Photo Gallery
County Recognition of 75th Anniversary
Harvey Whitley, International Director of the International Association of Lions Clubs, at our 75th Anniversary Banquet
Original Club Charter on display at 75th Anniversary
Lion John Lindsay and an officer of the Connestee Good Neighbors Assoc. donate a new power chair to Frances Coates, Administrator of the McCune Center
Brevard Lions Club Supports TRH Foundation with a donation toward a new ophthalmic operating microscope
A good crowd gathered around our books, brooms, drinks and snack booths at a recent Street Festival.
Project Leader Lion Ted Fredley and Lion Harvey Miller present the first cell phone reader device to Debbie DeBord at the 70th Anniversary Banquet.
Lions John Lindsay and 2006-07 President Pete Koffman give cell phones to Sheriff David Mahoney
Lion John Lindsay receives the prestigious Jack Stickley award from Past District Governor Tony Dalton
Lion Bill Hair as the club mascot at a street festival