
Chesapeake Host Lions Club Services Projects:

Lions Club Semi-Annual Flower Sales: Twice a year we work with a local nursery to provide landscape quality flowers. The sales of these flowers help us with our efforts to pay for glasses and hearing aids for the less fortunate citizens of the Chesapeake Host Lions Club service area. Next year we hope to fund from the flower sales, our efforts to provide the PediaVision Screening Program to as many our families younger children. The PediaVision screening device is absolutely amazing tool and will be an invaluable screening tool for younger children.

Lions Brooms:  We have Lions Brooms on sale year round. The sale of these brooms helps us with our efforts to pay for glasses and hearing aids for the financially challenged citizens of the Chesapeake Host Lions Club service area. Also, we purchase the brooms from the Industries for the Blind.

White Cane Events:  Several times a year we seek donations from the citizens to allow us to continue to support the less fortunate in our community. Since we are a non-profit, we rely solely on donations to purchase eye glasses, hearing aids, clothing, food, and to build handicap ramps for the citizen’s service area of the Chesapeake Host Lions Club. If you see us out there, please help us by making a donation. All of the money raised from this, goes back at 100% to support Lions Clubs projects for the community.

Sight and Hearing Screenings: We offer sight and hearing screenings at numerous locations all year long. These screenings are free to the public. Let us know if you would like an opportunity to help us at any of these events.

Diabetes Screening:  Our Lions are trained to screen for Diabetes. We offer free testing a number of times during the year. Diabetes is the silent killer and the Number One cause of blindness in the US.

Children Eye Screenings: We vision screen children ages 6 months to 10 years old. We will screen at any Public or Privite School, Day Care, Head Start Center, or Church Nursery in the service area of the Chesapeake Host Lions Club.  Let us know if you would like us to offer screenings at your center. Spot / PediaVision screening device is absolutely amazing and is an invaluable screening tool for younger children.








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