Helen Keller attended the Lions Club Convention in 1925 and challenged the Lions members to become Knights of the Blind.
We accepted that challenge to help rid the world of treatable blindness.
Recycling of old Eye Glasses was the first project of the Louisiana Lions took on until Members focused their energy to obtain funding for research in Ophthalmology medical field in the late 1960's
Brusly Lions Club still collects eyeglasses to recycle to help others see that cant obtain Glasses.
You can drop off your glasses at the following locations:
Wal-Mart * Daniels Pharmacy * Bourg's Pharmacy * Stevens Pharmacy * WBR Library * Addis Town Hall or you can give to any Lions Club Member
For Eye Care Needs you can contact Melvin Abbott at 225-200-3561
Louisiana Cub Sight was started in 1999 to help screen childrens eye for early detection of Eye Diseases and to treat them early on.
Brusly Lions Club screens children through the WBR School System Headstart Program ages 1-6 years of age. Day Cares, Kindergarten, and other venues where we have the ability to screen Children we take advantage. We screen over 700 kids annually and send over the results of our screenings to the Cub Sight Program for further evaluation. This is all done with a specialized Camera that takes pictures of the pupils with no invasion or drops and takes approx 1 minute to complete
For Cub Sight Information.....contact John Gossman at 225-749-3898