



​Click the QR code below to donate to the Brookings Harbor Lions.  Your donation is tax deductible and 100% of all proceeds goes to support the local community.




Brookings-Harbor Lions Club

President  GARY BAXTER  July 2021 ~ June 2022 "Kindness in Community"



July 14, 2021 BHLC Installation ~ Zola's on the Water


Brookings-Harbor Lions Club 

Celebrating 70 years of Service to our Community
Chartered on January 10, 1953
Our Motto is "We Serve"


  Since 1917 local Lions clubs have offered people just like you the opportunity to give something back to their community.  Lions are an International organization of 1.4 million men and women in 210 countries who work together to answer the needs that challenge communities.


As a member of a Lions club you become aware of the needs of our community and have the advantage to effectively make a difference.  Our club provides volunteers with project management assistance, leadership training, personal development opportunities and organized fundraising programs.  Being a Lion empowers you to help others in a way that no one person can do alone.

Now, more than ever, people with vision problems, the environment, our senior community, our youth and the disadvantaged around the world need your help.  You can make a difference.  By participating in our local Lions club you can help meet pressing needs in our community and around the world.


****  The satisfaction that comes from helping the less fortunate.
****  The opportunity to share in the growth of our community.
****  New friends who share common goals.
****  Fun meetings with occasional visits to other clubs.
****  Fellowship shared with other members.
****  Interesting and educational meetings.

If you would like more information or have ideas on how we can further serve our community please join us at one of our meetings or contact...

Mail at P.O. Box 1105  Brookings,OR 97415


The Brookings-Harbor Lions Club meets the 2nd Wednesday (Business/Social meeting) of the month at 6:00Pm at the Chetco Activity Center

Board Meeting starts at 4:00pm on the first Thursday of every month. This meeting rotates locations every month so contact us for current location if you would like to attend. 

Join us at the Chetco Activity Center, 550 Chetco Lane, Brookings, Oregon.



Lions Clubs International is the world's largest service club organization with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas around the world.

Lions Clubs International News
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