The Lions' Message In a Bottle (MIB) scheme is a simple idea designed to assist emergency services by encouraging people to keep their personal and medical details on a standard form and in a common location – the fridge.
The bottle is kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will be able to find it in the event of being called to your home. We will know you have a bottle if you display the two labels provided; one on the inside of the front door or on the main entrance to your home and the other on the door of your fridge.
This scheme is free to the user. Whilst it is focused on the more vulnerable people in our community, anyone can haves an accident or fall ill at home, so this scheme can benefit anybody and everybody. As a minimum it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying you and your emergency contacts. By telling whether you have special medication or allergies or not, it is a potential lifesaver and provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families.