


The Cardiff Club and its members

We are located in North Cardiff and have been established for nearly 50 years. We currently meet at the Whitchurch Rugby Sports and Social Club (WRSSC) on the first Thursday of every month for business meetings and at other times for social events.

We are a friendly club with about 10 members of varying ages and outlook.Our members come from all walks of life and live across different parts of Cardiff.

We raise money in a number of ways including running stalls at fetes, quiz nights, collections at local supermarkets. We donate mainly to local charities and good causes and also to international organisations.

We try and hold a social/get-together once a month usually a meal or night out or visit an interesting place. We try and keep the costs reasonable and members partners often attend.

Full membership is around £7/month and gives full access to the Cardiff club and Lions International, however we are pleased to welcome volunteers at no cost to help with fund raising and service projects and come to social events by arrangement.

If you would like to meet up please do get in touch.

See contact page for more information. 

Key Members 2020/21

Club President                                 Can Ulugtekin (Jan) 

Club Vice President                         Necdet Uludag

Club Secretary                                 Martyn Williams

Club Treasurer                                 Martyn Williams

Activities Chairman                          TBA

Welfare Chairman                            Harry West














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