The last six months flew by at an incredible pace for me, and just like that, we are at the end of the 2023-2024 Lions year. It was an honour to represent the Lions Club of Barossa Valley as the President for the period 14th January to June 2024. Thank you to Lion Gail Fleming for being our President for the first 6 months of the Li-ons 2023-2024 year. Our handover on the 20th was well attended and we reflected and celebrated the past year with several awards and thank you certificates. It was great to have members from other Lions Clubs there on the night as well Barossa Kiwanis and our guests, Bernie and Helen Conley, Brooke and Mathew Ger-lach and Tony Robinson. I hope everyone had a good night and enjoyed some fellowship with other like minded folk.
It is great to celebrate our achievements and acknowledge members and partners.
Congratulations and thank you to our Award Winners:
Lion Sue Roesler James Richardson Award
Lions Lady Rev Joan Reed Lions Members Partners Keith Davis Award
Lion Stuart Jones Club Person of the Year Don Heidrich Award
Bernie and Helen Conley Lions Achievement Award
Brooke Gerlach for support and help with our catering events including the VJMC event
Barossa Fresh for their ongoing support and help with our catering requirements
We also recognised and toasted Lion Moss and Lion Lady Sharon Munchenberg’s 60th Wedding Anniversary, which was on this day, as well as Lion Tony Gerlach’s Birthday on the night, congratulations, hope you all celebrated extremely well.
Sadly, we also lost two members of our Lions community in recent times being Lions Lady Sue La Nauze and Lion Rev. Tony Chapman. Thank you to all Lions members who attended both funerals. Lion John Falland pre-sented a wonderful heart felt presentation for Lion Tony Chapman at both our works meeting and at our handover thank you Lion John Falland.
May we long remember their contributions to the Lions Club of Barossa Valley.
Our sincere condolences go to both our late members families on this sad occasion.
Lion Guy Martin has advised that the large tree out the front of our Tinkers Shed has split down the middle. As a result, the Barossa Village management is negotiating with the authorities on what is the best way to make this tree safe. As it is heritage listed and needs professional advise on how to deal with making it safe, it can-not just be cut down.
At our first works meeting we will need to discuss forming a committee for managing the VJMC event in 2025, please consider being involved in the actual catering over the three days or serving on the committee.
We also need to decide if you want to continue with the donations to the three charity groups for the Lions year 2024-2025.
I look forward to working with you all and your contributions over the next 12 months as we navigate our way through the Lions Year to SERVE our community.
Cheers Ray Brussow
It’s that time of the year when we pause to reflect upon our past, celebrate our achievements and acknowledge members and part-ners.
Congratulations to Lion David Marshall, who was made a life member of Lions International.
It has been an interesting 6 months with Tinkers Shed activities, Football Gates at both Nuriootpa and Tanunda, Mitre 10 BBQs, Barossa Fresh Christmas BBQ, Lions Cakes and Christmas Stocking sales, Carers and Disability BBQ, Japanese Vintage Motorcycle Club catering over 3 days, Driver Reviver duties, Youth of the Year State final at the Vine Inn, Sir Condor Laucke Oration, ANZAC Day Gun-fire breakfast, various fun events, and of course Works and Dinner Meetings.
A very big thank you to all the Lions and Lions Partners who organ-ised, managed, worked, and contributed in any way to the above.
I take this opportunity to thank Lion Gail Fleming for being our Presi-dent for the period June 2023-January 2024.
The executive committee for your support and help over the last 6 months, without whose help we would not have achieved what we have. Thank you, Lion Tom Wauer, Lion Trevor Schmidt, Lion David Marshall, Lion Guy Martin, Past President Lion Paul Sumsion, for your advice, help and support as we navigated through the last 6 months.
Lion Dennis Cox for being our Bulletin editor extraordinaire, not an easy task but done with pride and good humor.
Thank you to all the Lions and Lions Partners who performed lead tasks and roles during the last 6 months ensuring our meetings, activi-ties, events, fund raising, and support functions ran successfully.
I would like to sincerely thank all Club Members and their Partners for the continued support and efforts to ensure we SERVE the communi-ty, that we live, work and play in.
The Vine Inn management and staff for their ongoing support and ser-vice.
Thank you all,
Ray Brussow
Tinkers Shed Report
We missed Tuesday 18th this Month due an unforeseen occurrence! On arrival the previous week it was noticed that the large Gum Tree, just outside the Shed, was making creaking noises. On investigation it was found to have a split between two major branches that extended through the trunk to the ground. To cut a long story short, Barossa Village has removed the tree, and we are back to work. Many Thanks to Barossa Village for the prompt and safe removal of the tree which could have caused significant damage to the Shed and our people.
Guy Martin - Chairman
The Tinkers shed has had another good year thanks to support from the members of the Lions Club of Barossa Valley.
We have had interest from several potential new members with people coming in for a few sessions to see how they go. I am sure we will see some permanent members from this, as we have received positive comments.
The members have completed a number of projects for local businesses and the Commu-nity, to help reduce our expenses. We manufactured a new set of Bowling Pins, turned up from Aussie Red Wood, for the Kegel Club, Wine Glass Paddles for Redhead Wines, and several minor furniture repairs etc for the Public.
There have been a few improvements to the shed carried out this year, with an outside Power point being installed, a new Router table being commissioned and the donation and installation of a Pedestal Drill.
Again, this year’s Melbourne Cup Lunch fund raiser was great success and a credit to all concerned, of course the highlight was the Tinkers Shed Cup!
Lions have again started to use the Shed for club board and committee meetings, it is an ideal venue as it has all the facilities we require and saves members having use their homes, good to see.
Looking forward to another good year with President Ray.
Guy Martin
Tinkers Shed Chairman
ANZAC Day Service at NURIOOTPA 25th April 2024
Cooking and serving the Gunfire Breakfast
Lion Scotty Milne laying the wreath for the Lions Club of Barossa Valley
L to R Club President Ray Brussow and Lion John Reed some of the master chefs
More master chefs L to R Lions Stuart Jones, John Falland Guy Martin and Trevor Irrgang
Getting ready to serve - Lions Lynette Brew, Sue Roesler and Lions Lady Rose Wauer
Caters for
Nuriootpa Big 4 Barossa Caravan Park
15/16/17 MARCH 2024
Friday Dinner: Two BBQs (WMS & Shed Happens) started sizzling away at 4.00pm, in the Scout Hall, to feed 187 hungry members of the Vintage Japanese Motorcycle Club at 7.00pm in the hub of the Nuriootpa Big 4 Barossa Tourist Park. Five (5) meats served with five (5) salads and bread rolls.
Saturday Breakfast: BBQs up and running by 5.30am to provide bacon, eggs, sausages, hashbrowns and tomatoes to 115 bikers together with toast and orange juice at 7.30am before the first of their two rides through the Barosssa Valley.
Saturday Lunch: Roast chicken, salads and bread rolls were served to 167 bikies at 12.30pm.
Sunday Breakfast: BBQs up and running by 5.30am to provide bacon, eggs, sausages, hashbrowns and tomatoes to 102 bikers together with toast and orange juice at 7.30am.
All meals were prepared and served with care. Much laughter was had when interacting with the wonderful VJMC members – a great group of very appreciative people.
Much coffee and tea was consumed over the weekend.
Approximately 140 bikes took off for their first ride, on Saturday, which was a sight to behold … quite exciting.
Scout Hall Crew: Ray Brussow, John Reed, Trevor Irrgang, Joan Reed, Guy Martin, Tom Wauer with Wayne Fleming shuttling food and drinks to the hub.
Hub Crew: Joe Vikor, Marlene Rose, Maureen Altus, Edith Dawson, Lyn Brew, Gail Fleming, Trevor Schmidt.
Cold room was hired from Rotary and delivered to the Scout Hall. The hot box was collected from Barossa Hire and installed on the back of the ute for the shuttling of hot food, drinks and whatever was required from one location to the other.
All in all, a very successful event which was enjoyed by all.
Report and Photo's
Gail Fleming
Lions Chefs: Lions John Reed, Trevor Irrgang and Ray Brussow (President)
Club President Ray Brussow issuing instructions
Quality sizzling steaks on the BBQ
Meal ready to be served
F/left: Lions Edith Dawson, Maureen Altus, Marlene Rose (Lions Lady) and Sue Roesler
Serving breakfast - St Patrick's Day
Some of the team F/Left: Lions Lady Marlene Rose, Lions Gail Fleming, Edith Dawson, Sue Roesler, Maureen Altus and Lynette Brew
" St Patrick's Day" Team members from left: Lions Sue Roesler,Edith Dawson, Joe Viker Team Leader, Marlene Rose and Maureen Altus
Team members enjoying their breakfast

The Lions Club of Barossa Valley held their November Dinner Meeting at St Johns Lutheran Church Hall at Kapunda on the 16th of November 2023. An excellent meal was prepared and served by the St Johns ladies which included a self serve dessert table of many sumptuous desserts to choose from.
Stephen van der Wijngaart, husband of Lion Kat van der Wijngaart was inducted into membership of our club by Lion John Reed and his wife Kat his sponsor. Welcome to the club Steve.
The two CAROLS: Carol de Vries Van Leeuwen and Carol Urkko from Open Door Uniting Care Kapunda were the guest speakers who addressed the meeting about the activities of Open Door Uniting Care and their service to those in need in their district.
Lions Maureen Altus and Edith Dawson organised the venue and guest speakers for the meeting. Many thanks to them for a most enjoyable occasion.
Lion John Reed inducting Stephen van de Wijngaart with his wife sponsor Lion Kat
Lion Scotty Milne thanking the guest speakers Carol de Vries Van Leeuwen and Carol Urkko