Photo Gallery
Lion Marcia McGinness screens a 9th grader from Carson High
Lion President Ken Haskins and Lion Terry Rubald present a $50 check and a certificate to Peace Poster Contest 1st place winner Oriah Land
Mary Epperson, Lou Skaggs, Sharon, George, Jack Epperson, Marcia McGinness, and Steve Roche help with vision screening.
Lions Klara and C.K. man the See's Candy Trailer
Diane and Terry Roberts, Diane Abbott,,Laura Olsson, Lou & Travis Skaggs wash RSVP vans
Lion Tim Kniffen presents Lion Alisanne Maffei witih Needs Most Improvement trophy at 2024 Pitch, Putt, and Sip event
Lions Lisanne Maffei, DIane Abbott, Diane Roberts, and Mike Miller load film plastics onto trailer for delivery to Trex.
Boxes placed in Carson City elementary schools for the Recycle Eyeglasses Campaign