Welcome to the website of the Bridgewater Lions Club, now celebrating our fourth year of serving the Bridgewater community. We are involved in a wide variety of activities and initiatives- come on in and see what the Lions are all about!
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The Bridgewater Lions Club celebrated the holiday season with local senior citizens on Tuesday, November 30, at Bridgewater Senior Citizens Center. Over 200 people attended our multi-faceted program which included eye screenings, presentation of a major gift to the senior citizens center, a choral concert, and birthday cakes.
The event started at 11 AM with the eye screening in the EyeMobile. In addition to Bridgewater Lions several Lions from Somerville Metro club also helped. In addition, two professional ophthalmologists, Dr. Duan and Dr. Sun, and their staff, also joined the event to help with eye exams. The doctors provided follow-up consultation for seniors. For the next few hours, about 30 senior citizens received free eye exams.
We also wanted to give a lasting and practical gift to the Senior Citizen center. In a moment of fun-filled suspense the Bridgewater Lionsunveiled a 50” high-definition TV that the club donated to Bridgewater Senior Center. Adding an emotional component to this event, members of Harmonium, a Classical Choral Society, performed a concert with many familiar holiday tunes. The performance was of professional caliber and their beautiful voices were greatly appreciated by the audience. Sometimes, the audience even joined Harmonium in sing-along.
Before the event was concluded, Lions celebrated with seniors with birthday cakes donated by Lions and Costco, and recognized those senior citizens with November birthdays. It was a happy happenstance that the oldest birthday lady was of the age 93, just like Lions Clubs.
It was a wonderful day that meant so much to the seniors as well Lions and others in attendance. Several VIPs attended from local government. Namely, Somerset County Freeholder Patrick Scaglione and Bridgewater Council President Matt Moench. Also in attendance and making inspirational remarks, were District Governor Michael Hsing [Bridgewater LIONS] and 2nd VDG John Kobland [Cranbury LIONS].
Lastly the following media outlets attended the event and publicized it: The BridgewaterPatch, BReeze, Chinese News Weekly, and ICEPN television.

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