
Service Projects:

Holiday bell ringing for The Salvation Army, Holiday and Mum Festival Parades participants, Holiday Family food and gift donations, Zion Lutheran soup kitchen staff, scholarship donations to Bristol high school graduates, eye exams and eyeglasses for the needy, funders of Rockwell Park paddle boats and Middle Street skating rink; hearing assistance and Leo Club sponsorship at Bristol Eastern High School.

Aside from our service activities we also enjoy contributing to the general community, promoting the following activities:

Community Contributions

Donations to the Bristol Lions Low Vision Center on RT 6 in partnership with Bristol Hospital/ large-print book collection development with the Bristol Library/ United Way/ donations to support Connecticut universities' research into eye diseases leading to blindness. 

Community Fundraising Activities

  • Annual Pancake Breakfast
  • Soliani Memorial Golf Tournament in June
  • Casino Bus trips: Spring and Fall


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