
Our Lions Club works for (or donates funds to) a variety of causes, including:

  • Thanksgiving dinner boxes for families in need (with The Salvation Army and Gleaners Food Bank)
  • Eye exams and eyeglasses and hearing aids for people in need
  • The Joe Piersante Memorial Scholarship for Brighton High School seniors
  • Cub Scouts Pack #347
  • Leader Dogs for the Blind
  • Paws for Cause
  • Bear Lake Camp for impaired children
  • Penrickton Center for people with disabilities
  • Brighton Senior Center
  • Kids Wing emergency medical transportation

In order to help support these wonderful causes, we use our volunteer efforts to serve the community and raise funds through the following projects:

ROAR! for Thanksgiving Food Drive

Every November, with the help of the Cub Scouts, we collect donations (cash/credit card) in front of Busch's that are used to purchase food at Gleaners Food Bank for the preparation of Thanksgiving meal boxes.  The funds go right back to your neighbors here in Livingston County.  The final count from the Salvation Army for Thanksgiving Basket Distribution was 125 families.


Lion Bob Iannuzzi Memorial Golf Outing

Every July we host an outing at The Golf Club at Mount Brighton in honor of Lion Bob Iannuzzi. Plans for the 2023 Golf Outing are underway! Proceeds from the outing benefit the Brighton Lions Community Den and our many local projects. 

Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast

Join us on Independence Day at our Community Den for a delicious all you can eat pancake breakfast including sausage, coffee and orange juice. We start serving at 7:30am and continue until 11:00am so that you can enjoy a great breakfast with your friends and family. Each year we also honor the Brighton Fire Department as they join us for a hearty meal.

Candy Cane & White Cane Fundraisers

Each December (Candy Cane) and May (White Cane) our members collect donations outside of Busch's Fresh Food Market in Brighton.  The funds collected are the backbone of our ability to serve the blind and the visually impaired. Look for us giving you a friendly greating and handing out peppermint candies to thank you for your donations.

Collecting eyeglasses and hearing aids

During the past year, the Brighton Lions Club collected thousands of eyeglasses and over 100 hearing aids that will be used to help those in need. The glasses and hearing aids were delivered to the Lions of Michigan state office in Lansing where they will be sorted and categorized. From there, they will eventually be taken to a third world country by trained optometrists, ophthalmologists and opticians where they will be fitted and given to the local residents. The Lions Clubs motto is "We Serve" and this is one of the ways that the Brighton Lions Club, Lions of Michigan and Lions International are able to improve the quality of life of individuals throughout the world. 
Eyeglass were collected at various locations throughout Livingston county. We want to thank all of the individuals that took the time to donate glasses and hearing aids and the locations that accepted the donations. Pictured with boxes filled with glasses and hearing aids are Lion Don Nelson on the left and Lion Harry Carter on the right.

Lion Joseph Piersante Memorial Scholarship

The Brighton Lions Club presents two $1,000 awards to Brighton High School seniors.
Above our winners receiving their check from Lion John Conely.
Become a Lion

The Brighton Lions always welcome new members and volunteers. To learn more about the Lions Club, please join us on the second or fourth Wednesdays of each month:

Second Wednesday - 6:30PM Brighton Lions Community Den, 465 W. Main St. Brighton, MI (Along the RR tracks, behind Casa Tequila restaurant)

Fourth Wednesday 8:15 am at a local Brighton restaurant (please call 810-542-1147 for location).




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