison |
Vision / Med Alert |
Club Photographer |
Les Gillott |
Club Almoner |
Ron Cain |
Youth and Leos |
Grace Brown |
Safety Officer |
Brian Goodall |
Host for Visitors |
Ron Cain |
Safety Officer |
Ian Sumpter |
Constitution and LCIF/ GDPR |
Deriek Dix |
Vulnerable Persons |
Constitution & GDPR |
Derek Dix |
Regalia and Equipment and recruitment. |
Graham O’Reilly |
Mike Hill |
Peter Bellion |
Social Co-ordinator |
Peter Upton |
Webmaster E-clubhouse |
John Taylor |
Regalia and equipment Peter bellion
Youth and Leos Grace Brown
100 Club Tim Malloy
Almoner Ron Cain
Webmaster and social media Tim Molloy and John Taylor
Constitution Brian Goodall
Host for visitors Ron Cain
LCIF and GDPR Derek Dix