Bremerton Central Lions Club
Lions Park:
For 50 years, the Bremerton Central Lions have continued to participate in the maintenance and improvements to Lions Park.
To date more than $150,000 in materials and labor have been contributed. In 2017 our Foundation donated $48,000 to the Bremerton Parks and Recreation Department to fund this climbing structure for children.
Salvation Army Bellringers:
On a Saturday every year in December, club members replace Salvation Army Bellringers at one of their locations in Bremerton, relieving the Army of the necessity of paying others on that day. We have raised thousands of dollars to help our community in need.
Bremerton-Kure, Japan Sister City Program:
Under the Sister City program, we sponsor the exchange each year of three students from the community, while hosting three students from Kure, Japan. Lions are in the interview and selection process and pay one-half of the transportation costs of the Bremerton students. Every five years, adults from Bremerton and Kure also conduct exchange visits.
Vision Screening:
Our club members donate many hours doing vision screening at local elementary schools on a regular basis throughout the year. We have helped hundeds of children discover issues with their eyesight, helping them perform better in school.
For many years, our club hosts the Northwest Lions Health Screening Van for screenings for blood pressure, diabetes, hearing, glaucoma and vision at no cost to the community.
In addition to these service projects, our club provides volunteer labor for numerous community projects throughout each year, such as those sponsored by United Way, City of Bremerton and other community service organizations.
White Cane Days
Each May we hold our famous "White Cane" program, soliciting funds for the NW Lions Foundation for Sight and Hearing. This money helps support our Eye Bank in the process of transferring corneal tissue from donors to transplant recipients.