Cedarburg Lions Club
Events to Support our Mission
CEDAR-ICE-BURG-OPEN Charity Golf Tournament
The Cedar Ice-Burg Open takes place on a Saturday in February during the Cedarburg Winter Festival. The Ice-Burg Open is a winter golf outing where golfers play 18 holes of golf in and around Cedarburg's Cedar Creek Park. Golfers are allowed to use one club (usually a 5 iron) to hit a tennis ball from the tee area to the hole (tire with flag) in the least amount of strokes. This can be quite a challenge while maneuvering in and around the snow, trees, and the frozen creek. Prizes are given away for such accomplishments as longest drive, closest to the hole, lowest score as well as many others.
Each golfer will receive a commemorative gift and a tennis ball at the registration. FREE BEER will be available at the American Legion as well as Rebellion while supplies last. A bag lunch will be supplied. PETER WOLLNER POST 288 American Legion Hall is where the awards, door prizes, and raffles are drawn then given away. If you are in Cedarburg during the Winter Festival, bring your 5 iron and three of your friends. Registration is at 8:30 a.m. at the Cedarburg Cultural Center.
“Spring Swing” Charity Golf Outing
The Cedarburg Lions will be holding its Annual “Spring Swing” Charity Golf Outing usually on the second Monday in June. This year’s format includes participant’s choice of a traditional 4 person Scramble or a 4 person/2 best ball Shamble! Same day registration opens at 10:30, and then the event begins with a shot gun start at 11:45 a.m. Each golfer’s entry fee covers 18 holes of golf with cart, lunch, on course events, dinner and awards – submit registrations and fees to confirm participation. Foursomes and individual golfers are welcome (we will assign you to a team). All proceeds benefit Lions Charities. Details will be coming soon. If you wish to become a hole sponsor, donate a prize, or participate in this years outing, call or fax us at 414-228-4402 or email us.
Strawberry Festival
During Cedarburg's citywide Strawberry Festival, the fourth full weekend of June each year. While the historic City of Cedarburg is known for many things, the strawberry gets it own special weekend during the fourth full weekend in late June. Throughout the downtown, retailers and organizations sell food, refreshments, arts/crafts, and other similar items. Fresh strawberries can be purchased by themselves or in just about any type of edible item.
The Cedarburg Lions Club participates by operating a food court with local musicians playing. Brats, hotdogs, hamburgers, turkey drumsticks, Special Strawberry Wrap, beer, soda, and water are available for purchase. This location is across from the Cedar Creek Settlement and midtown in the public parking lot.
4th of July Parade and Cedar Creek Park Food Tent
Watch our Lions march in the 4th of July Parade, get your chairs on the street early, it's one of the best parades in Wisconsin. After the parade, plan on spending your 4th of July at Cedar Creek Park this year! Bring your friends and family to the city's annual celebration while we do the cooking!
The Cedarburg Lions Club brings food and beverage to you all day long from mid morning until the end of the fireworks at scenic Cedar Creek Park in the heart of downtown Cedarburg. There are live bands all day, food, entertainment, drink and of course fireworks at the end of the civic celebration. Join us for this great family event.
And as always, your food and drink purchases support our great local charities!
Ozaukee County Fair Bingo

Cedarburg Lion's Club Bingo Tent
Cedarburg is the host of the annual Ozaukee County Fair. There is plenty to do ranging from the games and rides in the midway to listening to the bands or viewing the judged competitions for the arts/crafts, livestock, and homemade goods. There is plenty of great food, beer, and other refreshments, as well as a demolition derby. The Cedarburg Lions Bingo tent is a great way to rest your feet, have a refreshment and possibly win some money. Bingo is played during most of the fair and is a fun way to support the local community.
Wine and Harvest Festival
Each year during the third full weekend of September, the historic City of Cedarburg celebrates it's heritage with a Wine & Harvest Festival. Throughout the downtown, retailers and organizations sell food, refreshments, arts/crafts, and other similar items. Bands play and competitions such as a "grape stomping" are held.
The Cedarburg Lions Club participates by operating a food court with local musicians playing. Brats, hamburgers, turkey drumsticks, Special Cranberry Wrap, beer, soda, and water are available for purchase. If you are planning on a visit to Cedarburg, you may want to do it during this weekend. It is a great way to spend a Fall afternoon. Remember to stop by the Lions area (across from the Cedar Creek Settlement or midtown in the public parking lot.).
Cedarburg’s Oktoberfest
A two day weekend event in October. A huge tent will be erected in the Community Center Parking Lot (W63 N641 Washington Avenue) to cover the bands, the dance floor and tables, lending a true Oktoberfest feel. Oktoberfest means authentic German music and the entertainment. Cedarburg Lion’s will serve Currywurst, Bratwurst and Hotdogs. Guests will also find specialty beers